Fic: First Snow

Dec 28, 2014 23:56

Title: First Snow
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Wyatt, Jeb, and Kenna (mention of Glitch and DG)
Rating: G
Summary: Kenna's waiting for the snow to fall...
Warning: written for the Holiday Prompt Meme challenge at gameofcards. Prompt: sitting by the window in the night, awaiting first snow
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

The Girl at Camp | Loss | Back for Good | Bedtime Kiss I | Bedtime Kiss, Part II | Finding Home, Part I | Finding Home, Part II | His Little Girl | Moving Day | The Girl Who Left Camp | Panic Attack | First Snow | Her Wishing Star | Gingerbread

Wyatt stopped in the doorway, steaming mug in his hand. Next to him, Jeb was looking into the room, arms crossed and frowning. Wyatt looked in and saw his daughter pressed against the window, staring out into the darkness.

"What is she doing?" Wyatt asked quietly.

"She's watching for snow," Jeb replied. Wyatt's brow tightened, but he said nothing. "Glitch said it would snow, tonight," he added a moment later, though he didn't sound convinced.

"Okay?" Wyatt replied. "Why the lemon face?"

"If it doesn't snow," Jeb finally said, "it will break her heart." Jeb looked at his father. "Again."


Kenna's gaze was locked on the blackness.

Mister Glitch said it would snow, and Miss DG said he was the smartest person she knew. So, if he said it would snow, it just had to snow.

It hadn't snowed yet, that annual, but everyone knew the weather was changing. They were making Kenna wear a sweater before she went outside; yesterday, she had to wear a hat.

Kenna saw movement and her breath caught. A moment later, she saw actual white in the darkness.

"Jeb!" she called, not knowing he was behind her. "It's snowing!"

It was finally her birthday.

~challenge, .gameofcards, ~drabble, series: kenna cain, fic: tin man

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