Vampire Heart - Chapter 26

Apr 02, 2007 20:46

Thanks to those who commented.

Title: Vampire Heart
Author:  Sid (lost4evermore2)
Pairing: Bam Margera/Ville Valo
Summery: Ville is a vampire that isn't to fond of humans. What happens when he meets Bam?
Disclaimer: I do not know anyone in this story. None of this has ever happened nor will it.
Rating: Probably PG-13 for violence and swearing although it's not so bad in the beginning. May increase later on, may not.


( Chapter 1-4) ( Chapter 5) ( Chapter 6) ( Chapter 7) ( Chapter 8)
( Chapter 9) ( Chapter 10) ( Chapter 11) ( Chapter 12) ( Chapter 13)
( Chapter 14) ( Chapter 15) ( Chapter 16) ( Chapter 17) ( Chapter 18)
( Chapter 19) ( Chapter 20) ( Chapter 21) ( Chapter 22) ( Chapter 23)
( Chapter 24) ( Chapter 25)

Next Day.

I found Bam back at the table planning his part again.

"Hey darling, I'm going to go to Finland for a while. It will give you time to work on your plans and I can ask my band if they don't mind playing at your party," I said. "Plus I want to talk to Jyrki and Timo about something." I grinned.

"Alright Babe, have fun," he replied.

I kissed him and disappeared to Finland. I walked out into the sunny street and headed for Linde's home. As soon as I got there I knocked upon the door.

No answer.

"Linde," I called though I could not sense him inside.

Still, there was no reply.

I spun around and walked back down the steps to Migé's house. That was where Linde probably was because if Linde wasn’t asleep at 2 in the afternoon then he was with Migé.

But it didn’t take long to get to Migé's and there was no answer there either. Nor was there at Burton's or Gas'.

Where the hell were the guys without me? It was the middle of the day too.

I walked glumly to the bar at the end of the street Burton lived on. If I couldn’t have fun with the guys, then I would go have fun by myself.

I entered the dimly lit bar only to be slammed into it's door as it shut behind me. "What the hell is going on?"

"Oh, Ville." Jyrki backed away. "Burton decided he wanted to make this bar his own and he invited us. I'm just making sure a human doesn’t stumble in here."

I looked around the bar. Jyrki's band, as well as mine, were all seated or standing at various spots around the room. The bartender was tied up and at Burton's feet beside the bar.

Jyrki glanced at Timo-Timo who was glaring at me.

I smiled and moved passed Jyrki. "I believe Jyrki and Timo have-"

Jyrki was behind me in an instant, his hand sealed over my lips. "Say one word and I'll kill you just as easily as I made you," he whispered into my ear just loud enough for only me to hear. It was an empty threat.

I grinned. 'No you wouldn't,' I said into his mind. I knew he wouldn't hurt me, he swore that to me years ago.

He sighed and released me. "Ville...."

Everyone was now watching us.

"Jyrki was just telling me how-"

His hand was over my mouth again before I could finish the sentence. I felt him trying to search my mind. "I was just telling Ville how glad I would be to go to his boyfriend's party."

I pulled free of his grip and took a seat at the bar. "Eternity is an awfully long time for a secret to stay hidden," I said quietly.

"Ville come on, please don't," Jyrki said.

"All I was going to say is that Bam is hosting a party of which you are all invited. Also he wants to know if my band doesn’t mind playing for the party."

Linde shrugged. "I don't mind." The rest of my band agreed as well.

I smiled. "Great, see Jyrki it all worked out. You shouldn’t worry so much."

Jyrki spun around and walked over to Timo.

Timo looked up and held my gaze. 'Why is it so important to you that everyone has to know Jyrki's and my business?'

'It's funny when Jyrki gets frustrated. I wasn’t really going to say anything,' I replied.

'We plan on saying something when Jyrki is ready,' Timo-Timo said.

I nodded.

"Hey get back here," Burton suddenly said dragging the bartender back over to the bar. The whole time we had been talking the human had been trying to escape.

"Well guys, I'm sure I am missed and I probably should get back and see what mischief Bam and his friends are causing," I said. "Goodbye." I vanished back to Westchester.

Bam and his friends were trying to build the stage when I found them out back, except they had taken to pulling off crazy stunts for the camera.

In the meantime I decided to go for a walk.

Today was a very busy day. People were running around all over town. It was a wonder no one noticed the immortals like me. We could walk right out in front of them and no one would know.

I suddenly felt someone leap onto my back their legs wrapping around my waist and arms around my back.

I laughed knowing it was Bam. I held onto his legs. "Where'd you come from love?"

"I have been stalking you," he replied reading his chin on my head.

"Well isn’t that a pleasant surprised." I kept on walking to no where in particular.

"Where are you going Wille? You should take me to the park."

I chuckled. "Am I your horse now?"

"No but as of last night you are my bitch."

"You are the one riding me."

He moved his lips to my ear. "Would you like me to?" he whispered sending chills down my spine.

It was just a simple question that seemed to have a great effect over me.

"Bam Margera you are an ass sometimes," I said quietly.

"But you still love me." He was grinning.

"How could I not?" I had reached the park with Bam still on my back. I carried him over to a picnic table where he leapt off.

I looked up to the darkening sky as his arms encircled my waist.

A few stars littered the sky.

"It's kind of hard to believe there are things older then me but the stars never change," I replied. "Hundreds of years from now we'll look at the stars and they will be the same."

"Hundreds of years from now, we'll be the same. I guess that makes us like the stars," Bam said. He wasn’t looking at the sky. He was looking at me.

I gazed into his eyes. "Except the stars can age and even eventually die. We'll never age. We aren’t on the wheel of time. I suppose we could die but not naturally."

"Wille will you love me forever?" he asked quietly.

I slipped my arms around his neck. "I will love you for all eternity."


More soon,

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