Fic: The Girl at Camp

Sep 03, 2009 07:50

Title: The Girl at Camp
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Jeb, Cain, random Resistance fighters and an OC (mention of DG, Glitch, Raw, Az, Adora and the Queen)
Rating: G
Summary: Following the eclipse, Jeb wants nothing more than to get back to a girl.
Warning: post-series. I've been sitting on this one since July, actually. Which isn't a warning, so much as an FYI...
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

The Girl at Camp | Loss | Back for Good | Bedtime Kiss I | Bedtime Kiss, Part II | Finding Home, Part I | Finding Home, Part II | His Little Girl | Moving Day | The Girl Who Left Camp | Panic Attack | First Snow | Her Wishing Star | Gingerbread

The forests of the Eastern and Southern Guilds grew thicker the further one got from Central City. Jeb Cain glanced up as he noticed an opening in the trees. He knew there were still a few hours left before the suns set, but there was still a distance to travel.

They had stayed near Azkadellia's tower for one night, following the eclipse, at the request of the Queen. Some of the Resistance fighters had headed back the moment the suns returned, but others, like Jeb's group, had stayed to help organize the chaos.

All right, Jeb also stayed because his father had asked him to. Wyatt Cain wanted to make sure he was content that leaving DG behind with Glitch, Raw and her family was the right choice - he had made a promise to the Mystic Man, after all.

DG knew he would go with Jeb - she didn't like it, but she wouldn't keep the man from his family. Raw and Glitch assured Cain they'd look after her, and DG made him promise to return, as soon as he could. As the first sun was beginning to think about coming up, Cain, Jeb and the rest of Jeb's men packed up and headed home.

There wasn't much talking as the men walked - which Cain found awkwardly annoying. He'd become so used to DG and Glitch yammering on that he needed to hear something. It was difficult trying to find topics to discuss with Jeb, so Cain simply bit his tongue and walked.

As the group moved around the south side of Central City, skirting the northern part of the Southern Guild, men would veer off, at various paths, giving well-wishes to those who had become as close as family and looking forward to spending the evening in the company of their own relations.

At a fork in the road, the group split in two - half heading south, to the camp they'd left only a few days before, and the others, toward the Eastern Guild. Cain was confused when Jeb headed east, not south, but didn't question his son.

They stopped at the border between the Eastern and Southern Guilds to have a small lunch and Jeb glanced at the sky. "You think it's really over?" he asked, not really expecting an answer. Cain said nothing - Jeb knew more about what was going on in the Outer Zone than he did - because he just didn't know.

The bitter cynic Glitch had accused him of being wanted to say no - How could it really be over? - but DG's optimism had definitely gotten to him. "Things are changing," he finally offered, knowing it really wasn't the answer Jeb was looking for.

Jeb huffed a small laugh and tossed the last of his lunch into the underbrush and pushed up from the log they were sitting on. "All right, men, we're almost home. Let's not keep them waiting." There was a general consensus in the group and everyone started moving again.

As they walked, Cain threw a glance over his shoulder and looked back to Jeb. "Son, where are we going?"

"Home," Jeb replied. Cain frowned, but said nothing. There was no reason to head back to the old cabin, and Adora and the new cabin were to the south. As the road veered north, Jeb pulled Cain south. He hadn't been that far into the woods in annuals - well, discounting the eight in the suit.

After another hour, Cain could hear the sounds of a camp in the distance. Voices, dogs barking, pans clinking. Soon, the men could smell what would be their dinner. "Papa!" they heard, and Cain watched as one of the men started jogging down the road to meet the young boy who had shouted.

Others started appearing and there were cheers, crying and lots of hugging. Luckily, Cain was safe from that, as he'd already hugged Jeb at the other camp. As they arrived in the middle of the camp, Cain glanced around at life in the O.Z. He didn't think it was possible, but Wyatt Cain was actually glad to see the happiness around him.

His attention moved to Jeb, who was searching the crowd. A moment later, Cain raised an eyebrow at the smile spreading across his son’s face and watched as Jeb dropped his bag and ran forward. 'Must have a girl,' Cain thought as he tried to see who was running toward Jeb. His question was answered - and replaced with a dozen more - when Jeb spun around with a girl in his arms.

A very young girl, he noted. Young enough that she might actually pass for Jeb's child.

Cain watched as Jeb dropped to his knees and held the girl tight. He slowly moved closer, knowing that Jeb wasn't old enough to have a child that age - Adora never would have stood for such a thing - so she must be the child of a friend. Perhaps they were both orphans, bonding as family under the circumstances.

As he moved within earshot, Cain heard the small, cracking voice of the girl: "I didn't think you were coming back." Jeb gave her a sad smile and kissed her forehead before hugging her again.

"I'm sorry I was gone so long." He leaned back, holding her at the shoulders and catching her eyes with his. "I am never leaving you again. I promise." He reached up and poked her nose, which made both of them smile. She leaned against him again and Jeb closed his eyes for a second. Glancing up, Jeb saw his father and let out a deep breath.

He probably should have warned his father before they'd arrived.

Well, he'd considered it, at least a dozen times, starting about five seconds after finding his father along the road, tied to the beam. But the timing was never right. Now, there was really nothing stopping him. "Hey," Jeb whispered, turning back to the girl with a smile. "There's someone I want you to meet." He smiled again and nodded in Cain's direction.

Letting go of her, Jeb motioned Cain to come closer and he waited for his father to kneel down, noting that Cain had stopped just barely out of reach of both of them. Cain shifted his duster and removed his hat as Jeb turned the girl around, not letting go of her.

Cain nearly fell back when he saw her face. "Kenna," Jeb said slowly, not looking away from his father, "Wyatt Cain." Jeb tightened his hold on her as she leaned back slightly. "Father," he said, finally looking away for a second to catch the girl's expression, "this is Kenna." Jeb looked back to Cain, who had to force himself to look away from the girl, if only to get some sort of verification from Jeb. Jeb simply grinned.

"My sister."

You know Steve... Whether I get to the other scenes or not, I can't say. For now, I'll let you simmer in a WTF?! o.O
EDIT: You can see Kenna - and get more backstory - HERE

series: kenna cain, fic: tin man

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