Conversations - Valentine's Day : POTC

Feb 14, 2008 19:18

Title: Conversations Between Lovers, Valentine's Day Special Edition
Summary: Modern Day AU; another in the arc- a Special: Valentine's Day
Pairing: Grovette
Genre: POTC - Romance
Rating: PG-13
Author: Rebecca (alienstars2004 / Blueberry Pancakes)
Feedback: Yes, please.
Author's Notes:

Valentine’s Day
From Conversations Between Lovers

MermaidsFlame (11:30 AM): I’m a broken record, these days.

TeddyBare: what’re you talking about, love?

MermaidsFlame: It’s the same thing. You’re off to some distant place. We can’t even phone each other half the time. We’re IMing for bloody sake.

MermaidsFlame: …And I’m always saying how much I miss you. And how much I want you here, with me.

TeddyBare: I know, babe… I miss you too. I miss you like crazy.

MermaidsFlame: *kiss*

TeddyBare: :)

TeddyBare: tell me what you’re doing right now, love.

MermaidsFlame: …sitting on my arse in front of the laptop.

TeddyBare: …

MermaidsFlame: What? You asked. What’d you think I’d be doing?

TeddyBare: I was just… expecting something much more romantic than that…

MermaidsFlame: You woke up at the crack of dawn when you left this morning. I haven’t gotten dressed. I haven’t even showered.

TeddyBare: so you’re sitting on your arse in front of the laptop, wearing your pajamas?

MermaidsFlame: pretty much.

MermaidsFlame: And Stasie’s just jumped up into my lap. And iTunes is on.

MermaidsFlame: I’m sorry your lover’s so boring.

TeddyBare: only on his days off.

TeddyBare: *dodges swipe* Just kidding, love. You’re not boring. I was just a bit surprised, today. You know I wouldn’t care what you’re doing, or what you’re wearing… you’re still the most handsome and perfect man I’ve ever met.

TeddyBare: don’t pretend you’re not smiling right now, cause I know you are.

MermaidsFlame: damn, you caught me…

TeddyBare: I am just that special, I guess.

MermaidsFlame: Sure… special…

TeddyBare: I’m your Teddy.

MermaidsFlame: You are.

TeddyBare: and you, my dearest love, are my everything.

MermaidsFlame: I’m going to sound like a broken record again, but I am one, so it doesn’t really matter. I want my other half here. *whines*

TeddyBare: You don’t know what I’d do to be there. And you’re so cute when you pout like that…

MermaidsFlame: Happy Valentine’s Day, eh?

TeddyBare: Happy Singles Awareness Day.

MermaidsFlame: when I was sixteen, I made a vow that I would spend my eighteenth Valentine’s Day with someone. Or get piss drunk from the depression of still lacking a romantic companion.

TeddyBare: you spent that Valentine’s Day with me…

MermaidsFlame: getting piss drunk.

TeddyBare: :/

MermaidsFlame: *laughs* Teddy… we weren’t together then.

TeddyBare: I know.

TeddyBare: what the hell was wrong with us?

TeddyBare: Even James had a bloody girlfriend that year…

MermaidsFlame: We probably had more fun that he did, anyway.

TeddyBare: She was kind of a bitch, wasn’t she?

MermaidsFlame: That’s being generous.

TeddyBare: You seriously had it out for her… from the start…

MermaidsFlame: I could see in an instant that she was a fake. You know as soon as she found out most of his assets were in stocks and stuff and not liquid cash she was out of there.

MermaidsFlame: Gold digging bimbo.

TeddyBare: I think you may be more bitter than James. It’s not like you were dating her… or James…

MermaidsFlame: I get protective of my friends.

MermaidsFlame (11:46 AM): And what do you mean… dating James?

TeddyBare (11:46 AM): oh, nothing.

MermaidsFlame (11:46 AM): Liar.

TeddyBare (11:49 AM): I don’t know… Back then… I guess I was a bit jealous, that’s all.

MermaidsFlame: Jealous of what?

TeddyBare: Of James.

MermaidsFlame: …why?

TeddyBare: I thought he had the one thing that I truly wanted.

MermaidsFlame: a gold digger girlfriend?

TeddyBare: No.

TeddyBare: god no.

TeddyBare: You, And’. I thought he had you.

MermaidsFlame: Teddy… What are you talking about? James doesn’t… James had a bloody girlfriend, what would he want with me?

TeddyBare: It wasn’t that. I just meant… I meant that I thought you were head over heals for him. He obviously didn’t seem to notice, but big surprise there, he’s James.

MermaidsFlame: You actually thought I was after James?

TeddyBare: You make it sound like it was some sort of game… I’m serious. I thought you honestly really liked him. Loved him, even.

MermaidsFlame: I did… I do… but only as a friend. We’ve know each other for years. We went to middle school together.

TeddyBare: I know. But the way you two were always together. You were always there, always…

MermaidsFlame: You thought I was crushing on James, then?

TeddyBare (12:03 PM): Yes.

TeddyBare (12:05 PM): That’s why I never made a move, for so long.

TeddyBare (12:07 PM): …And’?

MermaidsFlame (12:07 PM): I’m here.

TeddyBare: okay… don’t… just… don’t not answer after I say something like that. it’s… it’s really… not a good feeling.

MermaidsFlame: Sorry, love. I… I was just thinking.

TeddyBare: oh.

MermaidsFlame: What made you make your move, as you put it, then? If you didn’t before, because you thought I wanted James.

TeddyBare: I’d tried dating around, as you know. But after every time I just knew it wasn’t what I wanted. So finally I knew I just had to go for it. I knew it’d be worse if I’d never heard you say “no.”

