CHALLENGE #37: From the Outside

Aug 11, 2015 07:07

CHALLENGE #37: From the Outside

Description Write a fic from the point of view of an original character (i.e., a character you make up). You can have them invested in their own story, with only passing mention of the canon characters, or you can have them spying on/speculating about the canon characters, with very little focus on their own lives, or anywhere in between.

Points 5 points for every fifty words, up to 650 words (65 points). You can write more than that, but you won't receive more points. You can write multiple fics if you want, but the overall point maxium is still 65 points.
Due Date Tuesday, August 18th, midnight EDT
Submitting Submit your fic(s) to this post using the following header:

Title: (optional)
Pairings: (if any)
Warnings: (if any)
Word Count:

If you have any questions, please ask in the questions thread below.

ETA: Sorry, I just realized I left a line in from the previous challenge. There's no word count thread! Don't worry about that part. There are also no threads. This will teach me not to post while I'm still waking up.


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