Vampire Heart - Chapter 24

Mar 31, 2007 16:34

Thanks to those who commented.

Title: Vampire Heart
Author:  Sid (lost4evermore2)
Pairing: Bam Margera/Ville Valo
Summery: Ville is a vampire that isn't to fond of humans. What happens when he meets Bam?
Disclaimer: I do not know anyone in this story. None of this has ever happened nor will it.
Rating: Hm, probably PG-13 for violence and swearing although it's not so bad in the beginning. May increase later on, may not.


( Chapter 1-4) ( Chapter 5) ( Chapter 6) ( Chapter 7) ( Chapter 8)
( Chapter 9) ( Chapter 10) ( Chapter 11) ( Chapter 12) ( Chapter 13)
( Chapter 14) ( Chapter 15) ( Chapter 16) ( Chapter 17) ( Chapter 18)
( Chapter 19) ( Chapter 20) ( Chapter 21) ( Chapter 22) ( Chapter 23)

Later That Night.

The cold breeze nipped at me as I walked down the darkened streets of Philly. Although I didn’t feel cold it still bothered me, probably because I could only feel warmth. Was that it; was I so cold I could only feel warmth? Did I feel cold to Bam?

I shook my head to clear my thoughts as the wind picked up slightly. Philly might now have been such a good idea after all.

I walked into an alley and leapt onto the roof of the three story building to my right. I laid down on my back with my hands behind my head.

The stars shinned brightly in the heavens above me. Each one glittered beautifully in a massive blanket of black.

Where was my Bam Bam at a time like this? I could have been completely content at the moment if he was here. I closed me eyes. Oh how I loved him. He made me feel human, thought he wasn’t anymore either. Why hadn't I brought him with me?

A moment, an hour, I wasn’t sure how much time had passed. I just knew when I finally opened my eyes the sky was starting to lighten up. Dawn must be approaching.

The wind had picked up again. I was about to leave when it suddenly felt as if someone was standing on my chest. If I had been human it might've crushed me, but I had no need to breathe.

I struggled but whatever was there wouldn’t move.

"It's not over," a voice whispered so quietly I thought it was the wind. The pressure on my chest suddenly disappeared and the wind calmed down.

I sat up straight gasping in mouthfuls of air.

What had just happened? Was it a dream? Yes, it had to have been a dream. I shrugged it off deciding that is all it could have been. I willed myself to Bam's bed room.

He was lying on his back on the bed fiddling with some papers.

I crawled onto the bed and laid down beside him. I pushed the papers out of the way so there was room for my head on his chest.

He chuckled. "Wille, what are you doing?"

I didn’t answer just nuzzled my face into his chest and slipped my arm around his waist.

He wrapped his arms around me. "Are you alright?"

"I am now," I replied.

He kissed the top of my head.



"Do I feel cold to you?"

"No baby, you're quite warm," he replied.

I smiled and relaxed into him. I fell asleep to the slow rate of his beating heart.


Next Day.

I was woken up to Jess Margera landing on the bed between Bam and me.

"What the hell?!" Bam shouted falling off the bed as I leapt to my feet.

Jess laughed and relaxed on the bed. "Good morning ladies."

"Fucking hell, Jess what is your problem?" Bam said getting to his feet.

"You two looked so comfortable together, I felt I needed to join because I was left out," Jess mocked pouting.

The skater threw a pillow at his brother. "You are an ass sometimes."

The drummer laughed and tackled Bam to the floor.

I sat back on the bed and watched the two wrestling around on the floor. I couldn’t help but laugh at the two grown men.

In the end Jess pinned his brother to the floor. "Ha, look who winds now."

"Jess you're sitting on my boyfriend. You're going to squish him." I pouted.

Jess looked up at me distracted.

Bam smirked and flipped his brother off himself and sat on the drummer. "I win."

Jess pouted. "Hey, no fair. You cheated."

"How did I cheat?"

"I don't know."

The skater laughed and climbed to his feet before helping Jess up. "Was there a specific reason you woke me up this morning?"

He shrugged. "I think you should throw a party."

"You woke us up at 8 in the morning to tell me I should throw a party?"

"Pretty much, yup."

"Okay, out," Bam demanded pointing to the door.

"What, why?" Jess asked.

Bam put a hand on the drummer's back and pushed him out of the door. "Good night Jess, or more like good morning."

"Bam wait, please?"

Bam shut and locked the door.

I laughed. "Maybe you should throw a party."

"Sure, stand up for my brother after he tried squishing me." Bam joked straddling my lap.

"I'm not. I just think it would be fun." I wrapped my arms around his waist. My lips were inches from his.

"Just maybe I will then."

"Great, I'll bring the alcohol."

"And a live performance from your band?"

"Alright." I kissed him passionately.

He pulled away after a few seconds. "I don't know about you, but I am going back to sleep. I am still awfully tired."

I yawned noticing that I was too.  "Yeah, I am too."

The two of us crawled back under the covers and drifted back off to sleep in each others arms.


More soon,

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