MermaidsFlame: You would have rather faced what you thought was certain rejection…

TeddyBare: I had to hear it from you. Until you, and no one but you, told me it would never happen, there was still a chance.

MermaidsFlame: …oh god.

TeddyBare: What?!

MermaidsFlame: That… that all just makes my immediate… response… so much more… mortifying.

TeddyBare: oh, oh good… Dear god, And’- for a second you honestly scared me, there…

MermaidsFlame: Ugh, sorry again. Never my intention, babe.

TeddyBare: how does it make it… more mortifying? What, it wasn’t that bad…

MermaidsFlame: I was sick on your shoes, Teddy. Must you make me re-live that moment?

TeddyBare: You were pretty under the weather…

MermaidsFlame: I was beyond “under the weather.” I was *dying*, Teddy. What possessed you to show up at my flat at almost ten at night when you knew I had the flu?

TeddyBare: I finally worked up my nerve! If I didn’t go for it, I’d never work it up again!

MermaidsFlame: That’s your excuse for causing the most mortifying experience of my life?!

TeddyBare: It couldn’t have been *that* bad… I wasn’t upset about it…

MermaidsFlame: I don’t give a bloody damn if you were or not! I was!

TeddyBare: It all worked out in the end…

MermaidsFlame: It was still the most horrifying experience of my life. My life, Teddy. MY LIFE.

TeddyBare: It almost was for me. but then I realized by the look on your face that it wasn’t because of the question I asked, it was just because you had the flu.

MermaidsFlame: I fail to see how this compares.

TeddyBare: I kept you from face planting into the toilet for the rest of the night… doesn’t that count for something?

MermaidsFlame: I never said I didn’t appreciate it, Teddy.

MermaidsFlame: And we’re done with this topic. If you didn’t run for the hills after that, then I guess we passed the first hurdle the first night. Now let’s never speak of this again.

TeddyBare: aww… you mean we can’t tell the kids how we first got together?

MermaidsFlame: we don’t have any bloody kids, Teddy. And we’re certainly not telling my kids at school…

TeddyBare: I meant James’s kids. They are our godchildren, after all.


TeddyBare: James knows.

MermaidsFlame: SINCE WHEN?!

TeddyBare: now who’s abusing caps lock? He came by the next day to check on you… I was outside using the hose on my shoes… he kinda put two and two together.

MermaidsFlame: oh god…

TeddyBare: we can drop the subject now, if you want.

MermaidsFlame: yes, please.

TeddyBare: But one last thing- if I was willing to stick it out through that, and again, it wasn’t just because we were friends… I would have been there for you as a friend, but after I told you… Everything I did was because I loved you.

MermaidsFlame: Teddy…

TeddyBare: Love you, And’.

MermaidsFlame (12:20 PM): I love you too, Teddy.

MermaidsFlame (12:23 PM): okay… I can’t hold it back. I want you here. I don’t want to spend Valentine’s Day alone.

A deep voice came from behind him, warm breath ticking his ear, “You don’t have to.”

Andrew screamed. He jumped from his seat, muscles taunt and rigid. The chair rolled back on its wheels, flinging back into Theodore, who was standing behind it. Stasie, who had been napping comfortably in Andrew’s lap was rudely awakened and catapulted into the desk, ultimately ending up on the floor. She disappeared with a loud and angry yowl and a flash of red.

Andrew whirled around, eyes wide as saucers. “JESUS BLOODY CHRIST!” He screeched. “THEODORE THOMAS GROVES!”

Theodore, taken back, though not as much as his lover, breathed hard, rubbing his chin where the chair back had forced his jaw unexpectedly closed.

“What the bloody hell are you doing? You were trying to scare the living bloody hell out of me?” Andrew demanded, still breathing fast and hard.

“I wath bloody tryinth ta sthruprise you!”

Andrew stared, “What?”

Theodore glared.

“Teddy… I can’t understand a word you’re saying…” Andrew shook his head.

“You made me biiite meh tothongue!”

Andrew stared for a moment longer. “Oh!”

Theodore shot him a humorless half-smile.

“What? How the hell did I make you bite your tongue?”

“The bloody cth… chair…” Theodore rubbed his jaw for emphasis. “It hit me. When you ‘umped.”

“Because you bloody came up behind me out of bloody no where!” Andrew crossed his arms defiantly. “You only left this morning… I was alone in the house and then all of a sudden there’s a voice in my ear and a hand on my shoulder! What the hell else did you expect me to do?!”

“I wasth trying to surprise you.”

“Well you certainly accomplished that!” Eventually, Andrew’s breathing began to slow again. “How… how are you back? I thought you weren’t going to be-”

Theodore pressed forward and kissed him, taking Andrew’s head in his hands.


Andrew swallowed. “You got out of it?”

Theodore smiled, “I’d do anything to be here, wif you.”

“But… but you were just… on IM…”

“I was outside. The wireless works out there.”

“For all this time?”

“I had to wait for a good pause… Why do you think I asked you what you were doing? I wanted to know where you were… and if you had the music on… cause you tend to become oblivious to all else when the music is on.”

“O-oh…” Andrew nodded, dumbly.

Theodore kissed him softly again. He could feel the rapid, fluttery beat of Andrew’s heart against him. “I’m sorry I scared you.”

“It’s all right…” Andrew sighed, leaning into him. He breathed deeply, taking in the subtle scent of cologne and Theodore.

“Happy Valentine’s Day.”

Andrew laughed, “Happy Valentine’s Day to you too, Teddy.”

The End

grovette, pirates of the caribbean, slash, fic

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