robots, disney, dogs, science, toy, nsfw stuff, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), anatomy, stupid, animals, music, food, creepy crawlies, fashion, doom, videos, candy, cats, politics, kids, ads, when fandom attacks, comics, links tiem, skool, omgwant, lists, drugs, movies, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 79

    the_perkygoff Jul 29, 2009 23:27

    I always sucked at intros. And keeping schedules. And forgetting to un-privatize these linkies on Wednesdays:


  • F'n lawl. "Kelly Hildebrandt, you may now kiss Kelly Hildebrandt." Here's one tale of how Facebook brought together two same-named individuals.

  • Comic-con has come and past, but G4's Attack of the Show had a ( Read more... )

    robots, douchebag, wtf, science, toy, nsfw stuff, art, under da sea, anatomy, stupid, animals, it's da future! :o, music, food, fashion, doom, sweet tech, weirdos, videos, candy, photos, politics, links tiem, smooth criminal, ways in which they fail, lists, drugs, movies, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 76

    the_perkygoff Jul 08, 2009 22:41

    HOLY CRAP. Okay, let's go. It's been too long of a day for me to preamble much:

  • The one with Henry French? I just about choked on my drink when I saw that one. Here are 11 of the most badass last words ever said. I want to go out in a ball of verbal flame too ;_;

  • CAN IT BEE HUGZ TIEM NAO PLZ? This little sucker is Idolomantis diabolica, or the ( Read more... )

    robots, dogs, video games, wtf, science, under da sea, stupid, animals, it's da future! :o, death, music, creepy crawlies, fashion, sweet tech, videos, candy, cats, photos, comics, links tiem, smooth criminal, omgwant, ways in which they fail, lists, movies, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 71

    the_perkygoff Jun 03, 2009 23:00

    If you missed last week's linkies... well. Check for them now. Edited note explains all ( Read more... )

    robots, video games, douchebag, religion, sex, science, toy, anatomy, stupid, death, music, food, creepy crawlies, sweet tech, videos, candy, photos, politics, when fandom attacks, kids, links tiem, smooth criminal, zombies/vampires, omgwant, ways in which they fail, lists, movies, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 64

    the_perkygoff Apr 15, 2009 12:10

    I've got a lot of things I want to try and get done today, and very little time, so let's begin:

  • Easter was this past weekend, from what I've heard, and this is just about the only Easter-y link I've got for you (but it's still an awesome one): Cadbury Rube Goldburg Machine. That's right. Someone made a Rube Goldburg machine that runs on Cadbury ( Read more... )

    robots, douchebag, wtf, science, toy, art, anatomy, meme, stupid, animals, it's da future! :o, creepy crawlies, fashion, sweet tech, japan, videos, candy, photos, ads, kids, links tiem, smooth criminal, omgwant, ways in which they fail, movies, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 62 (Oh... It's April's Fools Day)

    the_perkygoff Apr 01, 2009 19:16



    Well... uh. Since I somehow didn't realize this was going to happen I have half-assedly compiled a bunch of linkies that are yes, actually for reals you guys D:. You know the kind. Managed to snag a few fake-out type things too, to fulfill the quoient for the "holiday." To begin:

  • I saw this on TV for the first ( Read more... )

    wtf, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), under da sea, stupid, food, music, doom, fashion, videos, candy, cats, photos, kids, links tiem, smooth criminal, ways in which they fail, epic lulz, movies

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  • Luna's (Not So) Lunes Linkies - Round 32

    the_perkygoff Sep 04, 2008 23:48

    ACK! I just got home a little over an hour ago, and then had 27 emails to respond to. Let's get this late bonus linkies started, so we can be back on track by next week:

  • This video makes me freakin' delighted. Beaten by a girl is hilarious because of what it is, and because the crowd is torn between cheering for the guy and retaining their manly ( Read more... )

    candy, videos, douchebag, politics, nsfw stuff, links tiem, smooth criminal, ways in which they fail, epic lulz, animals, stupid

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  • Luna's (Not So) Lunes Linkies - Round 28

    the_perkygoff Aug 06, 2008 00:58

    To start: this weekend I will be at Otakon. Be prepared... be ready... be expectin' a lot of pictures and video some months later. Now that that's done:

  • Man on Death Row says he's too obese to be executed. Yeah, I did a double-take when I first saw that too.

  • This video ("Baby Laughs at Spoon") is not only fuckin' adorable, but has the best ( Read more... )

    death, weirdos, japan, candy, videos, douchebag, wtf, kids, nsfw stuff, links tiem, smooth criminal, ways in which they fail, epic lulz, stupid, animals

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  • Luna's (Not So) Lunes Linkies - Round Twenty One

    the_perkygoff Jun 18, 2008 08:50

    Holy hell. After two weeks worth of linkies, my links folder... really didn't get emptied out at all. To wind down, today, I decided to do TWO things: a stat follow up on the last two weeks, along with a bonus link "per day" so to speak (if you don't get it, follow the cut), AND I'll double the links by posting some all new fresh ones up after the ( Read more... )

    word prompt, dogs, video games, douchebag, wtf, sex, science, space, nsfw stuff, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), art, stupid, animals, creepy crawlies, fashion, sweet tech, blood, videos, candy, photos, politics, kids, links tiem, zombies/vampires, ways in which they fail, lists, epic lulz

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