Welcome to the BAFA Ball [Open]

Nov 09, 2007 18:05

Characters: All BAF officers and their guests.
Content: It's the BAFA Ball. Yes.
Setting: Valhalla Ballroom
Time: 5 p.m. to
Warnings: There better be no fighting, or you could face dismissal from the BAF~

It's almost time )

≠ lafiel abriel, ≠ britannia, ≠ asch fon fabre, ≠ bafa ball, miles edgeworth, ≠ rue, ≠ claire redfield, ≠ grimmjow jeagerjaques, ≠ jade curtiss, ≠ ema skye, ≠ leon kennedy, manfred von karma, ≠ ada wong, ≠ ichimaru gin, ≠ yurika doujima, ≠ ion fon elemni, thread, ≠ ahiru, ≠ dahlia hawthorne, ≠ valhalla, ≠ arietta, ≠ vava

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Re: OUTSIDE THE FRONT ENTRANCE lafemmeada November 13 2007, 04:33:04 UTC
For herself, Ada enjoyed parties. Masquerades were more her flavor- where else could someone draw all of the attention without having one's face revealed?- but even the military could sometimes put on a decent show. And with Ion being invited, as an official ambassador, it was only natural for Ada to come along. The chances of an attack were slight, but at the same time, that meant that a well-planned and determined individual could pull it off while everyone else was relaxing. Ada wasn't about to let that happen.

Fashionably late as always, Ada strolled with her usual dignified grace right up to her charge. Dressed in a stunning red dress that, even moreso than her usual outfit, was designed to flatter her long legs and the curves of her body, tantalizing more than scandalous, Ada's crimson lips curled into a smile as she let a single manicured hand run through Ion's hair, smoothing down a few of those rebellious strands and trying to make him thoroughly presentable. Still... perhaps it would be all right to leave him as he was. He seemed more cute this way, and definitely drew attention in a different sort of way than Ada did.

Inwardly, she had to laugh. The more eyes on her, the more eyes on Ion, and the less of a chance that anyone could plan anything without immediately having the wrath of the BAFA on their heads. It would work out quite well, in the end. "Be sure to stand up straight," she very gently admonished, "when we walk through those doors, every eye is going to be on us." Hence why she was late- it was always better to wait until the initial rush had gone through, so that the doormen could focus more attention on each individual. And who could blame Ada for that?


Re: OUTSIDE THE FRONT ENTRANCE shotanapped November 14 2007, 02:54:50 UTC
The boy looked up to Ada's taller form with a smile and a laugh, moving his own hands through his hair to follow suit with hers. No matter what he did, there were always a few rebellious strands that decided to give him trouble on top. The minor details of appearance were usually lost on the boy - he was accostomed to dressing up, even as awkward as he felt now.

He was almost happy. If his heart wasn't so dragged down by the memory of Sync's unbridled hatred, he might have honestly enjoyed the party. It didn't help there was a chance he might spot his brother here, too. But it was part of his job to hide his pain, and he did so easier than most.

But with Ada's command, Ion nodded vigorously. "Okay!" He set his shoulders straighter, stretching out his spine enough to look an inch or two taller. He put on his most mature, gentlemanly face - or the best a fourteen year old could muster.

He didn't comment that eyes were more likely to be focused on his guardian rather than himself. Who would notice a boy such as himself? But Ion was neither interested nor cared if attention was drawn to him, instead losing all pretense of maturity as he took hold of one of Ada's hands, dancing ahead of her. "Come on, let's go!"


Re: OUTSIDE THE FRONT ENTRANCE lafemmeada November 14 2007, 03:25:44 UTC
Yes, Ada had to smile as Ion straightened himself out and then moved ahead of her, all young exuberance and... ironically... one of the very few who could claim to have held Ada's hand. Youth was wasted on the young? In any case, Ada was amused enough to let the situation stand, glad that Ion was at least giving it a good go of enjoying the party. For her part, Ada knew that something was weighing on her charge's shoulders, and considering the circumstances, it didn't take much to guess what that might be.

After one last idle glance at her dress, making sure that it was perfect and unwrinkled, Ada let her charge lead the way, the fond expression in her eyes changing to her usual enigmatic charm. There was a fine art to unconscious allure, and Ada decided on something a bit less pretentious than normal. Instead of seeking attention, she'd let her bared right leg and form-fitting dress draw attention for her, playing the part of one who was to be worshiped from afar instead of actively courted.

Yet, somehow, she knew that it wasn't going to last. Both Ion's childish demeanor, and the guest list she'd taken the liberty of investigating earlier, told her that the night was not going to go smoothly. Ah well... after gracefully striding through the door, she'd let the doormen's bustle to take her outer jacket suffice for announcing her presence. And hopefully, just maybe, this would be the one night where she wouldn't have to worry about Ion...


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