Fic: Winning Christmas

Dec 29, 2014 22:24

Title: Winning Christmas
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Nora, Tyler, and Nora's mother
Rating: G
Summary: Tyler picked the best gift
Warning: post-movie, that Christmas; written for the Holiday Prompt Meme challenge at gameofcards. Prompt: cuddling in front of the fireplace
Disclaimer: Step Up belongs to Touchstone and company. The OCs are mine.

"You hit it out of the park with that necklace," Nora teased as her fingers interlaced with Tyler's. Tyler made a face as he watched her hand, but said nothing. Instead, he was simply enjoying the moment, with Nora curled up against him and the fire crackling nearby.

Turning her head, Nora gave him a grin and nodded. "I think you definitely won my mom over."

"Don't all women love shiny things?" he asked, flinching as she pinched his side.

From behind them, Nora's mother called into the living room. "You two want hot cocoa?"

"Yes, please!" they both replied.

~challenge, fic: step up, .gameofcards, ~drabble

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