Fic: Silence

Aug 13, 2015 10:26

Title: Silence
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Adora Cain (mention of Jeb, Wyatt, and Zero)
Rating: PG
Summary: I don't even know, gang. I blame the allergy meds. ♥
Warning: ANGST. Part 2 *Written for the Wordless challenge at gameofcards.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

Every now and then, there are birds chirping, leaves rustling in the breeze... even the occasional falling tree branch, cracking loose and falling to the ground with a thunk. Sometimes, a thunderstorm rolls through, but even that doesn't last.

The silence is deafening, and she hates it.

There hasn't been much noise around the cabin since that day, and that's really a noise she doesn't want to revisit, anyway. The walls shook as the horses trampled closer, the items in the cupboard tinkling as they shook.

The sound of that suit hitting the ground, after it was shoved off the back of the wagon...

And, then, his voice. That voice. Echoing through the trees, calling to her in that sick sing-song; teasing her with a smile that would make even the sorceress shudder.

She didn't wait for him to come into the house, this time. This time, she went out to face him, head on.

He'd already destroyed her family once, and he would do it again over her dead body.

She didn't run, this time; she accepted her fate. And, clearly, he knew that. So, he dragged her death out, taking pleasure in the pain he inflicted and showing disappointment at her not fighting back.

But, she didn't have any fight left to give.

For every hit she took, it was another second given to her son's escape. He would live, he would end this fight, in her name; in his father's name.

She wanted so much to tell him how proud his father would be; how proud she was; that he would survive.

At the same time, she wanted to tell her attacker that he would never win. They wouldn't stop fighting because she was lost. She wasn't important enough to the fight for that.

There were so many things she wanted to tell him, but his thumb had pressed to her throat in just the right spot, with just the right pressure. She was silent, and the rage in her eyes was fading as quickly as she was.

He let go long enough to prolong her pain, to drag this out. Once she was dead, he would have nothing to play with; no spirit left to break.

But, her spirit had broken so many annuals before, when she had been forced to watch her husband in a similar position.

There was a new sound, breaking the silence. One that pulled her from the memory, but a sound she had never expected.

Someone was calling her name, though she couldn't respond. It was getting closer and closer; scaring away what few birds dared to nest in this place of death.

How could he be calling her? He was dead, gone... lost.

And then he was there, standing just across from when she lay. She begged whomever might be listening in the skies above to not let him turn around; to not let him see that she had given up.

Then he turned and stared at her name.


~challenge, .gameofcards, fic: tin man

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