Welcome to the BAFA Ball [Open]

Nov 09, 2007 18:05

Characters: All BAF officers and their guests.
Content: It's the BAFA Ball. Yes.
Setting: Valhalla Ballroom
Time: 5 p.m. to
Warnings: There better be no fighting, or you could face dismissal from the BAF~

It's almost time )

≠ lafiel abriel, ≠ britannia, ≠ asch fon fabre, ≠ bafa ball, miles edgeworth, ≠ rue, ≠ claire redfield, ≠ grimmjow jeagerjaques, ≠ jade curtiss, ≠ ema skye, ≠ leon kennedy, manfred von karma, ≠ ada wong, ≠ ichimaru gin, ≠ yurika doujima, ≠ ion fon elemni, thread, ≠ ahiru, ≠ dahlia hawthorne, ≠ valhalla, ≠ arietta, ≠ vava

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Comments 95

NEAR THE WALL layersoflazy November 10 2007, 17:20:21 UTC
There was nothing quite so embarrassing as showing up to a ball with your father as your escort, in Yurika Doujima's opinion. Things had gotten to the point where Nobu led his wayward daughter to eligible young bachelors and introduced them meaningfully, but when she had suggested they come separately Grand Admiral Doujima had given her that look, the one that had made her shake in her shoes at the age of ten. It still managed to impress her ( ... )


Re: NEAR THE WALL starsundersky November 12 2007, 03:02:21 UTC
Lafiel had managed to get her dress uniform picked up in time, and wore it pressed neatly, her rank insignia sewn on. It was pretty bland, but did flatter her. Once inside, she moved to the wall, a bit of a frown cracking her normally cool face.

She turned her head towards Yurika, as if she hadn't noticed her before. "Hello," she said.


Re: NEAR THE WALL layersoflazy November 12 2007, 08:40:35 UTC
Yurika smiled. "Hello." She looked down at Lafiel's uniform and shook her head. "I knew those things had to be flattering on someone. I'm jealous."

"I think I saw you a few times in the academy, back in the day if I'm not mistaken. But I could be." She shrugged. She shifted her purse to her left hand and offered the right to shake. "I'm Yurika." She didn't offer her last name.

"It's good to see another girl going stag." She added, as an after though. "I was beginning to think I was the only one."


Re: NEAR THE WALL ichaicha_ahoy November 12 2007, 14:30:24 UTC
Jiraiya entered the ball with a look of satidfaction--no one had questioned his appearance, and they'd taken his coat and hung it for him. No need for the invite after all ( ... )


One of the Rest Areas to the Side emptytraits November 11 2007, 01:20:53 UTC
"I thought you said you'd wear something decent..." Sync half muttered, half stuttered, partly thankful for the mask that he wore except for the fact that it didn't cut off the area between Arietta's chest that he was fighting oh so hard not to look at. If there was one thing the mask was good for, it was hiding the slight blush on his cheeks as he turned away from her to gaze passively over at the dance floor nearby.

They arrived some time ago, and since neither were exactly the social type he quickly lead them over to one of the couches, sitting down on one side whilst readjusting his tie. Since his normal uniform was ripped at the ends he was forced to work with an actual tuxedo. He wore a white shirt with the collar untucked, partially covered with a black vest and a red tie tucked in. Over that lay a black coat that split into two tails at the end, with normal dress pants and shoes. The suit itself was gold-trimmed as to not make his mask seem eccentric compared to the rest of what he was wearing ( ... )


One of the Rest Areas to the Side bloodinherwater November 11 2007, 02:17:47 UTC
"I thought I was," Arietta replied quietly, looking down at her attire. She had walked into the first place she found and pretty much let a salesclerk pick out her dress for her. What did Arietta know about clothes? Of course, perhaps the clerk had something else in mind when he had picked out Arietta's dress. It was probably far too short and revealing for such an event, but it was easy to move in and in the end that was all that really mattered to her. Even if she kept on self-consciously pulling the hem down.

She was glad to be over in rest area. She didn't want to dance or talk to people other than Sync. There was no one else she knew here anyway.

"How long will this be?" she asked, looking over at him, knowing that Sync would want to leave as soon as was possible. She pulled down the hem of her dress again as she said this. It was now becoming somewhat of a habit.

