Conversations Between Lovers 6/? : POTC

Feb 16, 2008 19:49

Title: Conversations Between Lovers, VI/?
Summary: Modern Day AU; Fancy a Threesome? *g*
Valentine's Day
Pairing: Grovette
Genre: POTC - Romance
Rating: PG-13
Author: Rebecca (alienstars2004 / Blueberry Pancakes)
Feedback: Yes, please.
Author's Notes: Finally- James makes his debut appearance! As some know, he was being particularly stubborn in fleshing himself out this round. I've mostly gotten him where I want him, now, and I'm just running with what I've got. More to come. And James's handle translates (loosely) from Latin to "Fool's Fortune"

TeddyBare (1:02 PM): fancy a threesome?

MermaidsFlame: WHAT?

TeddyBare: James caught me earlier, said he wanted to talk to us.

MermaidsFlame: oh.

MermaidsFlame: Way to start a conversation, Teddy.

TeddyBare: He didn’t say what he wanted, but he seemed… Let’s just say he was being his typical James self, and I think he wants to ask a favor…

MermaidsFlame: but he’s terrible at it. Right, got it.

TeddyBare: something to that extent, yes.

MermaidsFlame: Well if you want a threesome, go for it now because this is the closest you’re ever going to get to a real one.

TeddyBare: you’re so sweet…

Creating ChatRoom007
Inviting MermaidsFlame
Inviting demensfortuna

TeddyBare: we all present and accounted for… no tech glitches?

MermaidsFlame: These self-set-up chats are always so temperamental…

demensfortuna: Oh, you’re both on, good…

MermaidsFlame: You wanted to talk to us?

demensfortuna: Yes… I hate to ask this, but are you free this coming weekend?

MermaidsFlame: Yah. I’m coming back at the crack of dawn tomorrow, and school’s already wrapped up for the year.

TeddyBare: Course. What’d you need us for?

demensfortuna: …Are you free for manual labor?

demensfortuna: And most assuredly watching the kids at some point?

MermaidsFlame: Did you get another leak?

demensfortuna: No. But… we’re moving.

MermaidsFlame: Moving?

TeddyBare: So soon? You’re not the moving type…

demensfortuna: I know.

MermaidsFlame: James… what happened?

TeddyBare: is everything all right?

demensfortuna: Yes. Well, mostly. Not really. Things are kind of a mess right now.

TeddyBare: what kind of mess?

MermaidsFlame: Literal, emotional, kids-centric, you-centric, job-centric…?

demensfortuna: At the risk of sounding like a complete car wreck (which I’m sure I am anyway), everything. That’s why we’re moving back. It was a mistake to leave in the first place.

MermaidsFlame: Everything? James…

TeddyBare: I’ve got a flexible schedule for this next week, do you want me to come out there?

demensfortuna: No, no I can’t ask you to do that…

MermaidsFlame: You didn’t, we’re offering. As soon as I’m back…

demensfortuna: No. It’s… it’s really not necessary.

MermaidsFlame: James, you just said everything was a mess.

demensfortuna: It is. But it’s nothing I can’t handle, right now.

TeddyBare: this may be a stupid question, but why are you moving so suddenly? And why didn’t you tell us before now?

demensfortuna: I’ve been so busy… And I didn’t want to say anything to the kids until it was certain.

MermaidsFlame: But why now? I thought things were going all right.

demensfortuna: Well, the you-know-what wasn’t hitting the fan before. Not completely, anyway. It was a mistake to move out here. I never should have done it. I hate it. The kids hate it.

demensfortuna: I just… I couldn’t stay in that house, anymore.

MermaidsFlame: I understand that. No one’s blaming you for that, James.

TeddyBare: To be honest, I’m surprised you even stayed there as long as you did.

demensfortuna: I did it for the kids. But I think even they didn’t want to be there, anymore.

demensfortuna: I thought maybe it’d help with moving on…

MermaidsFlame: I know what you’re thinking, James, and stop. It wasn’t you fault. There’s nothing you could have done.

TeddyBare: It wasn’t you.

demensfortuna (1:30 PM): I know.

MermaidsFlame (1:35 PM): Is Day reading over your shoulder?

demensfortuna: No. Not right now, anyway. They’re taking a collective nap.

MermaidsFlame: Sounds nice…

TeddyBare: You sure you shouldn’t be joining them?

demensfortuna: I’m not actually tired, right now. And I needed to talk with you both. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that we were moving back. Or that I bought a house about 10 mins away from you guys.

MermaidsFlame: It’s all right, James. We just want to… wait, ten minutes?!

TeddyBare: Which house? We know all of them around here.

demensfortuna: The two-story brick one… with all the ivy… and stained glass windows.


demensfortuna: Heh, no.

TeddyBare: you tricksy bastard…

TeddyBare: ack, kids, right, sorry.

demensfortuna: I haven’t heard a peep out of them since I put them down. I think we might have some leeway for a while longer, yet.

