Conversations Between Lovers 4/? : POTC

Feb 10, 2008 19:48

Title: Conversations Between Lovers, IV/?
Summary: Modern Day AU; in tune with the phone conversations world and idea, this is an IM conversation between Andrew and Theo
Valentine's Day
Pairing: Grovette
Genre: POTC - Romance
Rating: NC-17
Author: Rebecca (alienstars2004 / Blueberry Pancakes)
Feedback: Yes, please.
Author's Notes: So, the original idea/thought that brought me to start these IM fics has finally gotten itself down on paper: Cybersex. Frankly, it still confuses me, and it was really hard to write. Hopefully, it turned out all right.

Conversation IV
MermaidsFlame (9:45 PM): See, you aren’t the only one to start a conversation.

TeddyBare: *waves flag*

MermaidsFlame: Wow, that was enthusiastic.

TeddyBare: I’m on a business trip… yet another business trip… Why must the put us in places that are out of service range? I’m only getting wireless cause I’m at the hotel. You’d think there wouldn’t be a problem here, but noooo…

MermaidsFlame: So our conversations are costing a fortune, then?

TeddyBare: not really. Plus, company’s picking it up. And I am using it for legit business as well. Not that they really care.

MermaidsFlame: So… how are things in… wherever the hell you are.

TeddyBare: same as it’s been for the past week. I can’t wait to get out of here. I don’t really dislike it here, I just really wish this particular trip were over.

TeddyBare: I’m tired of working. I want my few days of unofficial vacation I get post-trip.

MermaidsFlame: Poor baby… :’(

TeddyBare: it’s not that I’m lazy, I just don’t care.

MermaidsFlame: We have to get James to watch that movie.

TeddyBare: yes, yes we do.

TeddyBare: call him and ask him if he’s free next weekend.

TeddyBare: then tell him that it doesn’t matter because we’re commandeering him for a few hours and he’s going to watch it.

MermaidsFlame: I’m not going to call him and tell him that. Even if he did know you told me to.

TeddyBare: fine, but we’re making him watch it, somehow.

MermaidsFlame: It’s James- we just have to ask.

TeddyBare: when *was* the last time we saw him?

MermaidsFlame: …two days before you left…

TeddyBare: really? Where were we?

MermaidsFlame: At Will and Elizabeth’s house…

TeddyBare: oh, right. Now I remember.

MermaidsFlame: (we were over there because Will finally finished the deck and she was ecstatic.)

TeddyBare: right.

MermaidsFlame: I read your mind for your next question.

TeddyBare: I thought I felt something…

MermaidsFlame: …

TeddyBare: :-D

MermaidsFlame (10:20 PM): *shakes head*

TeddyBare (10:25 PM): Three days.

MermaidsFlame: Hmm?

TeddyBare: Three days until I get to see your beautiful eyes looking back at me in the arrivals terminal…

MermaidsFlame: You’re so sweet, Teddy…

TeddyBare: I can’t wait. I want to be at home again. Or anywhere. So long as I’m with you.

MermaidsFlame: I do have a surprise in store for you when you come home…

TeddyBare: ooh… I like the sound of that… ;)

MermaidsFlame: and I think it just might be better than post-business-trip sex.

TeddyBare: nothing’s better than post-business-trip sex.

TeddyBare: well, almost nothing.

MermaidsFlame: This might be.

TeddyBare: now you’ve got my interest peaked… what is it that you’ve got up your sleeve, And’?

MermaidsFlame: If I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it, Teddy?

TeddyBare: you can’t just leave me hanging!

MermaidsFlame: watch me, love.

TeddyBare (10:38 PM): but… but… no… not fair…

TeddyBare (10:41 PM): *pouts*

MermaidsFlame: you’re cute when you pout.

TeddyBare: you’re not going to even give me a clue?!?!!

MermaidsFlame: I already did.

TeddyBare: Nuh-uh!

MermaidsFlame: I said it might be better than post-business-trip sex. That’s all you get. You’ll just have to wait three more days to find out anything more.

TeddyBare: …this is so not nice.

MermaidsFlame: all the better.

MermaidsFlame: you always did say you liked it when I was naughty…

TeddyBare: pfeh… yah, when I’m bloody *there*! When I’m not it’s just cruel.

MermaidsFlame: Mm… is there anyway I can make it up to you, m’dear?

TeddyBare: perhaps… *wiggles eyebrows*

MermaidsFlame: Oh? Do continue…

TeddyBare: what are you wearing?

MermaidsFlame: well, I was wearing a shirt and jeans…

TeddyBare: was?

MermaidsFlame: getting ready for bed…

TeddyBare: bed? So early?

MermaidsFlame: I never said anything about sleeping.

TeddyBare: *grin* I like where this is going…

MermaidsFlame: hm, do you?

