Luna's (Not So) Lunes Linkies - Round 28

Aug 06, 2008 00:58

To start: this weekend I will be at Otakon. Be prepared... be ready... be expectin' a lot of pictures and video some months later. Now that that's done:

  • Man on Death Row says he's too obese to be executed. Yeah, I did a double-take when I first saw that too.

  • This video ("Baby Laughs at Spoon") is not only fuckin' adorable, but has the best description ever: "Let's try the knife next, honey!"

  • gotlivingdead was very insistent I put this up at some point: Colorado finally has caught the thong bandits. It's the next level, after pantyhose. All the crooks are doin' it.

  • So one Chinese man stuck 2008 needles in his head (and shoulder) to honor the 2008 Olympics. What did you do last weekend?

  • How about a real cuckoo clock? Probably NSFW.

  • ...Okay. Apparently Haley Lents of Indiana is just about... the dumbest person on the planet, official. I don't have a lot of proof... though she did swallow 30 magnets, then steel balls, because they looked like candy. Candy. She's eight and didn't know better... WTF. Best line of the article: "Haley told [CBS Reporter] Rodriguez she wants other kids to know they shouldn't eat toy parts." Don't worry. Toys have been around for most of human civilization, and those warnings about small swallowable parts have been around at least twice as long as you have, Haley dear. I wouldn't fret too much.

  • And since I'm going to Otakon so soon, one last goodie: Japan is the land of magical light, wonder, and Japanese people. Godzilla. Pocky and tentacle monsters. And apparently now also got a new first: a porno filmed in a McDonald's bathroom. Insert your favorite "lovin' it" joke here.

  • QUICK QUESTION TO EVERYONE: would people like to see more specific tags on these entries, so you can go back and find your favorites again with better ease (such as "kids" "epic win" "NSFW content" "dogs" and so on)? It won't be that hard of a task to do, but I won't do it unless a few people express interest in it.

  • EDIT FOR ONE LAST LINK: "Kemmler, a Buffalo, New York, vegetable peddler with a strong jealous streak, confessed to killing his wife with a hatchet following an argument. 'I killed her, and I'll take the rope for it,' he said, expecting to be hanged. But the state of New York had other plans. Happy anniversary to the first man who was put to death in the electric chair! Well, it took a couple of tries, as in 1890, it was new technology and all.
  • death, weirdos, japan, candy, videos, douchebag, wtf, kids, nsfw stuff, links tiem, smooth criminal, ways in which they fail, epic lulz, stupid, animals

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