WTF Wednesday - Round 71

Jun 03, 2009 23:00

If you missed last week's linkies... well. Check for them now. Edited note explains all.

I've been awfully lazy with the linkies lately, between prepping for school and my trip to Colorado messing me up for awhile, not to mention E3 this past week. Allow me to make it up to you with a rather large linkies dosage THIS week. Hopefully I can keep this pattern up of staying on time ._. (I will also be updating the mega list [SEE THE TOP OF MY JOURNAL] hopefully tonight/Friday, as I have moar painting tomorrow.) I will also need to go back to last week's entry and fix the tags a bit tomorrow. I'd love to do it now, but LJ is being difficult again. In any case, let's begin:

  • THIS IS NOT DISTURBING AT ALL. THIS IS NOT DISTURBING AT ALL. I know you all have wanted to suck on James Bond's bod. And now you can. ...I'd eat it in public. ._.

  • This one is courtesy ghzero, but a bit too late for week 69. Apparently there was a study done on, uh, the inside view of copulation. Sex in the MRI. This... is so sexy. (・A・) The killer line: "...Only the first couple was able to perform coitus adequately without sildenafil (experiments 1 and 2). The reason might be that they were the only participants in the real sense: involved in the research right from the beginning because of their scientific curiosity, knowledge of the body, and artistic commitment. And as amateur street acrobats they are trained and used to performing under stress." Oh yay! And pictures for you. They're MRI scans, so they're pretty work-safe.

  • This is possibly the most baller glacier the world has ever seen. It's like Mother Nature wanted to one-up every surrealist painter ever.

  • LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT TWO FUTURE FAIL MOVIES. The first is Stretch Armstrong. Yes, as in that Stretch Armstrong: the toy with chemical pudding in it's arms so you and your friend could try stretching him half way across the house, and only get half way across the room (I'll totally go see this for the lulz). The other is Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde... yes, yes, I know. Hollywood has made many of these before, and it's a classic story: how could this go horribly awry? Well, when Keanu Reeves plays the main role, you have to wonder.

  • In the air, it's a bird, it's a plane! It's ANOTHER FUCKING TERRORIST ATTACK ON NYC RUN RUN RUNRUNRUN... oh. No wait. It's just an Air Force One jet doing crazy low dips over lower Manhattan for some kind of photo-op. Wow. Hay. Wut. (For more fun, check out any of the dozens of videos people have up on YouTube.)

  • In news that DOESN'T suck, here are five super powers from the Bible that put Marvel and DC to shame. Fuck yes. I'm LOLing again, re-reading it.

  • While I'm still on biblical stuff... a bit of backstory. On Twitter relatively recently, they introduced something called "Trending Topics." It basically allows you to see what popular key words people have been searching for on twitter, and allows you to search for new key words in people's tweets or stalk around if you're clever. Every once in awhile, the trending topics will float to a popular tag item. One of the more hilarious ones was the "#popefacts" tag. At it's peak, it was of Chuck Norris proportions. It now seems to be 30%/70% sheer ridiculousness and actual facts/spam, now that companies figured out people click trending topics. Click the "more" button to see older tweets, which generally are more of the lulz-worth persuasion.

  • OH. FOR THE WIN. WIIIN. Full-sized cardboard figure causes shoot out. I only wish the article were longer :(

  • In another instance of win-fail: Chinese jumper gets extra push... "a man threatening to commit suicide by jumping from a Chinese bridge was approached by a passer-by who shoved him over the edge, local media say." That... is incredibly ballsy and hilariously horrible.

  • Hay, how about seven hacks that turn every day objects into weapons... someday, some future employer or the government or something is going to trace me back to these linkies, connect them to me, and I'm going to get in so much trouble. Or get the Spock-brow. One of the two.

  • Oh for the love of... man killed in gun-safety demo. I feel I've posted stories like this in the past before. Someone call the Darwin Awards.

  • I've been aware of this video for some time now, but it wasn't until relatively recently that my attention turned to, "oh yeah, this would make a good linkies link:" George Lucas in Love. It's a fan film of George Lucas in college... and is hilariiious.

  • In yet another moment where the world has щ(゚Д゚щ) at Dell, there's now Dell-a! It's, like, a totally female section of their website for like vaginas that don't understand the world internet wide web. And fuck me: recipes. Dell, come here. Let me hit you over the head with my XPS, 6 pound, 15.4", gun-metal and black laptop. Oh, no wait. I might break a nail. Or my wrist lifting it. :|

  • With that rousing romp through feminity, let's turn our attention to OH SHI-... ZOMBIES!! New weapon turns fire ants into headless zombies. Hoooooly shit. "Researchers in Texas are trying an unusual approach to combat fire ants - deploying parasitic flies that turn the pesky and economically costly insects into zombies whose heads fall off."

  • I got this one about a day after I posted week 68... and couldn't really post it until now. Unfortunately (or fortunately, as it make it re-relevant), the person in this video made it to the final two in Britain's Got Talent, only to loose. Meet Susan Boyle, who will pee on you with her talent and stun you stupid, if you haven't caught her in the news lately. Even Simon Cowell was stunned stupid, which is really what makes this video beautiful.

  • Not sure how I found this one, but Will Ferrell's landlord is a dick. A part of me delights in the fact that Will Ferrell makes viral videos. (If you like, there are also included bloopers... you'll realize very quickly where they found the landlord.)

  • Ahahah, I thought this was funny, but it's because I've seen the original Take On Me music video... here's a literal interpretation in the song's lyrics as to what's going on in the video. It's so well done.

  • Roomba is the vacuum that you set up and it cleans your floor while you're away. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until your floor is clean.

  • To end, I hope you've heard of Portal.... here's the GLaDOS GPS, ready to steer you in the wrong direction, scare the pee out of you, and congratulate you in participating in this Aperture Science computer-generated simulation.
  • robots, video games, douchebag, religion, sex, science, toy, anatomy, stupid, death, music, food, creepy crawlies, sweet tech, videos, candy, photos, politics, when fandom attacks, kids, links tiem, smooth criminal, zombies/vampires, omgwant, ways in which they fail, lists, movies, epic lulz

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