Fic: Moving Day

Jul 20, 2014 22:20

Title: Moving Day
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Kenna, Wyatt, Jeb, and Sadie (mention of Adora, DG, and the folks in camp)
Rating: G
Summary: It's time to leave the camp... and someone doesn't want to go
Warning: a few weeks after His Little Girl *Written for the 24 Hour Challenge B at writerverse. Prompt: Because I said so
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

The Girl at Camp | Loss | Back for Good | Bedtime Kiss I | Bedtime Kiss, Part II | Finding Home, Part I | Finding Home, Part II | His Little Girl | Moving Day | The Girl Who Left Camp | Panic Attack | First Snow | Her Wishing Star | Gingerbread

The horse snorted as Wyatt fiddled with the saddle's buckle. "All right, boy," he said in a low tone. He moved forward and ran his fingers along the horse's neck. "You're going to get us to Central in one piece, right?" The horse snorted again and nodded, which made Wyatt smile.

"She's not going," Jeb said, coming up next to his father and tying his own horse up next to Wyatt's. Wyatt frowned and turned to look back toward the center of camp. Sitting at the table, stirring something in a bowl nearly the size of her head, was Kenna.

"She's not, huh?" Wyatt asked, raising an eyebrow as Jeb smirked. "Is she planning to stay here, all alone?" The last stragglers in the camp were preparing to head out within the next few days. The Cains were heading to Central City, partially at DG's request, but also because Wyatt and Jeb had agreed that it was best to give Kenna a real bed.

But, for someone who had only ever known living in Resistance camps, Kenna Cain wasn't excited about going to the city, at all.

"You have an extra?" Wyatt asked, nodding to the carrot Jeb had just offered to his horse. Jeb nodded and reached into his back pocket, producing a second.

"You get her," Jeb offered, "and I'll get him." Wyatt's horse knew the carrot was there, and had already turned toward Jeb. Wyatt let out a snort of his own and headed for Kenna.

Sadie was working on that evening's dinner, as she was staying with the final group to leave. When Wyatt walked up to the table, she gave him a smile and moved over to the cauldron to check on the stew. Wyatt watched his daughter for a moment before sitting down next to her.

Kenna stared at the bowl, because she knew that she was in trouble. But, she didn't want to go to Central City. She didn't want to leave the camp. She didn't want to leave Sadie. Kenna gave the contents of the bowl another big stir before Wyatt reached over and stopped her.

"Kenna," he said in a low tone, pulling the spoon from her hand and pushing the bowl away. Kenna's brow tightened as she stared at the grooves of the wooden table. "It's time to go, Kiddo." Wyatt had to fight a smile, because he'd seen the look on her face before.

Granted, it had been on her mother's face.

Wyatt sighed and reached for the seven-annual-old. "Ken," he said, turning so he could pull her into his lap. "I know you don't want to leave," he said quietly, pressing a kiss to her head, "but we can't stay here."

Kenna frowned and turned toward him. "I wanna stay with Miss Sadie," she told him.

Wyatt gave her a sad smile and nodded. "I know," he said, glancing at the woman who had been saving him the last few weeks. Wyatt didn't know anything about dealing with little girls, so Sadie had been a godsend for him.

"Oh, Sweetheart," Sadie said, sitting down next to Wyatt and giving Kenna a smile, "I would love to stay with you, too. But, I have to go home to my family." She didn't actually have anyone to go home to, but there was no reason for Kenna to know that.

"Hey," Wyatt said, leaning back slightly and looking down at his daughter, "maybe, once we get settled, Miss Sadie can come visit." They had already discussed that, in fact, the evening DG's invitation had arrived. Wyatt had suggested they just hire her as a nanny, but Jeb pointed out that they had no money, and no place to live.

Wyatt couldn't really argue that logic.

Sadie had already made plans to go with one of the other families, anyway, as they had four boys to corral. But, she assured Jeb - and Wyatt - that once that family was settled, she would gladly be there for the Cains.

"You promise?" Kenna asked, giving him the wide-eyed pout she'd perfected since meeting him. Wyatt smiled and nodded as his arms closed around her again.

"I promise, Kiddo." He kissed her hair again and loosened his hold. "Now, we need to go, before your brother gets huffy," Wyatt said with a wink. Kenna ducked her chin as she laughed and Sadie opened her arms.

"Come here, Sweetheart," the older woman insisted. "Give me a big hug to last until I see you again." As Kenna crawled from her father's lap to Sadie's, Wyatt noticed the change in the woman's expression. She'd known the little girl since even before she was born, helping Adora through the pregnancy and labor. "I love you so much, Little Miss."

"I love you, too," Kenna replied, trying not to cry. She was brave, Mommy always said. But, brave or not, she was terribly sad. Everyone kept telling her about all the exciting things she was going to see in the city. And some of the other grownups in the camp told her that she was lucky, because she was going to meet the Queen.

"Okay, you... Back to Papa." Wyatt stood up and leaned to pick Kenna up from Sadie's lap, then offered his hand to the woman. Once she was standing, Sadie motioned for Wyatt to lean down so that she could kiss his cheek. "Will you give this to your brother for me?" she asked, pressing a kiss to Kenna's cheek, though she'd already said goodbye to Jeb. Kenna nodded and leaned her forehead against Wyatt's cheek.

"You are going to have so much fun in the city," Sadie nodded, giving them both a warm smile. Kenna looked at Wyatt, who nodded, and then back to Sadie. "You know how I know?" she asked, noting the disbelieving look on the seven-annual-old's face. Kenna shook her head, causing Sadie to smile again.

She reached for Kenna's closest knee and gave it a loving squeeze. "Because I said so."

~challenge, series: kenna cain, .writerverse, fic: tin man

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