Daydreams : POTC

Jan 30, 2008 23:34

Title: Daydreams
Summery: Sort-of sequel to "Sweet Dreams" Or continuation, or whatever. Takes place the next morning.
Pairing: Grovington
Genre: POTC - Romance
Rating: PG
Author: Rebecca (alienstars2004 / Blueberry Pancakes)
Feedback: Yes, please.


Theodore felt the morning’s light against his bare skin. He opened his eyes and craned his neck, looking behind him. Emptiness greeted his sight.
He sighed.
Late to come home, and early to leave.
He lay awake, half-staring across the room towards the wardrobe. He felt like he hadn’t seen James at all, lately. He had hoped with his ordered sick leave that they would have been able to spend more time together.
He was almost considering coming back early, as he was certainly well enough to come back for at least limited duty. Though only almost. He still hung onto the hope that he and James would have some time together. He also did not look forward to returning to the paperwork duty entailed. Even now, after a lengthy career in the Navy, it still astounded him how much paperwork was involved. It felt like that was all he ever did. He was near certain that it was indeed all James ever did.
He sighed again heavily and laid his head down on the pillow. The sun’s rays, just peaking through the slightly parted curtains, warmed the blankets and beckoned him back into peaceful slumber. His eyelids began to grow heavy and he let them slip closed. His lips parted slightly and his limbs relaxed, sinking into the soft feather mattress.

James tugged at his cravat as he walked, long legs taking him briskly down the sparse streets and to the less traveled path.
He had made it to the fort, and into his office. But it was when he sat down at his desk that he realized what a fool he was being. As he reached for a fresh quill to start the day’s work, he saw something roll off the edge of the desk out of the corner of his eye. It made a small noise against the wooden boards and he bent at the waist to retrieve it.
He felt around, seeing nothing, but interest sparked. After a few moments, long fingers closed around the small object, which had managed to roll underneath the recesses of his desk. He withdrew it and blew off the dust and sand, rubbing the smooth surface with his fingertips.
It was a small piece of jasper. The rich, glossy red surface was coated with a spider webbing of dark black.
It was nothing more than a token or a trinket from travels abroad to anyone who did not know to look deeper, and there were only two in addition to himself who knew to do so.
Theodore had given it to him as a birthday gift, only the year before. It had been Andrew’s idea, apparently. The full nature of their relationship they were forced to keep hidden, but that was not to say they couldn’t have something which held significance only between them. Theodore’s birthstone was jasper.
And so the mere trinket became a symbol and a reminder of his dearest love. It resided on his desk, occasionally used to hold down a small pile of troublesome papers on a breezy day, and as Theodore often joked to remind him that the world did not drop off suddenly beyond his desk, or his office door.
James walked up the path to his home, cravat hanging loosely around his neck, heavy uniform coat close to following suit as soon as he was indoors and it would be considered decent and proper.
He had debated momentarily about putting the stone in his pocket, but then decided against it. He couldn’t bear to loose it. He put it back on his desk where it belonged. He did not need it to remember Theodore, now.
He cursed himself for his foolishness. He so often lost sight of what truly mattered, when all he had been doing was trying to protect it.
His sudden absence from the fort was most decidedly not the best of ideas, but he didn’t care. Andrew would be astute enough to know where he had gone, and clever enough to devise a story to excuse him.
The front door creaked on its hinges and he hung his coat, walking briskly towards the stairs. It was still early, and if Theodore was obeying both James’s and the surgeon’s orders, he would either be soaking in a hot bath or still resting in bed.
He opened the master bedroom door.
“Teddy? My sweet, are you here?”
There was no answer, but as he stepped inside, he saw the familiar figure lying on the bed. He took of his shoes and quickly un-tucked his shirt as he came closer.
“Teddy, love?”
Theodore snored; quiet snuffling sounds that James had grown accustomed to and now loved dearly, even finding it hard to sleep without them by his side.
James felt himself smile. He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it aside, unlacing his breeches and doing the same. He crawled carefully into the bed. He wove himself deftly into Theodore’s arms, letting his lover’s limber body cradle him as he rested his head on his firm and muscular chest.
James closed his eyes.
Theodore inhaled deeply. Soft tones of the salt of the sea and the faintest hint of a vanilla-kissed pear seemed to envelop him. He smiled in his sleep-clouded state, eyes opening to a lazily.
He did not immediately realize James was lying in his arms. James simply looked so peaceful and quiet in his slumber that Theodore assumed it another of his daydreams.
It was not until James sensed the change in his breathing and opened his eyes, looking up, the emerald orbs meeting rich pools of warm, coffee brown, that he knew better.
“James?” Theodore murmured, voice quiet and still slightly rough from sleep.
James traced his fingertips across Theodore’s shoulder, trailing down his chest.
“Good morning.” He whispered in soft reply, leaning forward and pressing his lips against the rise of his collarbone. He again laid his head against his chest.
Theodore kissed the silky waves of James’s hair, running his fingers through it and toying with the natural part.
It wasn’t a daydream. It was far better.

grovington, pirates of the caribbean, slash, fic

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