Fic: Five Times Grissom Kissed Someone

Aug 11, 2015 01:06

Title: Five Times Grissom Kissed Someone
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Grissom, Betty Grissom, Catherine, Nick, Warrick, Heather, Giselle, OCs
Rating: G
Summary: just as the title suggests, five random kisses involving Grissom
Warning: various timeframes; one AU *written for a Five Things at gameofcards.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to CBS and the Bruckster. Enchanted belongs to Disney. The OCs are mine.

Grissom leaned down next to his mother and pressed a kiss to her cheek before moving to the open seat. Happy Birthday, he signed, as he sat down next to her. Betty smiled at him and made a face, seeing the exhaustion on her son's face.

You work too hard, she signed. Shaking her head, knowing that would never change, Betty picked up her menu and pretended to be annoyed. Grissom pursed his lips and looked at his mother until she looked up. Feeling his stare, Betty finally glanced up, only her eyes raising.

Grissom leaned forward against the table and raised his hand to his chest and signed I'm sorry.

Betty rolled her eyes and set down the menu with a slight huff. Giving him a wave, she smiled.

It was only an hour.


Grissom was walking down the hallway of the Crime Lab, head buried in a folder. The sound of cheers echoed from the break room, causing him to stop and look up. Seeing the rest of his team crowded around the table, Grissom made a face and moved to the doorway.

"Hey," he called, but couldn't finish his question as Catherine appeared in front of him and pulled him in for a kiss. When she pulled back, giving him a bright smile, Grissom stumbled for a moment then asked: "What's going on?"

"Midnight!" Nick and Warrick exclaimed, then went back to blowing on the New Year's party favors.

Grissom's eyebrow went up and he leaned forward, twisting to get a look at the clock hanging over the door. Straightening, he gave a look to Catherine and simply said: "Huh."


"Mister Grissom?" Gil turned to see Debra Finnegan and her daughter standing next to the reception desk. Closing the folder in his hand, Grissom gave the woman a nod and moved toward her. "We didn't mean to bother you, but-" she trailed off, nodding to the young girl holding her hand. "Chloe has something to tell you."

Grissom glanced down and smiled, seeing the rather ragged-looking stuffed bear, tight under the girl's arm. Kneeling down to her level, Grissom gave the four-year-old a smile. "Tell him," Debra whispered, giving her daughter's hand a squeeze.

Chloe looked at Grissom and gave him a shy smile. "Thank you for findin' Spencer," she said in a tiny voice, hugging the bear tighter under her arm.

Grissom gave her a warm smile and nodded. "You are very welcome." He reached over to give the bear's ear a loving tug, then smiled again. "You give him some time to rest, okay? He had quite an adventure." That was an understatement, of course, as the car he'd been in had been stolen, involved in a hit-and-run, and rolled.

Chloe gave Grissom an understanding nod and stepped forward to give him a hug, her small arms barely making it around his shoulders and neck. Grissom awkwardly returned the hug, glancing up at Chloe's mother for half a second, then blinked at a warm feeling on his cheek.

Leaning back slightly, Grissom smiled, realizing that Chloe had kissed his cheek. He wasn't sure what to do next, so his eyes narrowed and he pointed to the bear. "You stay out of trouble." Giving Chloe a wink, Grissom smiled as Debra pulled her daughter back and nodded as Grissom stood.

He watched them walk away, giving a half-wave to Chloe, when the little girl turned back at the door. Hearing a clearing throat, Grissom rolled his eyes and turned to see Catherine smirking. "What?"

Catherine shook her head and fought a smile. "I said nothing."


Grissom always looked at every angle before doing anything; as a scientist, it was just how his brain worked. He overthought many things, as pointed out to him on many an occasion. That was probably why he didn't do well in social situations which he didn't control.

There was only one situation that he didn't question - which brought up its own set of questions, but that was beside the point - and that was being alone in Heather Kessler's bedroom. Well, it wasn't exactly her bedroom, and as she was there, he wasn’t exactly alone.

This is where that overthinking came in.

There was just something about her that intrigued him. She didn't make him feel awkward, at least not in the way most people did. She just... understood him and his oddities. Once he realized she was studying him, it made things easier. They were just two scientists.

Two scientists who were making out like teenagers.

He'd come up with a justification for his 'research' later.


"All right," Grissom said in a low, calm tone. He reached into the first aid kit and gave his patient a smile. "I think," he nodded to Giselle, "we're going to be able to save the hand." Giving her a nod, Grissom grabbed some antiseptic and a bandage, then set them on the counter and returned to the kit for scissors and some tape.

Giselle was trying to be tough, but her hand really hurt.

"Jellybean," Grissom said after a few moments of tending to her burn, "why did you pull the pan out of the stove without the mitt?" He glanced over his glasses at her, making sure she was focused on him before pressing the cotton swab to her hand. He could feel her whole body jerk at the contact, and wished he could take the pain from her.

"It was too big," Giselle replied, sniffing and making a face as he started wrapping the gauze around her hand. "I couldn't keep a hold of it." With a heavy sigh, she added: "The pans aren't that hot in Andalasia." Grissom's eyebrow went up.

"The pans are cold and the food is hot?" Giselle nodded with a frown. Grissom shook his head and continued his task. After another minute, he set the scissors on the counter, lightly kissed her now-wrapped palm, and gave her a smile. "All done."

~challenge, .gameofcards, series: grissom&giselle, fic: enchanted, fic: csi, ~crossover

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