Welcome to the BAFA Ball [Open]

Nov 09, 2007 18:05

Characters: All BAF officers and their guests.
Content: It's the BAFA Ball. Yes.
Setting: Valhalla Ballroom
Time: 5 p.m. to
Warnings: There better be no fighting, or you could face dismissal from the BAF~

The ballroom was almost ready for the arrival of its guests. Servants ran franticly around doing last minute polishing before the clock struck five. Everything had to be in order for this event. It was the culmination of everything Britannia stood for: wealth, prosperity, and power.

The ballroom itself shone bright and merry. The entire room was gilded with gold, from the walls to the columns. The grand windows stood tall and proud with nary a smudge on them. Through them could be seen a stunning view of Valhalla, the lights from the city twinkling in the darkness. The high vaulted ceiling extended far above the dance floor, a large, brightly shining chandelier hanging down from its middle. Draperies hung all around from the high balconies overlooking the dance floor.

But the room did not contain only a dance floor, though that was large enough to fit an entire host of people. To one side stood a long bar with stools for people to sit and mingle. Other areas also provided wonderfully cushioned chairs and couches for those weary of dancing, with plenty of food and refreshments located nearby. A grand stage was also situated to one side of the ballroom, where a dance troop was now hurriedly trying to prepare, its leader shouting orders to the crew handling the props.

It was almost time for the ball to begin. The servants had finished cleaning and now went back into the wings, preparing trays of glasses to be brought out as the first guests arrived. The dance troop had now finished setting up and they too retreated backstage for last minute rehearsals.

With a greats gong, the clock struck the hour. It was now five o’clock and the ball had begun. The doors were thrown wide, and the doormen now nodded cheerfully to the incoming guests, saying, "Welcome to the Britannian Air Force Academy's Annual Ball." Of course, this would soon be abolished as more and more guests arrived and the doormen became much more occupied with the storing of coats than greetings.

≠ lafiel abriel, ≠ britannia, ≠ asch fon fabre, ≠ bafa ball, miles edgeworth, ≠ rue, ≠ claire redfield, ≠ grimmjow jeagerjaques, ≠ jade curtiss, ≠ ema skye, ≠ leon kennedy, manfred von karma, ≠ ada wong, ≠ ichimaru gin, ≠ yurika doujima, ≠ ion fon elemni, thread, ≠ ahiru, ≠ dahlia hawthorne, ≠ valhalla, ≠ arietta, ≠ vava

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