Luna's (Not So) Lunes Linkies - Round 27

Jul 30, 2008 00:00

Since I practically forgot it was Wednesday this time last week, I got going super early on this week's batch. It helped that I found a lot of fun things to show:

  • I have to start off on something that made me glee this week: Ode to Joy is one of a few videos that seem to indicate a viral campaign a return of the glorious Muppet Show. This is purely speculation on my part, but it doesn't make the video any less amazing. I think I've watched it a dozen times since finding it this past weekend.

  • Yaaaay... a massive WTF goes to a church in Oklahoma who came up with a brilliant idea to try and increase youth attendance at church meetings: have a gun give-away! I don't know if it makes it better or worse that the event got cancelled... because one of the event coordinators couldn't attend.

  • Now this is truly a tale of a man using his best, uh, assets? Meet Joseph Pujol, who went by the stage name Le Pétomane (which lovingly roughly translates to The Fart Maniac).

  • Anyone interested in picking up a 19th Century sex-tip guide? Better yet? it was directed towards children. Better yet? It has a singing vagina. And monkeys. Potentially mildly NSFW.

  • This wins hardcore for the title, and likewise is surprisingly safe-for-work: CROTCHY LIVES! I... think I need one.

  • To end, truly amazing Engrish: Episode iii, the Backstroke of the West is a phenomenally subtitled, screenshot-by-screenshot account of what happens when you take Star Wars Episode Three, interpret it to Chinese (as the site points out), and then translate it back again to English. Hilarious, and a little disturbing in parts. There are too many awesome parts that I could quote to tempt to into clicking the link but a few of my favs are:

    "You are a sacrifice article that I cut up rough now."
    "Is that a baby on the hoof?"
    "I was just made by the Presbyterian Church."
    and of course,
    "Do not want!"
  • weirdos, videos, wtf, sex, kids, nsfw stuff, toy, links tiem, omgwant, ways in which they fail, anatomy, movies, epic lulz, stupid

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