Title: Conversations Between Lovers, VII/?
Summary: Modern Day AU; More of the Conversations...
Valentine's DayPairing: Grovette
Genre: POTC - Romance
Rating: PG-13
Author: Rebecca (alienstars2004 / Blueberry Pancakes)
Feedback: Yes, please.
Author's Notes: Guess who's baaaaack? Also- a slightly different format than the usual.
Conversation VII
TeddyBare (12:12 PM): Rosie-Bear, is there a reason your mobile is off but you’re signed on?
DeadlyBloom: don’t feel like talking (verbally) to anyone right now.
TeddyBare: …but you’ll talk to them via IM?
DeadlyBloom: *shrugs* I never said it made sense.
DeadlyBloom: what’s up?
TeddyBare: You busy?
DeadlyBloom: drinking a latte at The Pyrate’s Laire. What’s on your mind?
TeddyBare: The Pryrate’s Laire?
DeadlyBloom: they’ve also got a restaurant and a pub, they open at night. Pretty happin’ place.
DeadlyBloom: you should take And’ there on a date. He’d probably like it.
TeddyBare: And’s not exactly the piratey type…
DeadlyBloom: it’s not all just pirates stuff… it’s more… 18th C. Caribbean… The restaurant is family-oriented. You guys could go with James and the kids- they’d love it. Forget the name… Port Royal or something. Anyway, the pub’s for us big kids, it’s called Tortuga.
DeadlyBloom: some of the waiters are really hawt and they get to choose their uniforms- Navy or pirate.
TeddyBare: lemme guess, you have your eye on some swashbuckling pirate captain?
DeadlyBloom: you’d think so, but actually this guy’s a Navyboy… He just got promoted, I think he’s a Commodore now or something. Whatever they call their assistant-managers.
DeadlyBloom: dude, we’re totally sidetracked. What’d you want to talk to me about?
TeddyBare: I wanted to ask if And’ seemed… strange… at all when you were over for dinner last week. Before I got back.
DeadlyBloom: strange, how?
TeddyBare: just… different.
DeadlyBloom: uh… Not following. Like, physically, or emotionally?
TeddyBare: hm. :/
DeadlyBloom: okay, let’s try this: what was he doing/saying/not doing/not saying when you came home that’s got you off worrying about him?
TeddyBare: he just seemed to be acting… different. I don’t know.
DeadlyBloom: what? the sex hasn’t been good or something?
TeddyBare: that’s not what I meant. And that’s none of your damn business.
DeadlyBloom: gah, it’s not like I asked you for *details*. I love you Teddy, I love you both dearly, but… no. Just no.
TeddyBare: sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.
DeadlyBloom: whatever’s going on’s got you riled up.
TeddyBare: I asked him if everything was all right, but he just said he was fine. But I think there is something… I really do. He’s not… And’.
DeadlyBloom: now we’re getting somewhere. He’s not himself. How so? *lowers glasses, peers forward, channels inner Freud*
TeddyBare: 1- you don’t have glasses, 2- Freud? That’s just creepy.
DeadlyBloom: stop stalling. (and htat was the point)
TeddyBare: I don’t know how to explain it. When you know someone so well you almost know them better than yourself, you just know when something isn’t right. Even if you have no idea what that thing is.
TeddyBare: it’s really frustrating.
DeadlyBloom 12:31 PM: Sounds like it.
DeadlyBloom 12:34 PM: how ‘bout this- list off what he’s been doing until something specific strikes you as odd. Then we go from there.
TeddyBare: he’s getting up later than he usually does. Not as talkative…
DeadlyBloom: And’s always been quieter than a mouse, Teddy.
TeddyBare: not if you get him off on the right subject. And not as much with me.
DeadlyBloom: point. But you’re mentioning it, so he’s obviously not as talkative with you, either, right now. Getting up later indicates needing/wanting more sleep. He seem tired?
TeddyBare: no. Not really, anyway.
DeadlyBloom: and this just started since you’ve been back?
TeddyBare: that’s why I was asking you, if you’d noticed anything when he called… or when you guys had dinner. I thought at first it might have been because he suddenly got roped into that conference and had to disappear just as I got back, but he hasn’t changed since he got back.
DeadlyBloom: and that was only two days, too… that he was gone, I mean. I don’t know- he seemed his normal self. I admit I wasn’t looking for anything amiss… could’ve missed something.
TeddyBare: eh, it’s all right. Wouldn’t expect you to be constantly on the lookout, anyway.
DeadlyBloom: …yah, come to think of it, there wasn’t anything weird or different. He was just… And’. The man I’m platonically in love with.
TeddyBare: *snort*
DeadlyBloom: you’re with him- you have to know what a damn good catch he is.
TeddyBare: oh I do.
DeadlyBloom: lucky bastard.
TeddyBare: if it makes you feel any better, I’ve suspected for quite a while that he’s probably platonically in love with you too.
DeadlyBloom: aww… that’s so sweet. Really?
