Vampire Heart - Chapter 18

Mar 22, 2007 19:17

Thanks to the people who commented last chapter.

Title: Vampire Heart
Author:  Sid (lost4evermore2)
Pairing: Bam Margera/Ville Valo
Summery: Ville is a vampire that isn't to fond of humans. What happens when he meets Bam?
Disclaimer: I do not know anyone in this story. None of this has ever happened nor will it.
Rating: Hm, probably PG-13 for violence and swearing although it's not so bad in the beginning. May increase later on, may not.


( Chapter 1-4) ( Chapter 5) ( Chapter 6) ( Chapter 7) ( Chapter 8)
( Chapter 9) ( Chapter 10) ( Chapter 11) ( Chapter 12) ( Chapter 13)
( Chapter 14) ( Chapter 15) ( Chapter 16) ( Chapter 17)

Continuation of the last chapter.

I walked out of the house with Jussi right behind me.

Timo-Timo's voiced entered my thoughts telling me where they were. He must have sensed us here. It didn't take long to get there.

Jyrki was sitting in the lobby. "He isn't dead is he?"

Jussi sat on the receptionist's counter. "No, the fucker got away."

"Where is Bam?" I asked.

Jyrki shrugged. "He ran off after our last conversation."

I sighed. "What did you say to him?"

"What did I say? He's the one that did the talking." Jyrki stood up and stretched.

"Where's his room?"


I nodded my thanks and walked off to the room.

The door was locked when I tried the door knob. I couldn't sense Bam inside either.

I sighed and turned around coming face to face with Jess Margera.

"Mind if I have a word with you in my room?" he asked.

"Um, no," I replied.

He led me into his room and closed the door. "What's with Bam lately?" He hadn't moved from in front of the door.

I shrugged and sat in the desk chair. "What do you mean?"

"Ever since he came back from Finland he's been..." He shrugged. "Nervous?"

"He thought I wasn't going to come back with him," I lied.

"Ville what have you done to him?"

What made him think it was me? "Nothing."

"Don't lie to me." He still hadn't moved from in front of the door. I wonder, did he plan on keeping me in here until he got some answers?

"I am not lying. Why would you think I'm lying?"

"I heard Bam and Jyrki talking earlier, talking of someone getting hurt and killing someone."

I shook my head and chuckled slightly. "Your brother is safe. I wouldn't let even the gods tough him. Now if you'll excuse me I must find him." I stood up and walked to the door.

He still stood in front of me. "What are you?" he said coldly.

"Look darling, its sweet you are defending your brother but you must be careful in doing so. It's dangerous."

"Is that a threat?"

"No, simply a warning and I don't mean that I'm dangerous because to you I am not. Please move."

"You still haven't answered my questions. I know you aren't human."

How could he know that?! "I paid for you to have a trip to Helsinki and this is how you repay me? Rude accusations?" I placed a hand on his shoulder. "I love your brother darling, I wouldn't hurt him."

He flinched away from my touch leaving the door unguarded.

I walked out before he could move back. This time I could sense Bam in his room so I let myself in.

"Hey Ville, did you take care of that guy?" Bam greeted. He was lying on the bed shirtless on his back. He suddenly noticed my cheek. "Are you alright?" He moved up onto his elbows looking worried.

"Hello my love. He got away at the last second unfortunately," I replied. "My cheek will be fine. It is already almost healed." I walked over to him and laid down on top of him, pressing him back down onto the bed.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me deeply.

I entangled my fingers in his hair as I parted my lips for his tongue.

The door flew open. "Bam stay away from him."

I sighed pulling away. "Leave us alone Jess."

Bam looked confused. "Why?"

"Get off my brother," he snapped.

I buried my face into the crook of Bam's neck and mumbled. "Make him go away Bammie."

"Jess what do you want?" Bam said without letting go of me.

"That man isn't safe to be with, he isn't human."

"Jessjess don't you see I love him? You are right he isn't human but I don't care if he's the devil himself. He wouldn't hurt me. Don't you think I deserve love?" Bam said.

I smiled and kissed the skater's neck.

Jess had fallen silent.

"Let me do what I want and what I feel is right Jess, don't tell mom and dad." Bam held me tighter.

"I can't believe I'm doing this. If you hurt him Ville, I swear I will kill you." With that he left closing the door behind himself.

Bam sighed. "I'm going to have to tell them soon."

I kissed just below his ear. "I'm sorry I fucked your life up."

He flipped us over so he was on top. "Don't say that. You didn't fuck up my life, hell no. I love you Ville."

I smiled.

Our lips met again picking up where they had left off. Jess lay temporarily forgotten in the back of my mind as passion took over. We loved each other and that was all that mattered.


Next Day

There was a knock on the door dragging me into the walking world.

I groaned and climbed to my feet.

My love was still sleeping curled up under the warm blankets.

I pulled on my pants before opening the door enough to stick my head out. "What?" I yawned.

"Jyrki says he wants to go after this Jonathan guy on his own tonight. He wanted me to tell you to stay in Finland," Linde said.

"Why? He won't be able to do it on his own. I know he's strong but still Jonathan will escape like usual."

"I asked him, he won't tell me why he wants to. Neither will the rest of his band."

I slipped out of the room closing the door quietly behind me. Forget about a shirt and shoes I had to find Jyrki quickly. "Thanks Linde."

He nodded and disappeared.

I found Jyrki sitting in a room reading. His feet were resting up on the desk before him and his arm that was holding the book was resting on the arm of the chair. He hadn’t even looked up when I had walked in.

The door swung shut behind me.

