Conversations Between Lovers 2/? : POTC

Feb 08, 2008 21:55

Title: Conversations Between Lovers II/?
Summary: Modern Day AU; in tune with the phone conversations world and idea, this is an IM conversation between Andrew and Theo
Valentine's Day
Pairing: Grovette
Genre: POTC - Romance
Rating: PG-13
Author: Rebecca (alienstars2004 / Blueberry Pancakes)
Feedback: Yes, please.
Author's Notes: These are kind of extensive, so bear with me...
I included the timestamp when it was important- ie to show pauses, quick responses, etc., also to designate the beginning and end times of each conversation. If it's there, there's a reason, if not, then it's just as you please.
I also tried to make them as realistic as possible- the lack of capitals, CAPS LOCK, italics, bolds, emotes, etc. Each Andrew and Theo kind of developed their own style of IMing, it seems...
Though this should be kinda obvious, Andrew is MermaidsFlame and Theo is TeddyBare (I was way proud of that one. :P)

TeddyBare (2:10 AM): now what’s such a divine strumpet such as yourself doing awake at a time like this?

MermaidsFlame: …

MermaidsFlame: Do you always start out conversations like that?

TeddyBare: only with you

MermaidsFlame: I see.

TeddyBare: I have to admit, I didn’t think I’d catch you tonight.

MermaidsFlame: Well, here I am.

TeddyBare: indeed you are.

TeddyBare (2:16 AM): you seem… what’s the word? Snarkier than usual. Everything allr ight?

MermaidsFlame (2:20 AM): One of the kids asked if I was married, today.

TeddyBare (2:21 AM): heh. Kids- they ask such things. what’d you say?

MermaidsFlame (2:23 AM): I told her no.

TeddyBare (2:24 AM): well, it’s the truth.

TeddyBare (2:27 AM): And’?

TeddyBare (2:29 AM): And’… love, are you all right?

MermaidsFlame (2:30 AM): yah…

TeddyBare (2:30 AM): I know you’re lying. Come on, love… what’s wrong?

TeddyBare (2:32 AM): is it because of what she asked? …or how you answered?

MermaidsFlame (2:34 AM): Both…

TeddyBare (2:34 AM): Babe… You told the truth. There isn’t a Mrs. Gillette out there… at least there’d better not be. *narrows eyes*

MermaidsFlame (2:34 AM): It’s not funny, Teddy.

TeddyBare (2:35 AM): All right.

TeddyBare (2:36 AM): what about it’s bothering you? She asked if you were married… kids ask adults that. She was probably just curious.

MermaidsFlame (2:37 AM): Probably.

TeddyBare (2:37 AM): can’t blame her for being curious. Who was it? I’m sure she just likes you… well, all your kids like you, but still.

MermaidsFlame: It was Julie. Short, black hair, always in braids, I think she might have some Spanish blood in her.

TeddyBare: Oh yah, I know her. She was in the class picture, right? Next to that one kid… David?

MermaidsFlame: That’s her.

TeddyBare: as I recall, she’s quite star-struck with you. (and don’t pretend you’re not smiling right now, cause I know you are.)

MermaidsFlame: you’ve got me there.

TeddyBare: so… would it have mattered if anyone else had asked? Any of the kids, I mean?

MermaidsFlame: no.

TeddyBare: all right… So she asked, you said no… then what happened? She ask you if you had a girlfriend, or something?

MermaidsFlame: no. She looked sad… and asked if I was lonely.

TeddyBare: oh… and what’d you say to that?

MermaidsFlame: I handled it well. Put on a smile and told her no, I was happy.

TeddyBare: which is all true… at least, I assume so.

MermaidsFlame: It’s true.

TeddyBare: no lies being spun here to catch yourself up in later… so far I’m not seeing any potential problems with this…

TeddyBare: but somehow her question got to you, and how you answered it did, so… what else is there, love?

MermaidsFlame: *heavy sigh*

TeddyBare (2:55 AM): talk to me, babe. Take a deep breath and tell me what’s wrong.

MermaidsFlame (2:57 AM): I don’t know. I just… It got to me.

TeddyBare (2:58 AM): *nods* all right. Do you know why? You said she looked sad when you said no…

MermaidsFlame (2:59 AM): yah, but that wasn’t really what did it.

TeddyBare (2:59 AM): Fair enough.

TeddyBare (3:04 AM): You know this talking thing? works best when you talk, too.

MermaidsFlame (3:04 AM): I know, Teddy. I’m… I’m kinda tired right now.

TeddyBare: You want to go to bed, and we can talk about this tomorrow? I can track down a payphone or something…

MermaidsFlame: No, don’t worry about it. this is fine.

TeddyBare: You sure, babe?

MermaidsFlame: yah. It’s just more trouble than it’s worth.

TeddyBare: not for you it isn’t.

