Conversations Between Lovers 5/? : POTC

Feb 11, 2008 19:48

Title: Conversations Between Lovers, V/?
Summary: Modern Day AU; in tune with the phone conversations world and idea, this is an IM conversation between Andrew and Theo
Valentine's Day
Pairing: Grovette
Genre: POTC - Romance
Rating: PG-13/R (for a link)
Author: Rebecca (alienstars2004 / Blueberry Pancakes)
Feedback: Yes, please.
Author's Notes: Now, with the introduction of a new character!

Conversation V:
TeddyBare (5:49 PM): hey there, love.

TeddyBare (5:57 PM): And’?

TeddyBare (6:00 PM): hello…?

TeddyBare (6:04 PM): fine then, ignore me.

TeddyBare (6:06 PM): I can’t take this rejection. *cries*

MermaidsFlame (6:07 PM): good lord you’re needy sometimes…

TeddyBare: why u leave me?

MermaidsFlame: Sorry babe… making dinner. And your sister’s here, btw.

TeddyBare: which one?

MermaidsFlame: Rosie.

MermaidsFlame: She waves from across the living room.

TeddyBare: *waves back*

MermaidsFlame: I called her and told her I was tired of cooking/eating alone and invited her over.

TeddyBare: ah. What’re you making?

MermaidsFlame: Food. That you eat.

TeddyBare: what a concept.

MermaidsFlame: Mediterranean pasta and chicken.

TeddyBare: o_0

MermaidsFlame: You’ve never had it.

TeddyBare (6:12 PM): oh, okay…

MermaidsFlame (6:15): can I have your lover’s babies? Pleeeeeze?

MermaidsFlame: this is Rosie, btw.

TeddyBare: yah I kind of figured.

TeddyBare (6:16 PM): I dunno- ask him.

MermaidsFlame (6:18 PM): He says what if they didn’t have red hair?

TeddyBare: *snort* ask for a refund.

MermaidsFlame: I seriously would if they didn’t have red hair… that’s like… half the point. And we could only speak with Irish accents around them, so we’d have Irish kids!

TeddyBare: you’ve… put a lot of thought into this, haven’t you?

MermaidsFlame: yes.

TeddyBare: I have to compete with my own sister for my lover now? What is the world coming to?

MermaidsFlame: you have things I could never compete with.

TeddyBare: *bites tongue*

MermaidsFlame: oh I went there, Teddy, I went there.

TeddyBare: I would ask where my innocent little sister went, but I already know you were never innocent.

MermaidsFlame: it’s all a clever disguise.

TeddyBare: didn’t fool me, Rosie-bear.

MermaidsFlame: so your loverboy and I are going to break out the wine and get drunk.

TeddyBare: we have wine?

MermaidsFlame: you do now. I brought it over. Before you get exited it’s in a box.

TeddyBare: can that even be considered real wine?

MermaidsFlame: And’ has a point: some of those cheap table wines are all right.

TeddyBare: true, I suppose. But they’re at least in a bottle.

TeddyBare: what’s he doing, anyway? Or did you just randomly steal the laptop from him?

MermaidsFlame: well, he was working on the chicken… but Stasie heard the can opener and came a’runnin’.

TeddyBare: she does that.

MermaidsFlame: so do you.

TeddyBare: I do n… not all the time.

MermaidsFlame: you do- I did an experiment once. I opened the fridge and waited. You were there in under a minute… so was Dad, actually…

MermaidsFlame: Who is smarter: my brother, or a hamster?

TeddyBare: Simpsons FTW.

MermaidsFlame: Lisa FTW.

TeddyBare: same diff.

MermaidsFlame: …and now back to your regularly scheduled program! Bye, Teddy! *hugs*

TeddyBare: bye, Rosie. *hugs back tightly*

MermaidsFlame: hey again. Have a nice cat wiht Rosie?

MermaidsFlame: *chat

TeddyBare: I can tell what’s on your mind. Stasie weaving around you ankles?

MermaidsFlame: No, I just fed her. But she was before. Heard the can opener.

TeddyBare: that’s what Rosie said. How’s dinner going?

MermaidsFlame: Good. We decided that the dinning room table needs to be used, just so it can remember what it’s purpose is.

TeddyBare: you mean the junk mail and file folders holder?

