Vampire Heart - Chapter 12

Mar 11, 2007 20:41

Thanks to all the people who commented. :)

Title: Vampire Heart 
Author:  Sid (lost4evermore2)
Pairing: Bam Margera/Ville Valo
Summery: Ville is a vampire that isn't to fond of humans. What happens when he meets Bam?
Disclaimer: I do not know anyone in this story. None of this has ever happened nor will it. 
Rating: Hm, probably PG-13 for violence and swearing although it's not so bad in the beginning. May increase later on, may not.


( Chapters 1-4)
( Chapter 5)
( Chapter 6)
( Chapter 7)
( Chapter 8)
( Chapter 9)
( Chapter 10)
( Chapter 11)

Ville's POV

"Jesus, are all vampires that good? Or is it just the rock star in you?" Bam said, his breathing still labored from the sin we had just committed moments before. His body glistened with sweat. How glad I am I don’t sweat.

I lay on my side up against him for he lay on his back. I was drawing invisible patterns on his chest with one hand while the other propped my head up.

"I like to think it's a little bit of both." I grinned. "But I know you didn’t come all the way to Finland just for good sex."

He ran his fingers through my hair. "No, I want to be what you are. I want to be with you."

"But do you really want to be what I am or do you just want to be with me? I don’t want to bring you into a world you don’t want to be in."

"You already have but I want to be in your world. I want to be with you." He leaned up and kissed me strongly.

"For all eternity my darling?" I asked after I broke the kiss.

"Yes, you for eternity." His fingers were back in my hair.

I leaned down and nuzzled his cheek before kissing it and burying my head into the nook of his neck. "But what about your show?"

"You have a band, why can I not still run my show?" he replied.

I smiled. "You can still have your show."

"Can we do it now?" he asked.

"Certainly my love, if that is what you wish," I said.

"It is," he replied.

I kissed his neck, my fangs extending. "It may hurt only for a second but other then that it is quite painless." I was looking into his eyes as I spoke those words.

He nodded running his thumb over my bottom lip while the rest of his hand rested against my cheek. His eyes glanced from my eyes to my fangs but I saw no fear in his eyes as they glanced back at mine.

"I must leave you after to go feed but you'll be safe in my house as your body changes. You'll be in a sleep of death but you will wake and I will be here when you do." I kissed him gently.

He nodded to show he understood and bared his throat.

I leaned down and kissed the spot on his neck were that special vein pulsed so close to the surface.

He entangled his fingers in my hair while his other arm pulled me closer. I smelt no fear on him, none what so ever. He wanted this just as much as I needed him.

I pulled back my lips and bit into his neck letting my teeth sink into the vein there. He gasped out at first but soon relaxed. The first spray of blood into my mouth was hot and sent me into a series of visions of his life but I blocked them out. If he wanted to tell me them I would let him I didn’t want to intrude.

I held him carefully to me as I took in his blood; it would mix with mine as drank.

As he came closer and closer to death his arms never moved from me. I could hear his heart beat becoming slower and slower. Finally I pulled away when he was near death.

I bit into my own wrist and placed it against his lips. He attached on immediately.

It didn’t hurt to have my blood taken from me. In fact it felt good. It is why many humans that know about vampires chase after them.  Having ones blood drawn feels good.

When I felt he had enough I pulled away and he passed out into the last sleep he'd have as a human. I stood up and pulled the blankets over him and kissed his forehead.

"Sleep well my love," I whispered before turning around and pulling my clothing on.

When I left the house it was early morning but the sun hadn’t come up yet. I walked maybe 10 minutes before I found my victim. She was a middle aged woman who was hurrying home to an empty house.

I walked up to her and fed on her right there in the open before disposing of her body. No one had seen me. Then I walked back to my house.

If I was correct Bam wouldn’t wake for couple of hours still but as I promised I would be there for him so I went back inside.

I stripped off my clothing and crawled back into bed with him. I kissed his cold lips and fell into sleep against him.


More soon,

Sid :)

Wasn’t very long but I think this chapter was okay, what about you my beloved readers?
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