MermaidsFlame: that’s sweet, but… no, it’s all right, really. We can keep talking like this.

TeddyBare: all right. So long as you’re okay. I hate to know you’re upset… especially when I can’t be there.

MermaidsFlame: don’t worry about me, Teddy.

TeddyBare: can’t help it. part of being the lover.

MermaidsFlame: :)

TeddyBare: that’s more like it… Now, come… we can talk through this.

MermaidsFlame (3:07 AM): I don’t know what to say. I don’t know why I took it like this. It’s silly.

TeddyBare (3:07 AM): No it’s not.

TeddyBare (3:09 AM): do you want to be married?

MermaidsFlame (3:10 AM): What?

TeddyBare (3:10 AM): us… do you wish we were married?

MermaidsFlame (3:12 AM): sometimes.

TeddyBare (3:13 AM): *nods… waits for his fiery angel to continue…*

MermaidsFlame: hmm. Sometimes I feel like it matters, sometimes it doesn’t, at all.

MermaidsFlame: sometimes I just feel like I’m hiding you, or lying about you. I don’t want to do that, not to you. It’s not right.

TeddyBare: *smiles* Love, you’re not. And you know I understand why you’d respond the way you do… it all depends on the situation. I don’t exactly go around proclaiming it around my work, either. At first it did feel like I was being deceptive, but… not really. Not when we feel like we do.

TeddyBare: and even if we were quote-unquote a normal married pair… we probably wouldn’t go around proclaiming it, anyway. that’s just not us. We tell who we want to know.

MermaidsFlame: *sigh* true… very true. I’m glad it doesn’t bother you.

TeddyBare: if we were, would you have said yes when Julie asked?

MermaidsFlame: …I don’t know. Maybe.

TeddyBare: it’s not the certificate, then.

MermaidsFlame: No. It’s never been like that.

TeddyBare: but sometimes you wish we had one, anyway. even if in every other way we’re married?

MermaidsFlame: Yes.

TeddyBare: I understand. Sometimes I feel like that, too. Feel like it might be easier. But it really wouldn’t be. If anything, it might be harder. If you had said yes, she would have probably asked you about your wife… and are you really going to explain to one of your kindergarteners that you don’t have a Mrs. but a Mr.? Unless they’ve got two daddies or two mummies, they’re a bit young to really understand… and I don’t think any of your kids do.

MermaidsFlame: true. You’re right. You’re always right.

TeddyBare (3:16 AM): I thought I was usually wrong, but okay, I’ll take that.

TeddyBare (3:19 AM): you feel better now, love?

MermaidsFlame (3:19 AM): Yes… thank you.

TeddyBare: Course, babe. *hugs tightly*

MermaidsFlame: *leans into hug… holds tightly back*

TeddyBare: mm… I love the way you feel against me when I’m holding you… I wish I were holding you right now.

MermaidsFlame: Me too, Teddy.

TeddyBare: *strokes hair*

TeddyBare: I’m here as long as you need.

MermaidsFlame: thank you.

TeddyBare: :)

MermaidsFlame: mm… it’s really late. We should both go to bed.

TeddyBare: only if you’re ready.

MermaidsFlame: I am. As ready as I will be. The bed’s just so empty without you…

TeddyBare: Stasie hasn’t been sleeping on the bed since I’ve been gone?

MermaidsFlame: No, she’s there.

MermaidsFlame: She’s in my lap right now.

TeddyBare: *pets Stasie* hello, sweetheart… take good care of And’ for me. I’ll be back soon, I promise. But you’ve got to keep him company.

MermaidsFlame: She’s purring.

TeddyBare: ;)

TeddyBare: take her to bed with you. And turn up the electric blanket a little more… the bed will be warmer, that way.

MermaidsFlame: I turned it on a bit ago, give it a head start.

TeddyBare: perfect. So all you have to do is crawl in… and have sweet, peaceful dreams…

MermaidsFlame: *eyebrow raise*

TeddyBare: or really hawt dirty ones of us.

MermaidsFlame: that’s more like it, darling.

TeddyBare: Goodnight, And’. I love you. *big kiss*

MermaidsFlame: Goodnight, Teddy. Love you too…

MermaidsFlame: with all my heart.

TeddyBare: sleep, now, babe.

MermaidsFlame: I’ll be up until you sign off. Don’t want ot miss a thing.

TeddyBare: *one last goodnight kiss*
TeddyBare signed off at 3:44 AM

*I realize this kind of touches on the idea of gay marriage... though that's not really what I meant to emphasize- I was going more for just the question and how Andrew took it, and how a lot of little kids are. The idea of marriage, not the legality or technicallities of it. It's up to the reader to decide whether it's legal or not in this particular modern day AU. :) I care not either way. And even if it's not, Theo and Andrew are still obviously happy together and buggering the hell out of each other as much as possible.

oreos, grovette, pirates of the caribbean, slash, fic

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