[ooc; Art by the AMAZING Brenda, who's art is far superior to mine. Yes.]


One of the Rest Areas to the Side emptytraits November 11 2007, 03:13:26 UTC
Sync chose not to comment any more on the chosen attire that Arietta wore, attention diverted towards the stage that had been set up nearby. He confessed that he had no idea what brought about the Academy's decision to show a ballet, especially when a majority of the Military consisted of the masculine variety. Whatever the case was he really couldn't find himself to care any more so than he did with everything else, and that wasn't by much.

"My guess is a little more than Midnight, probably by an hour or two." He answered the girl's question, satisfied with his tie's position and let his hands rest over his lap. Sync would've preferred to spend his time elsewhere, but he guessed it was okay as long as Arietta was there with him.

Choosing to brave a glance at the girl, he glared hardly at the pendant she wore on her neck in an attempt not to waver downwards towards other ‘accessories’.

"Are you thirsty?"


One of the Rest Areas to the Side bloodinherwater November 12 2007, 00:22:39 UTC
Arietta suppressed the urge to sigh at Sync's answer. This was going to be a long night then.

"A little, I guess," she replied, self-consciously beginning to finger the pendant Sync seemed to be so intent at staring at. Wait, was Sync going to go get the drinks and come back? No, he couldn't leave her, not even for a moment! She didn't want to be left alone with these people.

"If you're going to get a drink then I'll come too." Clingy? No, not at all.


Right inside the front entrance. lionlike November 12 2007, 20:12:32 UTC
Oh, social functions. Leon wasn't too keen on them, but considering this was mandatory, it wasn't like he could just ditch it. It was one of the disadvantages of having an actual rank; these required get-togethers, usually stuffy and dull in nature, for the purpose of mingling with the other recruits or something like that. Not exactly his prime choice of setting, but it wasn't so bad. He'd make it through the night.


This time around, he had brought a guest. Someone very familiar to him, actually, which was perhaps a bad idea, but he knew it would be wiser to bring her along than to brush her off and deal with the consequences later. That could get expensive. Thankfully, she had dressed nicely all on her own. But they were late. Somehow.

Leon didn't care to puzzle over how that had happened even though he knew it was probably Claire's fault. He was a bit too preoccupied with briskly escorting himself and his dear friend inside, all while trying not to ruffle their appearances too much. Hey, he looked nice for once (prim ( ... )


bowgun November 12 2007, 21:10:23 UTC
“No, you behave, clean-cut.” Claire hissed back, her eyes narrowing towards her best - and emphasis on the best - friend as his grasp on her arm tightened. How had she been tricked into attending this fancy soirée again ( ... )


lionlike November 12 2007, 22:16:31 UTC
"I always behave." He was an officer, for God's sake! He was always on his best behavior. ..Most of the time. Honest!

It wasn't his fault he had to drag her along last minute, either. Claire was the only girl he could think of, and he didn't feel like being paired up with random girl 'friend-of-a-friend's tonight. He just wanted in, out, and on his way. So a date companion of the female persuasion was necessary. Who better than a childhood buddy that he could tolerate pretty well for the most part?

Granted, said buddy had tried to tote a gun along, but this was a classy social function! And now that he thought about it, he wondered if he should have searched her before leaving...

Suddenly, he gave her a mildly suspicious look, discreetly attempting to glance her over. "You didn't bring a razor or anything, did you? You know you're not allowed to cut anyone for any reason." Not that he knew where she would have hid it anyway. Where the hell was storage on a dress?


bowgun November 12 2007, 22:34:19 UTC
“That is such a lie.” Claire rolled her eyes and used her free hand to brush her long ponytail over her shoulder, effectively hitting Leon in the face in the process. “You know as well as I all of the horrible things you have done in the past, Leon S. Kennedy ( ... )


Bar emptytraits November 13 2007, 00:23:04 UTC
[From here.]

Sync was very special, because no normal person would wear a mask that didn't at least have eyeholes in it. He never really had the insight to that kind of common sense, and plenty of times he prayed the price for it. Of course, he was too stubborn to admit his faults, picking himself right back up after walking into a wall or falling off the side of the ship ( ... )


Bar bloodinherwater November 13 2007, 00:42:56 UTC
It was in moments like this that Arietta always felt the urge to help Sync along when he insisted on wearing that weird mask of his. She had never asked why, since she knew he had some reason for it, but it still didn't make her feel any easier to see Sync blundering around. She knew that if she offered to help he would just brush her off. Sigh.