MermaidsFlame: That’s the one.

TeddyBare: nice. You guys planning anything else, or just dinner?

MermaidsFlame: We’re going to run away together. Somewhere tropic… Brazil maybe. We might send you a postcard.

TeddyBare: I knew it! I knew you’d leave me… *dramatic sob*

MermaidsFlame: Rosie says I’d be more apt to run off with James.

TeddyBare: I somehow think James would have something to say about that…

MermaidsFlame: …she says that’s what the duct tape’s for.

TeddyBare: 0_0

MermaidsFlame: *snicker*

TeddyBare: I… don’t really know how to respond to that.

MermaidsFlame: mental images?

TeddyBare: …some things cannot be unseen…

MermaidsFlame: oh come on it can’t be that bad…

TeddyBare: …you didn’t see what just flashed before my eyes…

MermaidsFlame: do I *want* to know?

TeddyBare: no… no, spare yourself.

MermaidsFlame: *sighs* what I am going to do with you, Teddy my love?

TeddyBare: great many things.

MermaidsFlame: *snork* Maybe later, babe, when you’re sister’s not reading over my shoulder.

TeddyBare: in that case…

MermaidsFlame: too late, he’s already gone back to working on dinner. You get to suffer talk to me again! *grins scarily*

TeddyBare: I’m jumping for joy. really.

MermaidsFlame: Sarcasm: the force is strong with this one…

TeddyBare: it runs in the family.

MermaidsFlame: really? I’d never noticed.

TeddyBare: heh.


MermaidsFlame: don’t pretend you don’t see it.

TeddyBare: …

MermaidsFlame: you should have seen the look on And’s face when I showed it to him.

TeddyBare: why do you try to break his mind?

TeddyBare: that’s my job.

MermaidsFlame: As if I haven’t seen worse, Teddy.

TeddyBare: I don’t want to think about my sister in that context…

MermaidsFlame: you’re not. This is And’.

TeddyBare: what? When?

MermaidsFlame: just now.

TeddyBare: ack! So confused!

MermaidsFlame: I’ve seen much worse, Teddy. And you know it.

TeddyBare: you live with me.

MermaidsFlame: It doesn’t feel like it, lately.

TeddyBare: I know. I’m sick of all these stupid trips, too. I haven’t heard word back yet from HQ if this is the last of these long ones for the fiscal year, or not. I seriously hope so.

MermaidsFlame: Me too.

TeddyBare: We are wrapping up here, though. If only our tickets were transferable…

MermaidsFlame: Kind of hard when company pays for them…

TeddyBare: I’d pay the difference if it meant I got to come home to you sooner.

MermaidsFlame: One day won’t kill me. Or you.

TeddyBare: At this rate it might.

MermaidsFlame: You act as if we won’t be making up for it when you come home…

MermaidsFlame: and wasn’t last night enough to tide you over until you get home? And yes, Rosie, I know you’re still behind me and reading over my shoulder. You’re like Teddy- not sneaky…

TeddyBare: heh… yah, I kind of gave up trying a long time ago.

MermaidsFlame: no one can out-sneak And’, anyway.

TeddyBare: this is also true.

MermaidsFlame: hey, dinner’s ready…

TeddyBare: I’ll let you both go, then. Bye Rosie- big hugs from Teddy.

MermaidsFlame: Kissies!

TeddyBare: …she gone now?

MermaidsFlame: Yes.

TeddyBare: *evil grin*

MermaidsFlame: …but hurry up cause I’m starving.

TeddyBare: fine, kill the mood.

MermaidsFlame: We’re IMing, Teddy. There is no mood.

TeddyBare: there was last night.

MermaidsFlame: and last night I wasn’t starving.

TeddyBare: jeeze, bite my head off why don’t you.

MermaidsFlame: Teddy: I’m bloody hungry. I’ve said it enough in the past five seconds you should know this. You know how I get when I’m hungry.

TeddyBare: *laughs* I know, I’m just riling y ou… Have a good dinner, and a nice visit. Glad you’re not alone. *kisses*

MermaidsFlame: *grabs tie and pulls forward (because I know you’re still wearing one)* love you, Teddy. See you soon.

TeddyBare: Love you too, And’.
MermaidsFlame has signed off at 6:48 PM

grovette, pirates of the caribbean, slash, fic

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