TeddyBare (12:20 PM): I don’t think he’d use those exact words, but something to that extent, yes. He really adores you.
TeddyBare (12:22 PM): you sure he didn’t say anything? Do anything? NOTHING out of the ordinary?
DeadlyBloom: nope… though, you do know I wouldn’t tell you, if he told it to me in confiendence. I wouldn’t break his trust.
TeddyBare: I wouldn’t expect you to. In fact, I’d be rather pissed to know you had, even it was to me.
TeddyBare: unless it was life-threatening or something.
DeadlyBloom: well duh. There are some things that require overriding in the short term to assure there will *be* a long term.
TeddyBare: good to know we’re on the same page.
DeadlyBloom: :)
DeadlyBloom: you know, you could just try talking to him- novel concept, I know.
TeddyBare: I already told you I did. He said nothing was wrong.
DeadlyBloom: you think he’s lying?
TeddyBare: no.
TeddyBare: well, not really… We always say we don’t keep stuff from each other.
DeadlyBloom: everyone keeps something secret.
TeddyBare: you know what I mean.
DeadlyBloom: maybe it just wasn’t the right time… maybe if you ask tonight, he’ll talk. Where is he, anyway? …have you squirreled yourself away in the basement with the laptop or something?
TeddyBare: no, he went to run an errand.
DeadlyBloom: ambiguous.
TeddyBare: I thought so. But he doesn’t always tell me in exact detail what he’s doing, how long he’ll be there, or who he’ll be with.
DeadlyBloom: heh, and I’m sure you tell him all that, every time, when you go out.
TeddyBare: we’re both adults, we odn’t have to babysit each other.
DeadlyBloom: did he seem secretive, or just… normal “I’m going out, brb”
TeddyBare: in those exact words, yes. He even spelled out brb.
DeadlyBloom: heh.
TeddyBare: we’re going over to James’s this weekend. If I can get James alone I’m going to ask him if And’s said anything to him…
TeddyBare: heard the front door. And’s back. I’ll talk to you later, kay?
DeadlyBloom: all right. If you’re going to tell him you talked to me, tell him I said Hi. If not, then I’ll see you guys later. Good luck figuring out his brain.
TeddyBare: I’ll tell him… talking to my sister isn’t a crime. Bye, Rosie.
TeddyBare has signed off at 12:39 PM
Theodore put the laptop into standby before clicking it shut. He shifted from his slouch and set it on the coffee table, turning as Andrew came into the room.
“Hey, love.” He smiled.
“Hey Teddy.” Andrew returned the smile softly. He flopped down unceremoniously onto the couch and stretched out his legs, laying them over Theodore’s lap.
“Have fun out?”
Andrew laughed once, quietly; a dry, humorless laugh. “Sure.” He shrugged. He adjusted the pillow behind him and reached for the remote. The television flicked to life with a brief mechanical whirl.
“You look like you want to say something.”
“What?” Theodore blinked, breaking his own trance.
Andrew eyed him lazily, “You have that expression you get when you’re thinking about what you’re going to say.”
Andrew’s brow furrowed slightly, but he let it falter.
Theodore laid his hand across Andrew’s leg, rubbing absentmindedly.
“I talked to Rosie today.”
“She was out having coffee. Said she had a new date spot for us.”
Andrew made a snort, “The girl is a bit too much like you sometimes, Teddy. I’m a little afraid to ask where this new place is.”
“The Pyrate’s Lair. Well, that’s where she was having coffee. Apparently there’s a restaurant and a pub.”
“Port Royal and Tortuga. I’ve heard of it.” Andrew nodded.
“It any good?”
“Never been there.” Andrew shrugged. “Little lower, love.”
“You’re massaging my leg… move lower, massage my feet.”
“Oh, okay.” Theodore nodded and complied. “Good lord, And’… your feet are like ice.”
“Wore sandals.”
“It’s the middle of winter.”
“It’s not raining outside.”
“Some kindergarten teacher you are… going outside in the middle of winter in sandals.” Theodore scolded.
“Do as I say, not as I do. Plus, I wasn’t at school, it’s Saturday. None of the kids saw me. You know I wouldn’t do this on a school day.” Andrew settled in, flipping through channels with no particular interest in mind.
Theodore watched him silently. There was still something Andrew wasn’t telling him. He could see that shadowy unknown lurking in the depths of his eyes. He opened his mouth, ready to ask if everything was all right, but stopped, and closed it again. Andrew seemed content. There was no need to spoil the mood. He could always ask later. And perhaps it was nothing.
He tried to brush it away from his mind, at least for the afternoon. “Leave it on Discovery… I think it’s Shark Week.”
Andrew paused in his channel flipping and set the remote down in his lap after adjusting the volume.
Theodore sighed and leaned back into the couch, lightly drawing his fingertips across Andrew’s toes, expecting them to wiggle playfully. They didn’t, but he chose not to mention his slight surprise.