Vampire Heart - Chapter 5

Mar 04, 2007 15:51

Thank you to everyone who commented me on the other chapters :).

Title: Vampire Heart 
Author:  Sid (lost4evermore2)
Pairing: Bam Margera/Ville Valo
Summery: Ville is a vampire that isn't to fond of humans. What happens when he meets Bam?
Disclaimer: I do not know anyone in this story. None of this has ever happened nor will it. 
Rating: Hm, probably PG-13 for violence and swearing although it's not so bad in the beginning. May increase later on, may not.


Chapters 1-4

Starts at the end of the last chapter.

I never really fed in the middle of the day before. This would probably be my first or second time. I would have to be careful. I'd have to make sure I deposed of the body well.

People rushed passed me as I walked slowly down the cold street. I could read the thoughts of every one of them like an open book but I chose to block them out. I had better things to think about then what they were thinking about. Things like: 'who had burned down the hotel room?' and 'how could I get Bam to hang out with me alone?'

Suddenly someone ran into me. That seemed to be happening a lot lately.

"Watch where the hell you are going?" the kid that had run into me shouted.

I scanned his mind. He was a 19 year old junkie named Josh. He'd have to do.

There weren’t many people around at the moment so it was easy to cloud their minds with false visions as I dragged the struggling junkie into an alleyway.

The minds of vampires are strong due to the blood inside us. We can do things like read minds, speak into others minds, send out false visions, and things like that.

"Dude, get your hands off me," the kid snapped.

I slammed Josh into the wall and didn’t waste any time sinking my now elongated fangs into his neck. He yelled out as my fangs broke the skin. The first burst of hot blood sent me reeling. I think I might have moaned. I hadn’t realized how parched I was until the blood filled my mouth. Of course the blood also came with the memories of the dying man but I blocked them out. I didn’t care to know about his shitty life.

Finally the guy stopped struggling and eventually died in my arms as I took the last drop of blood from his body. Discarding the body I walked out of the alley and started back for Bam's house. On second thought I need to visit an old friend.

I moved backed into an alley and made sure there were no humans around. Then I closed my eyes and willed myself to Finland. When I opened my eyes I was standing in the living room of my home in Finland.

The power to will myself anywhere in the world in the blink of an eye wasn’t my favorite ability. Don't get me wrong though, I do like the ability. It comes in handy at times like these. As much as I didn’t like humans I preferred their means of transportation.

Come to think of it, I can't say I don’t like humans anymore. I mean Bam was human and so were his friends and they were okay.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I came here for a reason not to dwell on Bam at the moment. So I left my home and walked to Linde's. I knew he'd probably be asleep at this time of day but oh well. I'll just have to wake him.

I walked up to his door and tried the door knob, it was locked. I could sense him inside so I knocked loudly.

'Linde wake up!' I shouted into his thoughts. If he didn’t hear the knock he'd defiantly hear that.

'Damn you Valo, I was having a good dream,' he replied back into my thoughts.

'I need to talk to you.'

'You couldn’t wait until later?'

'No, it's important.'

'Fine, hold on.'

I loved being able to have conversations like this. No one would be able to hear it if it was something secret.

I heard movement upstairs and soon the door opened.

"What is it Ville?" he said kind of annoyed.

I brushed passed him not even waiting for him to invite me in. It's not like I needed to be invited it was just the polite thing to do.

He shut the door and turned to me a bit concerned now.

"Is something wrong?" he asked.

"Not really," I replied.

He crossed his arms over his bare chest. "Spill it Valo, I know you."

I smiled. It was a good thing I have a close friend like him. There was nothing I could keep from him. So naturally I told him everything from the night I met Bam Magera to now. I even told him about the presence I felt just before I saw my hotel room was burning down.

"Maybe it isn’t safe in Westchester," he said when I was finished.

"But I told Bam I would be on his show today," I replied.

"Sounds to me you're in love with a human." He smirked.

"I never said that." I felt the urge to become defensive.

He shrugged. "There is nothing wrong with that. I'm just saying."

"Well what do you think I should do?"

"What do you want to do?"

I thought about it. What do I want to do? Well I want to get to know Bam, I know that much.

"So do it, get to know him," Linde said. He must have read my thoughts.

"I hate it when I do that," I replied. I always let my guard down when I was around him.

"What read your thoughts?"

I nodded.

"Sorry, but seriously, if you want to get to know him go for it. I'm here for you Ville, we all are. We'll support your decisions."

I smiled again. "Thanks." I hugged him.

"You're welcome. Only one question." He hugged back.


"Are you going to make him one of us?"


More soon, comments please,

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