Welcome to the BAFA Ball [Open]

Nov 09, 2007 18:05

Characters: All BAF officers and their guests.
Content: It's the BAFA Ball. Yes.
Setting: Valhalla Ballroom
Time: 5 p.m. to
Warnings: There better be no fighting, or you could face dismissal from the BAF~

It's almost time )

≠ lafiel abriel, ≠ britannia, ≠ asch fon fabre, ≠ bafa ball, miles edgeworth, ≠ rue, ≠ claire redfield, ≠ grimmjow jeagerjaques, ≠ jade curtiss, ≠ ema skye, ≠ leon kennedy, manfred von karma, ≠ ada wong, ≠ ichimaru gin, ≠ yurika doujima, ≠ ion fon elemni, thread, ≠ ahiru, ≠ dahlia hawthorne, ≠ valhalla, ≠ arietta, ≠ vava

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Bar emptytraits November 13 2007, 00:23:04 UTC
[From here.]

Sync was very special, because no normal person would wear a mask that didn't at least have eyeholes in it. He never really had the insight to that kind of common sense, and plenty of times he prayed the price for it. Of course, he was too stubborn to admit his faults, picking himself right back up after walking into a wall or falling off the side of the ship.

There were several things that should've tipped him off, but since he really couldn't see farther than 2 feet ahead of him from the ground they were pretty pointless. And so, after stopping in front of the bar, Sync motioned over to the supposed waiter.

"I'd like two." He spoke, holding two fingers in the air while the bartender just stood there, staring down at Sync like he had a foot growing out of his head. But he shrugged in the end, not really caring as long as he god paid in the end and began to mix them their drinks.

"Here kid, just don't drink it all at once." Two identical glasses of some pink-tinted concoction was slid over to him and Sync picked them both up before offering one to Arietta.


Bar bloodinherwater November 13 2007, 00:42:56 UTC
It was in moments like this that Arietta always felt the urge to help Sync along when he insisted on wearing that weird mask of his. She had never asked why, since she knew he had some reason for it, but it still didn't make her feel any easier to see Sync blundering around. She knew that if she offered to help he would just brush her off. Sigh.

So instead she walked a few steps behind him as they made their way to the bar. As Sync ordered the drinks she found herself moving closer to him. She really didn't like all the activity and noise in this room. But, as long as she stayed near Sync, things would be ok.

She took the drink Sync offered her and took a sip. She made a face as she did so, pulling the drink away. It tasted kind of weird. She couldn't really place her finger on it though. Still, Sync had ordered the drink for her so she raised it to her lips again and took another sip. Well, it wasn't so bad...


Bar emptytraits November 13 2007, 00:55:03 UTC
Now, if Sync knew what he was getting himself into he would've immediately taken those drinks back. But since he'd never actually had any alcohol before he simply guessed that the caterers were just trying to be fancy with some new kind of punch. The aftertaste was enough to make him frown, but he chose to bare it like a man and went about downing half of it in a few gulps.

Taking into consideration his height and weight, it was no surprise that he was already starting to get buzzed. The teen shook his head a little, but this strange feeling wasn't exactly a bad one. In fact, he couldn't help but break into a grin after he finished his first glass, setting it on the table before motioning for the bartender again.

"Another." The man in question gave him another odd look, but it wasn't long before he prepared another. He had barely set it on the surface before Sync swiped at it and downed another one fourth.


Bar bloodinherwater November 13 2007, 01:06:03 UTC
Arietta wasn't downing them at as fast a pace as Sync (she was still on her first one), but she was also smaller than Sync, so in no time she was just as buzzed. It felt really, really weird. Not bad, just weird. She got over the taste of the drink quickly. She might have even been starting to like it.

Then she saw Sync's grin. "Is something funny Sy-hick-ync?" She covered her mouth quickly, a flash of red spreading across her cheeks in embarrassment. Now that had been strange.

It made her want another drink.


Bar emptytraits November 13 2007, 01:27:36 UTC
Sync burst out laughing, swaying lightly on his feet before clambering onto the stool that stood in front of him. The alcohol was taking affect quite nicely by then, a light tint of red smudged over his cheeks even after his laughter died down into small chuckles.

"You know what's funny?" He started, waving his drink a little in the air rather enthusiastically. "You. You look like you're gonna dance in that ballet over there~!"

He pointed his finger outwards, right where thought the stage was. Of course, he couldn't have been farther from the truth, pointing instead at the hall that lead to the bathrooms. Not like it mattered, what was the difference anyway?


Bar bloodinherwater November 13 2007, 01:44:45 UTC
"Isn't that dangerous...?" Arietta inquired quietly, more to herself than to Sync since it was obvious he wasn't listening much anymore.

Arietta looked to where he was pointing. That wasn't the stage at all, was it? Maybe he knew something that she didn't. Still, she turned her gaze to the real stage where a young girl seemed to be quivering in one spot. It didn't look like a very exciting show.

"That looks boring. And I can't dance." She was a little hurt by Sync's words, but she hadn't really understood exactly what he was talking about so... maybe he wasn't making fun of her?