MermaidsFlame: I can’t believe you bought that house… I love that house…

TeddyBare: we would have bought it if it had been on the market when we were looking.

MermaidsFlame: We would have bought it *now* if we’d known it was for sale…

TeddyBare: when did it go up, anyway? I don’t remember any signs…

demensfortuna: There weren’t any. It was kind of an inside job. Old friend, connections, you know.

MermaidsFlame: Well we’re helping you move even if it’s just so we can see the house…

TeddyBare: *laughs* well put, And’.

demensfortuna: Thank you… I honestly need all the help I can get. I want to be out of this godforsaken place as soon as possible.

MermaidsFlame: Are you transferring, or have you also found another job?s

demensfortuna: Weatherby wants me back. He understood why I left, and he told me that if I ever wanted to come back, he’d made a place for me. Turns out he didn’t have to. Senior Director left.

MermaidsFlame: You get the coveted corner office, don’t you?

demensfortuna: If the building had one, yes.

TeddyBare: Nice.

demensfortuna: So you’re both all right with this weekend? I understand if you can’t, or you don’t want to…

MermaidsFlame: James, shush. We’re coming.

TeddyBare: are you still sure you don’t want us to come earlier?

demensfortuna: No. Saturday is fine. If you have any boxes, bring them. Take both cars- the kids can be with And’, that way.

TeddyBare: why not with me?

demensfortuna: Because his car is car seat friendly. And you have a truck, therefore, we use it to the fullest extent by cramming as much stuff into it as possible.

MermaidsFlame: *groans* we don’t have to fight with the car seats again, do we?

demensfortuna: They’re ridiculously complicated, but I’ve dealt with them for long enough now I’ve cracked the code.

TeddyBare: you have to beat it into submission, don’t you?

demensfortuna: Yes.

MermaidsFlame: What time do you want us over?

demensfortuna: We’ve got a lot of work to do, but we can only do so much with the kids. Lacey’s going to come by in the evening and take them to spend the night there.

MermaidsFlame: Morning. Full day’s work.

TeddyBare: when do the kids get up, now?

demensfortuna: Which one?

demensfortuna: Whenever you get here is fine. You have a drive ahead of you before you get here, anyway.

MermaidsFlame: James, again- shush. We’ll be there about 10am, that sound good? The kids will have breakfast in them and they can waste energy helping us.

TeddyBare: *snigger* Thomas won’t want to be left out of this…

demensfortuna: That’s why the highchair has wheels.

MermaidsFlame: *raises eyebrow*

demensfortuna: You have no idea how handy that is. All you have to do is pull it along with you from room to room.

MermaidsFlame: At least you don’t put him on one of those leashes…

demensfortuna: He’s my son, not my dog.

MermaidsFlame: EXACTLY! I hate those stupid things… if you can’t keep a handle on your stupid kids then maybe you shouldn’t take them out in bloody public.

TeddyBare (1:44 PM): heh… getting And’ off on kids can be hilarious, sometimes… Even funnier when you’re around, James.

TeddyBare (1:47 PM): James?

demensfortuna: HE went to find the thermometer.

TeddyBare: Day?

demensfortuna: No, its Thomas.

MermaidsFlame: It could have been Sarah.

TeddyBare: And you know full and well that your brother could work your Papa’s mobile before he could walk.

demensfortuna: We’ve got Sarah on his BlackBerry. I’m the computer tech.

TeddyBare: kids these days…

MermaidsFlame: Why’d he go to find the thermometer?

demensfortuna: Taking Day’s temperature… He doesn’t usually take naps and he said he wasn’t feeling very good.

MermaidsFlame: :(

TeddyBare: that’s no good…

demensfortuna: kj;lassssssssssssssssssssaaaaaaaaaa

demensfortuna: Lane says “Hi.”

MermaidsFlame: Stasie’s around her somewhere… I’m sure she’d like to know her brother is well.

demensfortuna: oh thank goodness… no temperature.

MermaidsFlame: That is indeed good.

MermaidsFlame: Ack! Meeting… must go. Talk to you both later. Bye, Day. I’ll see you soon/Sat.

TeddyBare: Bye love. *quick kiss*

MermaidsFlame has signed off at 1:55 PM

demensfortuna: I should let you go.

TeddyBare: I’ve got nothing better to do, if you want to hang around.

demensfortuna: I should go, anyway, though. I promised Day oreos and hot chocolate… he’s already squirmed out of my lap and is waiting in the kitchen.

TeddyBare: *laughs* Kid knows what he wants. See you Sat., James. Call if you want to talk, or anything.

demensfortuna: All right. Thank you, again. This means a lot. Tell And’ that, too.

TeddyBare: of course.

damensfortuna has signed off at 1:57 PM

grovette, pirates of the caribbean, slash, fic

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