"I had a feeling you'd come," he said without looking up. "Have a seat; it's sort of a long story."

I moved over and sat on the bed folding my legs in front of me so I was sitting Indian style.

He finally looked up placing the book down on the desk as he began to tell me his story.


Jyrki's POV: 1757 before Ville was born. (A/N: The girl's name was at random. She doesn't exist.)

I walked into my home. "Miia, my love, I'm back from work."

There was a loud crash in the other room and Miia appeared in the door way a crossed the room. She was clutching a knife.

I could smell the fear coming from her.

"Is something wrong?" I asked. I couldn’t sense anyone else in the house. So what was the problem here?

"Get out," she yelled sobbing.

I moved closer to her. "Miia, what's wrong love?"

She banished the knife. "Stay away you lying devil. Go back to hell from which you came."

I stopped in my tracks. How did she know I am a vampire? "What are you talking about?"

"GET OUT!" she screamed banishing the knife again.

A man stepped into view behind here. He wasn’t human. "Miia run, that man's dangerous," he said.

She tried to make a dash for the door but I caught her in my arms before she could reach her destination. She dropped the knife in fright.

"Miia," I said softly. "You're going to trust this man over me? My darling, he wants to kill you and you're going to trust him? I love you Miia."

"Let go of me, I hate you, let me go," she screamed struggling in my embrace.

I let go of her the tears stinging my eyes. I blinked them away and stumbled back. "What?"

"I hate you," she whispered crying. She ran out the door.

I looked at the man standing in the door. He had a grin on his face.

"Lovely little thing she is. It's sad love never lasts," he said.

Anger swelled inside me. "Who the hell are you?!"

"My name is Jonathan," he replied having a seat in one of the chairs.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I growled.

"Surely you know. I am a vampire. I feed off the fear and blood of humans." He crossed his legs and rested his hands on his lap. "The two of you just got caught up in my game."

"You leave her alone."

"It's too late she is afraid of you now. Your love for each other is what makes my game fun."

I rushed at him but he moved faster then I did. He was now standing on the other side of the room as I fell over the chair.

He laughed. "Now, now young vampire, watch your temper."

"Fuck you," I snarled. I leapt to my feet.

He waved and willed himself away.


Years later when Jyrki met Ville - 1807.

I walked down the dirty street. Stores and hotels rose up on either side of me, but I didn’t care for them. I was looking for the tavern. I reached the end of the street and walked into the tavern on the corner.

There were 5 other people in the room, four men including the bartender and one woman who seemed to be entertaining two of the men. However one man sat alone at the bar.

His eyes sparked green in the flickering candle light. He clutched a beer in his hands and was staring into it.

I walked over and sat beside him. "Bad day?"

"You gave no idea," he replied. He took a drink.

I held out my hand. "Jyrki."

He shook my hand. "Ville."

I could smell the alcohol on his breath but he wasn’t drunk. On his way there though.

We talked for a while as he had drink after drink. He was having relationship issues as I had; only he was human.

"She walked out on me earlier and I don't know if she'll come back this time," he said.

I felt bad for this man. He seemed like a good man.

"Come with me I want to show you something. Maybe it'll help your relationship."

He agreed to go with me back to my house, or well mine and my friends' house.

When we arrived I led him into a spare room, I had to help him for he was too drunk to walk straight.

"Jyrki what are you doing?" Jussi asked.

I shrugged off his question and shut the door behind Ville and me.

"What are you doing?" Ville slurred. He had drunk way too much. I'm surprised he hadn’t passed out yet.

I sighed as I crossed the room faster then a human could see and caught him as he fell.

"You're going to die of alcohol poisoning," I told him as my fangs extended.

I saw no fear in his eyes when he saw my fangs. He didn’t try to struggle in my arms.

"Unless you let me change you," I said.

He nodded, he had sobered up some.

I sank my fangs into his neck and begun the process.


Decades later.

"Ville," I called.

"What?" he asked walking out of his room.

"I'm going with the guys to Berlin for a while. Do you want to come?"

He shook his head. "Maybe another time."

I nodded. "See you soon."



Ville's POV: present time.

"That's the first time I ran into Jonathan," I said.

Jyrki nodded. "Yes and the week during which you made Linde and Migé what they are today."

"Were you mad at me for doing that back then?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Nope, there is another reason for my anger that day. You see..."


Jyrki's POV: the past the week after Berlin.

The front door was left ajar when I walked in. I froze seeing the two other men in the room besides Ville.

"Oh, I hope you don't mind they kind of helped me out so I returned the favor. Guys, this is Jyrki," Ville said.

"Hello Jyrki, I'm Linde and this is Migé," the blond haired one said.

I waved.

"How was Berlin?" Ville asked.

I grinned. "How Berlin always is, I love it there. How was life here?"

Ville shrugged. "It was as good as getting your throat cut open can be."

"What? What happened?" I leave town and Ville gets his throat slit?!

"Some guy named Jonathan told me-"

"Wait, Jonathan? Was he tall with short black hair?"

"Yeah, back eyes?"

I swore loudly storming out of the house. So the bastard was still alive and he was using other people to get to me now.


Ville's POV.

"That's why you have to let me go after him Ville," Jyrki said. "I need to finish what was started so many years ago. He's trying to get to me through my friends."

"But Jyrki, it could be dangerous," I replied.

"I know that but I have to do this. I'm stronger now then I was then."

I sighed. "If you need help at all contact Timo and I'll be there as soon as possible."

He nodded. "I promise I will." He stood up.

I stood up and crossed the room to him before hugging him.

"Wish me luck," he said after hugging back. He willed himself away.


More soon,

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