Bar emptytraits November 13 2007, 02:00:36 UTC
Sync was already on his third glass by then, though he sipped at it a little more lightly now that his drunken demeanor had already settled in. He had his elbow propped up on the table, head leaning into the palm of his head as he glanced down at Arietta with that growing smile.

"You can't? Well, I guess I can teach you. I might trip or step on your feet though…" The teen confessed before following it with a hiccup. By then it looked like he was blushing with all that alcohol in his system, but he didn't mind at all. What he did mind though was that Arietta was still standing, so he was quick to pull back the stool next to him and pat the cushion as he coaxed her to join him.

"Hey waiter, get her another, will ya?" Sync called out before another glass slid towards the girl.


Bar bloodinherwater November 13 2007, 03:21:52 UTC
Wait. Had Arietta heard that right? Sync wanted to dance with her? Suddenly she had butterfly sharks snapping in her belly. Ah, they were going to bite through her belly and then Sync would see and he would laugh at her. Again. Why yes, that startling realization was Arietta's drunken mind trying to make sense of the situation, but it was doing a pretty poor job of it--had Sync asked her to dance?

She sat down where Sync bid her, since it seemed he intended to have more of these drink things before they went dancing. Arietta didn't mind so much. They made her feel all nice and tingly and warm and Sync asking her to dance also made her feel all nice and tingly and warm, so it was double the nice and tingly and warm feelings.

"I'd like that," she said finally, "For you to teach me how to dance. And you can step on my feet if you want." Obviously she wasn't completely getting it, but ah well. She took another long sip from the glass given to her. Warm.


Bar emptytraits November 14 2007, 00:51:19 UTC
Sync did his best to stare at down at Arietta, somewhat dumbfounded. Girls were so weird. Why would they want their feet stomped on? Alas, estrogen was as much of a stranger to Sync as was manhood, and his mind was much too foggy to really comprehend the possible logic behind a girl's brain.

"Uh... yeah, I'll do that." He answered, nodding wildly before laughing out when his mask managed to slip down a few inches. He shot his hand forward to catch the thing before it fell completely, readjusting it over his face and took another sip in celebration. But one sip led to another and it wasn't long before Sync managed to empty his third glass, slamming it down the table before wiping off the excess with his coat sleeve.

"That was great! You guys should tell me the recipe one of these days..." Pushing himself off the chair, Sync laughed out again when he stumbled over his feet, straightening himself after several seconds of work and turned to face Arietta with a lazy grin.


Bar bloodinherwater November 15 2007, 02:20:47 UTC
Arietta was still working on her second glass when Sync finished his. Taking one last sip, she fumbled off the chair. Suddenly the floor wasn't as solid as it used to be. It felt like she was drifting through water again. She almost expected her mommy to appear at her side, but when she reached forward it felt more like a human chest.

Ah, it was Sync. She remembered where she was now. It was this ball thing Sync had invited her too, and now he wanted her to dance with her. She was also for some reason touching his chest. Huh.

"I really, really don't know how to dance and swim at the same time," she said, still thinking she was moving through water.


Bar emptytraits November 16 2007, 22:15:24 UTC
Sync blinked when Arietta touched his chest, pushing him back slightly and causing him to wobble a little since he was so intoxicated. But he quickly shrugged it off with yet another loud laugh, and he would've gladly returned the favor if he had just been a little more drunk. Just a little.

"I know how! Maybe if you learned your chest would be as big as mine." That did not make any sense. But alas, no one liked to be bogged down with the details. Nope, Sync was just fine having Arietta feel his chest. It was how a real man scored with the ladies, after all.

"It's a lot like swimming anyway~! You just have to make sure not to kick the other person in the face."


Bar bloodinherwater November 18 2007, 02:36:38 UTC
"Huh?" was the only response Arietta could give him. What was he talking about with chests now? She really didn't understand, but it didn't seem to matter much.

"Why would you kick someone in the face? You don't do that with swimming." Sync wasn't making any sense. She also figured that since she was shorter than Sync, she would be the one to be kicked in the face. If she was surer on her feet she would have made sure to watch out for that, but as it was she didn’t have much hope of getting out of the way if he did kick her.

Since Sync had moved back Arietta attempted to move forward towards him again. This proved to be quite difficult, since the room was starting to spin now. It really was like she was underwater. The chandelier overhead was a flash of bright light to her eyes and she found herself spinning on her feet as she looked up at it. Pretty~


Bar emptytraits November 22 2007, 16:24:48 UTC
"But this isn't just swimming. Just believe me on this, okay?" Sync half murmured, half slurred, trying to keep balance when Arietta pushed even further into him. It was a good thing that the counter was behind him, hitting his back against the surface with a loud smack, rattling the line of glasses that sat nearby. However, before he could open his mouth to say anything more the announcer spoke up, causing the teen to frown before patting the latter's head.

"Heeeeeeeey. Looks like I'll have to teach you later, mmkay?" He started, already taking a firm hold of Arietta's hand and began to drag her to the exit. The mask wasn't helping the task at all, so he reached forward to lower it a little so he wouldn't have to knock into anyone, which he did so anyway for whatever reason. Sync laughed out, teasingly shoving anyone out of the way.

Little did he know, it'd only be a few hours until he became sick to his stomach with a headache that could split the entire world in half. Damn.


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