Welcome to the BAFA Ball [Open]

Nov 09, 2007 18:05

Characters: All BAF officers and their guests.
Content: It's the BAFA Ball. Yes.
Setting: Valhalla Ballroom
Time: 5 p.m. to
Warnings: There better be no fighting, or you could face dismissal from the BAF~

It's almost time )

≠ lafiel abriel, ≠ britannia, ≠ asch fon fabre, ≠ bafa ball, miles edgeworth, ≠ rue, ≠ claire redfield, ≠ grimmjow jeagerjaques, ≠ jade curtiss, ≠ ema skye, ≠ leon kennedy, manfred von karma, ≠ ada wong, ≠ ichimaru gin, ≠ yurika doujima, ≠ ion fon elemni, thread, ≠ ahiru, ≠ dahlia hawthorne, ≠ valhalla, ≠ arietta, ≠ vava

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Right inside the front entrance. lionlike November 12 2007, 20:12:32 UTC
Oh, social functions. Leon wasn't too keen on them, but considering this was mandatory, it wasn't like he could just ditch it. It was one of the disadvantages of having an actual rank; these required get-togethers, usually stuffy and dull in nature, for the purpose of mingling with the other recruits or something like that. Not exactly his prime choice of setting, but it wasn't so bad. He'd make it through the night.


This time around, he had brought a guest. Someone very familiar to him, actually, which was perhaps a bad idea, but he knew it would be wiser to bring her along than to brush her off and deal with the consequences later. That could get expensive. Thankfully, she had dressed nicely all on her own. But they were late. Somehow.

Leon didn't care to puzzle over how that had happened even though he knew it was probably Claire's fault. He was a bit too preoccupied with briskly escorting himself and his dear friend inside, all while trying not to ruffle their appearances too much. Hey, he looked nice for once (prim and pressed dress uniform, nicely combed hair, the works-- it was a little too 'serious business' for his tastes, but he still looked damn good, in his opinion), and he didn't want to ruin it.

Once they were immediately inside the doors, he tightened his arm around Claire's, leaning over just enough to mutter, "Behave," as he led her further inside the room.



bowgun November 12 2007, 21:10:23 UTC
“No, you behave, clean-cut.” Claire hissed back, her eyes narrowing towards her best - and emphasis on the best - friend as his grasp on her arm tightened. How had she been tricked into attending this fancy soirée again?

She still swore to god her promised her eternal servitude somewhere down the line.

It wasn’t her fault they were late, really. He had told her practically last minute - it wasn’t like she took three hours to get ready like most of the girls did. That wasn’t her thing. All Claire had done was put on a dress she found in her closet, put her hair up in yet another ponytail, grabbed some jewelry, some shoes, a gun, and was out the door.

… Though, Leon took the gun away pretty much the moment she stepped foot out the door. His loss. If they were to be attacked randomly, she wasn’t going to save his ass. He could very well take care of himself.

Claire’s attention was once again drawn back to the current situation. Here they were, at some random party. She - a kinda pirate - was surrounded by military folk. There was no way this night was going to end well, but she was sure that she would be a good girl and leave a good lasting impression on everyone she saw. If things ended with … oh, who knew? Leon getting drunk and acting like a complete and utter fool, that was neither her problem nor her fault.

“I always behave when the time calls for it.” Claire told Leon simply, and flashed him her brightest smile; a good façade, really. She knew how to be a people pleaser all right.


lionlike November 12 2007, 22:16:31 UTC
"I always behave." He was an officer, for God's sake! He was always on his best behavior. ..Most of the time. Honest!

It wasn't his fault he had to drag her along last minute, either. Claire was the only girl he could think of, and he didn't feel like being paired up with random girl 'friend-of-a-friend's tonight. He just wanted in, out, and on his way. So a date companion of the female persuasion was necessary. Who better than a childhood buddy that he could tolerate pretty well for the most part?

Granted, said buddy had tried to tote a gun along, but this was a classy social function! And now that he thought about it, he wondered if he should have searched her before leaving...

Suddenly, he gave her a mildly suspicious look, discreetly attempting to glance her over. "You didn't bring a razor or anything, did you? You know you're not allowed to cut anyone for any reason." Not that he knew where she would have hid it anyway. Where the hell was storage on a dress?


bowgun November 12 2007, 22:34:19 UTC
“That is such a lie.” Claire rolled her eyes and used her free hand to brush her long ponytail over her shoulder, effectively hitting Leon in the face in the process. “You know as well as I all of the horrible things you have done in the past, Leon S. Kennedy.”

Though, just then she caught his eyes as they swooped over her body. All at once a grin crossed her lips, and she turned her head slightly to the side so she could bat her eyelashes up at him. “Hm? I didn’t bring a razor, of course not. I am but a lady. You told me to behave tonight, and I will behave. Then afterwards I’m going to get out of here and go get my bike and go back to travel the unknown.” After a pause, Claire turned and frowned, her eyes once again looking around the room. “Besides, razors are too small. A knife, on the other hand …”

Before Leon could do something potentially obnoxious, Claire pulled her arm away from his own and gave her dress a quick pat down. “See? Nothing. That you can see, anyway.”

Giving her old friend a grin, she took a few steps forward and moved farther into the room so she could survey her surroundings.


lionlike November 14 2007, 17:23:56 UTC
A brow arched questioningly as Leon shot Claire a bland, unamused look... which was soon overtaken by a cringe and a head duck. Rose a hand quickly to swat at the ponytail that had just smacked him in the face, blowing out a rush of air just to make sure none had gotten caught in his mouth. Gross! "You should let me trim that for you," he drawled lowly with a smirk after regaining his bearings, letting his hand lower to his side once more.

Besides that, he wasn't fully satisfied with her doe-eyes or her weak pat-down of herself. A lady. Pfft. He was about as much of a lady as she was. The rest of her words were especially discomforting, as well, and got an exasperated sigh out of him.

This was going to be a long night. He could feel it. Pehaps he would need a drink.

Aha, actually, that sounded great. Maybe they could make their way towards the bar. Hmm. Stepped up beside Claire once more, flashing a charming half-grin (he could play that game too), nodding towards the center of the room as he offered up the crook of his arm once more. "Care to make a round?"


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