Fic: The Girl Who Left Camp

Aug 18, 2015 19:55

Title: The Girl Who Left Camp
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Kenna, Wyatt, and Jeb (mention of Adora and Sadie)
Rating: G
Summary: Turns out, leaving camp isn't the hardest thing she'll have to do today...
Warning: mid- to late- afternoon, day of Moving Day *Written for From the Outside at gameofcards. (tense change = flashback-ish)
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

The Girl at Camp | Loss | Back for Good | Bedtime Kiss I | Bedtime Kiss, Part II | Finding Home, Part I | Finding Home, Part II | His Little Girl | Moving Day | The Girl Who Left Camp | Panic Attack | First Snow | Her Wishing Star | Gingerbread

The city's been in her view for a while, but Kenna isn't as excited as Miss Sadie would have her believe she should be. The trees are starting to thin, which means there's nowhere to hide; and everything is much brighter than she's ever seen before.

"Let's stop for a second," she hears her brother say, and the horse she's on with her father wobbles under her as he's slowed. Kenna twists to look over, then under, Wyatt's arm, to see what Jeb stopped for. He gives her a point toward some trees and nods, so she knows he just needs to go to the bathroom.

Rolling her eyes, Kenna shakes her seven-year-old head and turns back to face forward. She's now got a view of Central City, but she doesn't see what's so special about it. Or why she has to live there now.

Why is it better than home?


McKenna Cain was what many would call an 'odd kid'.

Growing up in a camp, Kenna didn't have a lot of toys to play with, nor did she have a lot of friends. She'd never lived in a house, and her baths were taken in a metal tub (the same one the wash was done in). She owned two dresses, a pair of pants, and a coat that had been given to her by an older girl who was passing through with her family. She shared a cot with her mother and her most prized possession was a ratty old teddy bear, named Wyatt, which once belonged to her big brother.

In the morning, Kenna would get up with her mother - never knowing just how little the older woman slept - and she would run over to Sadie's corner of the camp, where no one was allowed unless they were delivering whichever wild animal was being served up for that day's meal, to help make breakfast for everyone in the camp.

After breakfast, there was always something that needed to be washed.

Kenna didn't know that helping Sadie was actually a way keep her distracted, while her mother and brother were off doing Resistance-things. Had she known what they were doing, Kenna would probably want to go along to help.

Or sneak off behind them and end up getting herself into real trouble.

Lunch wasn't a regular habit for the adults in the camp, simply because they could last the time between breakfast and dinner. For the few children who did live in the camp, though, like Kenna, lunch wasn't anything extensive. Usually some fruit and, depending on how things had gone on the last trip to town, cheese and bread.

That was always Kenna's favorite part of the day, because she'd eat her apple slices while her mother sat with her, fixing her braids - which always managed to come undone as the morning wore on.

And, after lunch, she and the other children in the camp got to play, until it was time to start dinner. Then, she was back with Sadie; dinner came and went; and it was time for bed.

And, the next morning, it started all over again.


"All right," she hears a minute later, and turns from just answering her father's question to see Jeb climbing back on his horse. He directs the horse to their side and nods to Wyatt. "C'mon, Ken. Ride with me."

"But-" she starts to argue, but the look on Jeb's face, she knows all too well. With a heavy sigh, she reaches for his opened arms and lets him lift her between the horses. She doesn't know her brother's real intention, of course, because she hasn't seen the lake yet.

Jeb and Wyatt have already discussed stopping before they left, that morning. Kenna has definitely become attached to her father, after only meeting him for the first time, a few weeks prior. But, Jeb knows his sister, and he knows how to deal with her when it comes to large bodies of water, which she is terrified of.

And the lake outside Central City is far larger than anything she's ever seen before.

~challenge, .gameofcards, series: kenna cain, fic: tin man

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