WTF Wednesday - Round 88

Sep 30, 2009 17:05

For all my careful planning the last week or two, I failbot'd today with planning ahead (I blame my A&P lab practical tomorrow). Let's get going with some last minute pulled together stuff! Coincidentally, this means you're getting loaded down with the videos this week, OF WHICH I THINK YOU'LL SURVIVE. Nothing too long, in any case. Let's start:

  • Me-me-mechanical tumor? WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH... oh wait. Japan? Yeah, that's what I thought.

  • FML, I never posted these before? Well shit. Well, awhile back, a Malaysian advertistement agency hired some artists to cook up some visually interesting advertisements for Penguin Books. They're pretty great and a bit more complex than first glance, when you follow the "pages." The second and first are personal favorites, but they're all very nicely done.

  • Mmm... here's 10 of the ugliest creatures around. You'll probably have seen most of these before but their number one? Uglyfish is uuuulgy.

  • Hurr hurr... I think we're all somewhat aware of the basic horror movie cliches. One of the more popular ones has always been being unable to call for help or being completely isolated, updated more recently to encompass the cell phone. Here's a montage of no signal (and other cellular drama), which is really only stunning as to how f'n much it's overused (and yes, as the montage goes on, the reasonings as to why [insert phone here] tends to get more outrageous/outrageously dumb). W-wait, I get no reception on campus... OH SHI-.

  • OH JAPAN. AGAIN. Awhile back, you made economically convenient square watermelons, for your fridges, now you're making heart shaped ones. D'aww.

  • More art for you, this time in the form of 10 famous paintings re-created in Lego. Because who doesn't like Legos? I'm only disappointed in the certain degree of photoshop a bunch of these involve.


  • So this is one of those gloriously out of context videos, which I encourage you to just sit back and enjoy. If you're familiar with the source material, this is absolutely hilarious. If you're NOT... then this "trailer" makes a pretty awesome promo for a fake movie. I'd totally go see it.

  • WELL, IF YER TATTOOS ARE GONNA BE THAT SPECIFIC... Tattoo clue lead police to thief. "A car thief who had his name and date of birth tattooed on his neck was caught after CCTV images of him were used to track him down." A winnar if you, good sir.

  • This makes me equal parts gleeful and incredibly nervous: boy discovers microbe that eats plastic. If it works, then yay to waste problem! Of course, one must test to make sure the by-products aren't toxic... and how would one get the microbes to eat things we don't want biodegraded? Anyway, kudos to you kid.

  • HAWT. Here are 6 fashion trends (that killed people). I'm sure you've heard of all of these, but cracked always puts it the best.

  • EH WHAT'S THIS NAO? Diamonds produced from tequila. There's always a catch and obviously, despite the date of the article, Mexico hasn't become a massive economic force for a reason: the synthetic diamond crystals are too small to be turned into jewelery (but are plenty fine for industrial uses).

  • Y'know... it seems that the ends is punishment enough for the means. I don't really think a LAW needs to be put into play, as they've probably suffered enough. 2 Russian tourists challenge Florida law prohibiting sex with porcupines. And what's the best way to challenge a law...? ._.

  • THE SPICE IS THE LIIIFE. Giant sand worms lived in Torbay, scientists claim. "Scientists have found evidence of a giant prehistoric sand worm in an English seaside resort." B-but... I want the glowly blue eyes!

  • Nice! CT scan finds hidden face under Nefertiti bust. "One could deduce that the final version was considered in some way more acceptable than the 'hidden' one, though caution is needed in attempting to explain the significance of these changes." ...I dunno. I thought it was neat.

  • And to end... this is best out of context:

    image Click to view

    Love it.
  • dogs, exorcist, video games, wtf, sex, science, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), art, under da sea, anatomy, animals, it's da future! :o, death, food, creepy crawlies, fashion, doom, japan, weirdos, videos, creepy, when fandom attacks, ads, links tiem, smooth criminal, egypt, ways in which they fail, lists, movies

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