So instead she walked a few steps behind him as they made their way to the bar. As Sync ordered the drinks she found herself moving closer to him. She really didn't like all the activity and noise in this room. But, as long as she stayed near Sync, things would be ok.

She took the drink Sync offered her and took a sip. She made a face as she did so, pulling the drink away. It tasted kind of weird. She couldn't really place her finger on it though. Still, Sync had ordered the drink for her so she raised it to her lips again and took another sip. Well, it wasn't so bad...


Bar emptytraits November 13 2007, 00:55:03 UTC
Now, if Sync knew what he was getting himself into he would've immediately taken those drinks back. But since he'd never actually had any alcohol before he simply guessed that the caterers were just trying to be fancy with some new kind of punch. The aftertaste was enough to make him frown, but he chose to bare it like a man and went about downing half of it in a few gulps.

Taking into consideration his height and weight, it was no surprise that he was already starting to get buzzed. The teen shook his head a little, but this strange feeling wasn't exactly a bad one. In fact, he couldn't help but break into a grin after he finished his first glass, setting it on the table before motioning for the bartender again.

"Another." The man in question gave him another odd look, but it wasn't long before he prepared another. He had barely set it on the surface before Sync swiped at it and downed another one fourth.


Bar bloodinherwater November 13 2007, 01:06:03 UTC
Arietta wasn't downing them at as fast a pace as Sync (she was still on her first one), but she was also smaller than Sync, so in no time she was just as buzzed. It felt really, really weird. Not bad, just weird. She got over the taste of the drink quickly. She might have even been starting to like it.

Then she saw Sync's grin. "Is something funny Sy-hick-ync?" She covered her mouth quickly, a flash of red spreading across her cheeks in embarrassment. Now that had been strange.

It made her want another drink.


OUTSIDE THE FRONT ENTRANCE shotanapped November 13 2007, 04:00:01 UTC
Ion wasn't so sure he belonged among all of these ranking officers, being a lowly messenger himself. His actual title might have held more meaning, but in the end not much of a peace treaty was being made. Often, he resorted to passing a simple message between ships that couldn't be passed a faster way.

But he couldn't lie and say he didn't enjoy coming to balls such as this one, especially with Ada. She might have been older than the young boy, but Ion still loved her company. Even if sometimes it was mandatory.

Pulling one of the tails of his coat, Ion stopped outside the entrance to the gala, peering inside through the doors. He waited patiently for Ada to follow, wrestling with the overly-long sleeves and a few rebellion strands of hair in the meantime.


Re: OUTSIDE THE FRONT ENTRANCE lafemmeada November 13 2007, 04:33:04 UTC
For herself, Ada enjoyed parties. Masquerades were more her flavor- where else could someone draw all of the attention without having one's face revealed?- but even the military could sometimes put on a decent show. And with Ion being invited, as an official ambassador, it was only natural for Ada to come along. The chances of an attack were slight, but at the same time, that meant that a well-planned and determined individual could pull it off while everyone else was relaxing. Ada wasn't about to let that happen ( ... )


Re: OUTSIDE THE FRONT ENTRANCE shotanapped November 14 2007, 02:54:50 UTC
The boy looked up to Ada's taller form with a smile and a laugh, moving his own hands through his hair to follow suit with hers. No matter what he did, there were always a few rebellious strands that decided to give him trouble on top. The minor details of appearance were usually lost on the boy - he was accostomed to dressing up, even as awkward as he felt now ( ... )


Re: OUTSIDE THE FRONT ENTRANCE lafemmeada November 14 2007, 03:25:44 UTC
Yes, Ada had to smile as Ion straightened himself out and then moved ahead of her, all young exuberance and... ironically... one of the very few who could claim to have held Ada's hand. Youth was wasted on the young? In any case, Ada was amused enough to let the situation stand, glad that Ion was at least giving it a good go of enjoying the party. For her part, Ada knew that something was weighing on her charge's shoulders, and considering the circumstances, it didn't take much to guess what that might be ( ... )


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