WTF Wednesday - Round 79

Jul 29, 2009 23:27

I always sucked at intros. And keeping schedules. And forgetting to un-privatize these linkies on Wednesdays:


  • F'n lawl. "Kelly Hildebrandt, you may now kiss Kelly Hildebrandt." Here's one tale of how Facebook brought together two same-named individuals.

  • Comic-con has come and past, but G4's Attack of the Show had a very special exclusive: Inspector Gadget: Book of Shadows. Click the link to check out the "trailer" (with Kevin Pereira as Gadget and Olivia Munn as Penny).

  • OKAY, SO WOW. MY MIND WAS BLOWN LAST WEEK. Don't ask me how I stumbled over RED MUSEUM comics, but I did. Link directs to you the comics page, which are all creepy and bizarre as hell, several with a fair dose of NSFW to boot. I couldn't help but think to myself that Junji Ito (Uzumaki, Jyo, and "The Enigma of Amigara Fault," which I posted here for Halloween back in week 40) would be proud... and it came as very little shock that the artist considers him an influence.

  • Err... wut. In case you haven't gotten enough Michael Jackson news in the last few weeks: M.J. fans call for Nobel Peace Prize nomination.

  • Cell Phone Symphony is an incredibly well executed, funny practical joke gone completely right.

  • For some reason, completely unplanned by me, I ended up having TWO edit: THREE coca-cola related links this week: the first of which is Coca-Cola's 100-Flavor Interactive Freestyle Soda Fountain in Action, fulfilling every child's vision of the future of soda water fountains... okay, it's not quite as bad as that, but these machines ARE capable of recording statistics on popularity of locations/flavors and communicate back to Cola-Cola headquarters, making it even more future-y than anticipated. Of course, the next trend will be a return to old school.

  • My final soda-related link comes from serke, which made me lawl: Pepsi vs Coke logo evolution.

  • How 'bout a bit of science of you now? A study done on crowds of movie goers show that audiences have a tendency to blink in synchronization. Why? People tend to subconsciously control the timing of blinks, so that nothing important is missed, and most folks tend to watch films in a similar way. It's science!

  • Oh internets. You know, there's been more than once where I've wanted to scream ("scream" being a figurative term in this case) at someone over the internet, "LOOK IT UP DUMBASS." I mean, you're online. Most browsers have built in search engines in them already. Type in the word you don't know or the thing you don't know how to do and find out the answer yourself. And then again, there's always those internet sources that over-explain. This takes it to a whole new level: here are 11 of the most un-necessary internet how-to guides in existence... well. From wikihow, at least. It's like the instruction label on some boxes of toothpicks. I will admit: the number one for this list is spectacular.

  • LOLWUT. I never posted this? Love and fear the Weng Weng Rap. No seriously. Don't lie. This is the catchiest thing you've heard all day.

  • I am pretty sure there's something like this out there that starts with "b" and ends with "-iblical plague." It's raining tadpoles! Don't worry, this happens all the time... no. Really. Apparently this happens all the time.

  • INCONCEIVABLE. Seven species that get high more than humans do!

  • ORLY NOW? Apparently there might be a correlation between women with long ring fingers and arthritis risk.

  • Oh, I don't know if they're the dumbest, but they certainly take a gamble at trying for it: 'World's Dumbest Criminals' Nabbed In Pennsylvania: "What started as a burglary investigation at an Upper Darby, Pa. home led to a drug bust, the discovery of guns, fake police badges and Nazi uniforms and memorabilia."

  • You know, anywhere else, the term "800lb enema" would be not only a force to be feared but painful to boot, but apparently in Russia, it's art!

  • D: OH NO. THIS IS JUST FRIGHTENING. щ(゚Д゚щ) Terminator Bear, I give you points for creativity and sheer terror.

  • Yeah... the title says it all again: 15 most unfortunate t-shirts for a mugshot.

  • Completely unrelated following topic is completely unrelated: pretty underwater photos of fish and sea turtles, anyone?

  • D'aww... this has got to be one of the cutest squids ever. The "piglet squid" is a relatively new discovery and, according to the article, is "about the size of an avocado." Just wanted to toss that imagery your way.

  • "Double Meaning" is a collection of cleverly set-up (or fortunately timed) photos, which, for the most part, are pretty funny. I'm sure you'll pick up on what they mean by "double meaning" pretty quickly.

  • I've had this one set aside for awhile... a whole YouTube channel dedicated to robot art. Okay, fine, it's "selected videos of the kinetic sculptures of artist Nemo Gould," but seriously. It's awesome watching some of these things in action. Click around and enjoy at your leisure!

  • I stumbled over this article/study during the week and a few days later serke sent me a similarly related article. The article is a study showing that Brilliant Blue G dye, a derivative of common food coloring Blue Number One, may be able to reduce paralysis (as shown in experimentation on rats). In the version she sent me, you get all of the same information as the one I found, but I'm personally a bigger fan of my version of the article, if for no other reason than the title: Same blue dye in M&Ms linked to reducing spine injury. Phew! Good thing blue replaced tan M&Ms in the 90s, yo. Blue M&Ms: they in j00 tummies, savin' j00 spines.

  • LET'S END THIS INCREDIBLY LONG EDITION OF THE LINKIES WITH A SPARKLING RAY OF SUNSHINE. Phoenix police raid home of blogger whose writing is highly critical of them. Oh. Oh fun. Click the link to read all about his lengthy legal battle.
  • robots, douchebag, wtf, science, toy, nsfw stuff, art, under da sea, anatomy, stupid, animals, it's da future! :o, music, food, fashion, doom, sweet tech, weirdos, videos, candy, photos, politics, links tiem, smooth criminal, ways in which they fail, lists, drugs, movies, epic lulz

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