TeddyBare: such a tease.

MermaidsFlame: I haven’t even gotten started, love.

TeddyBare: what are we waiting for?

MermaidsFlame: mm… I don’t know- what are you waiting for? I’ve already gotten myself comfortable…

TeddyBare: comfortable, huh? What’re you doing right now?

MermaidsFlame: leaning back on the pillows, stretching out in bed.

TeddyBare: that full-body cat stretch that drives me mad and makes me want you right then and there?

MermaidsFlame: none other.

TeddyBare: you’re already sending shivers down my spine, And’…

MermaidsFlame: that’s the idea, isn’t it?

TeddyBare: cheeky bastard.

MermaidsFlame: *smiles innocently*

MermaidsFlame: just keep thinking about what you’ll be coming home to in a few days…

TeddyBare: god I miss you.

MermaidsFlame: don’t think about that now. Think about me.

TeddyBare: I’m always thinking of you…

MermaidsFlame: then let’s have a little fun.

MermaidsFlame: take off your pants.

TeddyBare: forward tonight, are we darling?

MermaidsFlame: If I can grab you tie and pull you to me, then you, Mr. Groves, are far too overdressed…

TeddyBare: oh the tie’s already followed suit with my pants, forgotten on the floor.

MermaidsFlame: well that’s more like it. now you’re catching up to me.

TeddyBare: and what are you wearing, my dear Andrew?

MermaidsFlame: except the smile you love so much? Nothing.

TeddyBare: it seems a pity to be lying in our bed naked and not making the most of it.

MermaidsFlame: a bit slow tonight, are we, love? I never said I was just lying here. Where would be the fun in that?

MermaidsFlame: believe me, I’m already making the most of the moment…

TeddyBare: *shivers* and why are you keeping all this from me? how are you touching yourself?

MermaidsFlame: you answer first.

TeddyBare: I can feel your breath against me.

MermaidsFlame: and what am I doing?

TeddyBare: breathing hard. This is only one round in many…

MermaidsFlame: I hope it’s not the last.

TeddyBare: anything but, love.

MermaidsFlame: don’t stop…

TeddyBare: I caught you by surprise this time… your chest is already heaving, I can feel it pressing against mine.

MermaidsFlame: how are you touching me?

TeddyBare: how do you want me to, love?

MermaidsFlame: you know how to touch me, Teddy.

TeddyBare: I love it when you squirm underneath me…

TeddyBare: …as I work my way down your chest… soft little kisses against your hot skin… tickling your belly.

MermaidsFlame: god, Teddy…

MermaidsFlame: take me

MermaidsFlame: take me please…

TeddyBare: patience. You’re moaning… arching your back as I tease you…

MermaidsFlame: enough teasing ! my legs are around your waist, puling you close.

TeddyBare: hold me tight And’.

MermaidsFlame: I will never let you go. oh, Teddy…

TeddyBare: this round is hard and fast. You’re tight around me… like it is everyime we make love.

MermaidsFlame: hard and fast…

TeddyBare: yes.

MermaidsFlame: fuck teddy

TeddyBare: are you ready?

MermaidsFlame: oh god… almost there… I’m close, Teddy…

TeddyBare: how close?

MermaidsFlame: bloody hell

TeddyBare: wild. fast. deep.

MermaidsFlame: my teeth graze your lip as you kiss me hard. hard as your thrusts.

TeddyBare: your legs tight around me… when you come you clench down. One final thrust and I’m coming hard…

MermaidsFlame: your breathing is ragged in my ear

TeddyBare: we kiss again, and I lay my head down on you chest… listening to your rapid heartbeat, still buried to the hilt inside you.

MermaidsFlame: mm, Teddy…

TeddyBare: yes, love?

MermaidsFlame: I love you.

MermaidsFlame: I can’t say it enough.

TeddyBare: neither can I. I love you too, And’. Always.

MermaidsFlame (12:12 PM): always.

TeddyBare (12:18 PM): sleep well tonight, won’t you, And’?

MermaidsFlame: I will now, babe.

TeddyBare: :) I’m glad.

MermaidsFlame: and now you can have dirty bad fun dreams of us…

TeddyBare: the next best thing, if I can’t have you lying by my side.

MermaidsFlame: Just three more days, love.

TeddyBare: where have I heard that before?

MermaidsFlame: I’m sure you’ve heard if from some cheeky bastard before.

TeddyBare: my cheeky bastard.

MermaidsFlame: but of course, love.

TeddyBare: shall I give you a final kiss goodnight?

MermaidsFlame: do you have to ask?

TeddyBare: sweet dreams, babe.

MermaidsFlame: goodnight.
TeddyBare has signed off at 6:48 PM

grovette, pirates of the caribbean, slash, fic

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