word prompt, douchebag, wtf, religion, sex, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), art, stupid, animals, death, sweet tech, weirdos, videos, creepy, ads, kids, links tiem, smooth criminal, skool, omgwant, ways in which they fail, jesus, lists, movies, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 104

    the_perkygoff Jan 20, 2010 11:04

    Late again, I apologize. The semester does that to me.

  • Since I was a failure, let's start off with a failure... Man, 42, dies from "over-excitement" at watching Avatar. That is a combination of really awesome and really horrible for James Cameron. Honestly though? I mean, the movie was great looking but really? Cardiac arrest? :| The article ( Read more... )

    tv, douchebag, wtf, luna not so linkies, cat, science, nsfw stuff, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), anatomy, stupid, animals, death, sweet tech, blood, videos, photos, creepy, ads, kids, links tiem, smooth criminal, ways in which they fail, lists, movies, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 88

    the_perkygoff Sep 30, 2009 17:05

    For all my careful planning the last week or two, I failbot'd today with planning ahead (I blame my A&P lab practical tomorrow). Let's get going with some last minute pulled together stuff! Coincidentally, this means you're getting loaded down with the videos this week, OF WHICH I THINK YOU'LL SURVIVE. Nothing too long, in any case. Let's start:

  • Read more... )

    dogs, exorcist, video games, wtf, sex, science, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), art, under da sea, anatomy, animals, it's da future! :o, death, food, creepy crawlies, fashion, doom, japan, weirdos, videos, creepy, when fandom attacks, ads, links tiem, smooth criminal, egypt, ways in which they fail, lists, movies

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 85

    the_perkygoff Sep 09, 2009 11:54

    Rather than, say, study for chemistry or watch anime or something, I've opted to filling your memory banks with some linkies this Wednesday morning. Take some time to enjoy them, will ya? I wish I had more 9-ish related links for today, but I wasn't think in that regard sadly (I swapped any "top [#]" lists for top 9 lists, at least). EDIT: FOOK. I ( Read more... )

    robots, video games, wtf, religion, sex, art, anatomy, animals, it's da future! :o, death, food, creepy crawlies, doom, japan, videos, photos, when fandom attacks, ads, comics, links tiem, smooth criminal, omgwant, ways in which they fail, lists, movies, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 84

    the_perkygoff Sep 02, 2009 10:23

    I'm using my time on campus productively. By updating this. Let's begin:

  • It's no secret that Marvel was bought by Disney recently (a friend of mine possibly put it best: "As Marvel's stocks shoot up, Marvel dignity just threw itself off a building." And while that by itself is prime sorts of news I would post on the linkies, I'd rather take a ( Read more... )

    robots, disney, dogs, science, toy, nsfw stuff, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), anatomy, stupid, animals, music, food, creepy crawlies, fashion, doom, videos, candy, cats, politics, kids, ads, when fandom attacks, comics, links tiem, skool, omgwant, lists, drugs, movies, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 82

    the_perkygoff Aug 19, 2009 21:48

    Apologies for the massive lateness. Since round 83 is also going up late, the date on this article has been adjusted and reflects the date this entry should have gone up.

  • This was sent to me via someone on Twitter, and oh my fucking god. If you haven't heard about it yet, here's the link for 365Black.com. It's a website, which celebrates African ( Read more... )

    disney, wtf, science, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), art, anatomy, stupid, animals, death, food, creepy crawlies, fashion, japan, creepy, kids, when fandom attacks, zombies/vampires, omgwant, ways in which they fail, movies, epic lulz, robots, douchebag, video games, sex, toy, under da sea, it's da future! :o, music, doom, videos, ads, comics, links tiem, smooth criminal, lists

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 80

    the_perkygoff Aug 05, 2009 15:12

    Hate to post and dash, but I got to get ready for the opera. Here we go!

  • There's something adorable and absolutely wrong about a five-year old singing Johnny Cash tunes while strumming on a guitar. I leave this for you to boggle over.

  • This has got to be one of the best Engrish menus I've ever seen. Vaguely NSFW... the plum does WHAT to the ( Read more... )

    douchebag, wtf, magic, science, nsfw stuff, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), art, animals, death, music, food, fashion, japan, videos, creepy, photos, ads, kids, links tiem, smooth criminal, ways in which they fail, lists, movies, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 73 (catch-up from 6/17)

    the_perkygoff Jun 29, 2009 20:44

    I'M PLAYING CATCH-UP. I'M PLAYING CATCH-UP. (Read here if there's any confusion.)

  • With Sims 3 being released not too long ago, delightfully there's been several Sims 3 related sites that have popped up, of a spaztic manner. One of the first I found was Exploring the mysteries of the mind (with Sims 3), in which an ethics experiment is set up ( Read more... )

    robots, tv, dogs, video games, douchebag, wtf, luna not so linkies, science, space, africa, stupid, animals, it's da future! :o, death, food, creepy crawlies, fashion, japan, videos, photos, politics, kids, ads, comics, links tiem, skool, egypt, ways in which they fail, lists, epic lulz

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  • "WTF Wedne... no, wait, Fail but it's promised week 69 w/ a side of sex, so you'll forgive me" week

    the_perkygoff May 24, 2009 22:04

    That's Fail with a capital "F!!" ( ゚ ヮ゚)

    Yeah, so, right. I don't think I've been quite this late in quite some time, and for that, I apoli-gizzle. It's made even more epic by the fact that I had all the links (sans one, that I got tonight) ready to go for this week for literally weeks now. I blame some extremeee jet-lag from my trip this past ( Read more... )

    word prompt, wtf, religion, luna not so linkies, sex, science, nsfw stuff, anatomy, animals, it's da future! :o, death, fashion, japan, videos, photos, ads, links tiem, smooth criminal, ways in which they fail, lists, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 64

    the_perkygoff Apr 15, 2009 12:10

    I've got a lot of things I want to try and get done today, and very little time, so let's begin:

  • Easter was this past weekend, from what I've heard, and this is just about the only Easter-y link I've got for you (but it's still an awesome one): Cadbury Rube Goldburg Machine. That's right. Someone made a Rube Goldburg machine that runs on Cadbury ( Read more... )

    robots, douchebag, wtf, science, toy, art, anatomy, meme, stupid, animals, it's da future! :o, creepy crawlies, fashion, sweet tech, japan, videos, candy, photos, ads, kids, links tiem, smooth criminal, omgwant, ways in which they fail, movies, epic lulz

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