I am a horrible person for doing this to her~ [open]

Jun 05, 2009 01:12

Characters: Meg, anyone on the Fiertia
Content: She was exploring the ship (and staying off the top deck) when she caught a whiff of the fear gas. Feel free to bother her, or play out any fear-gas shenanigans you like in this log.
Setting: All over the Firetruck
Time: Mid-afternoon to early evening
Warnings: Frightened, irrational Meg

I could swear there is someone, somewhere, watching me )

≠ shion sonozaki, ≠ quatre raberba winner, yoruichi shihōin, ≠ uni giglio nero, naoto shirogane, ≠ yuri lowell, souji seta, ≠ kamina jiha, sebastian michaelis, ≠ near, ≠ jabu, ≠ abe takaya, ≠ megara

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Comments 62

noturbitchkthx June 5 2009, 05:56:05 UTC
Jabu bolted through the corridors, fists raised, staring wildly through any open doorways he passed in terror that there would be someone there. He had his armor on and his cosmos bristled around him in preparation for attack, but it couldn't quell his panic. Fear, to him, meant that there was a fight he needed to win, but this one lacked a visible enemy. It was only a matter of time before he met one of the crew in his wild running - in this state where he was going wasn't particularly important to him - and then he wouldn't hesitate to attack, because they were after him and that meant they were going down.

He halted at an intersection, desperate to cover his back, and whirled, trying to see all four directions at once and failing. Which way? Which way were they so he could take them out? "Them" was still only a vage construct in his mind, but whichever way they went he was sure to encounter them and then... his cosmos surged with panic and anticipation. Let them try to get him.


point_to_heaven June 6 2009, 02:15:58 UTC
Kamina was glad he had checked the network after noticing that funny smell in his room. It didn't do a man good to be out of his right mind like that, and with this stuff, who know what would happen. He began to work his way up to the deck in the hope that the fresh air would counteract some of the effects of the gas. The wet moistened strip of fabric he had wrapped around his nose and mouth helped too, but it wouldn't last forever.

So far his journey upwards had been quiet. An intersection with a jittery and panic-stricken Jabu was going to change that.


hadesandback June 6 2009, 16:14:32 UTC
It went without saying that Meg was terrified.

She had taken one look at Jabu and bolted; a wise move, considering the first mate’s current state --it had given her a head start when he turned to chase her down. She could hear the thud of his armored boots in the hallway behind her, and quickened her pace. Meg had kept her lead by taking as many corners as she could, but he was rapidly catching up to her.

“Get away from me!” she gasped, too panicked to think straight and save her breath for running. She tore around a corner, sandals flapping against the wooden floor, hair fanning out behind her as she spotted Kamina. Meg’s eyes went even wider, and she skidded to a halt, caught between the two men. Shrinking back, she glanced over her shoulder at Jabu, who was rapidly closing in, and shrieked.

T-t-t-trapped. The one word echoed in her head. She was trapped. She couldn’t run anymore. Trapped on a ship that was dangling above the edge of the continent--Overcome by her fear of Jabu and Kamina and her fear of the great ( ... )


noturbitchkthx June 6 2009, 21:23:53 UTC
There they were. Two of them. Jabu's journal was on the floor in his cabin, lying where he had thrown it when he had gone for his armor; his hands were free to pummel them until they had nothing left with which to come after him.

He was focused on Meg now, she being the closer of the two targets. He'd gotten one hell of a dose of the fear gas, having bent down to pick up the leaking container in the hangar - he was so far gone that Meg's panic registered only as proof that he could take her in a fight, that he was frightening her into backing down. She was between him and Kamina, which meant that she had to go down first.

"STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!" he roared, unheeding of the fact that he was the one approaching her. He increased his pace as he drew closer, gathering his cosmos around him for a punch to send her through the corridor wall.


find_my_truth June 5 2009, 06:10:34 UTC
Souji's footfalls echoed through the Fiertia, the sheath of his katana thumping against his leg in counter point. Part of him wanted to have it out, just encase one of the panicked crewmen attacked... but these were his...friends? Yes friends. And he didn't want to hurt anyone unless he had to.

But right now... he had to find Naoto. And quick. She could be deadly in the best times. But if scared out of her wits...


fifthshirogane June 5 2009, 06:18:12 UTC
The second Naoto had smelled the gas, she knew there was trouble and tried to get away from the cargo hold as soon as possible. Unfortunately, she wasn't fast enough and had ended up breathing in enough of the fear gas to be reduced to a shaking mess in one of the hallways.

She was almost crying. Almost, but she was too scared to cry. Something might come and attack her, and she needed to be alert if she wanted to survive.

Naoto lifted her head and stared down the hallway. She could hear footsteps. Oh no. Someone was coming. Probably someone dangerous.

"Who's there!?" She demanded, grabbing her gun and pointing it down the hall.


find_my_truth June 5 2009, 06:28:31 UTC
He froze just out of her sight line, not wanting to give her a target. Her aim was deadly, he had seen that often enough.

"Naoto..." He called out softly, using his calmest, but almost most demanding voice. It was a commanders voice, the one he used when the Shadows were thick and the ache of being in the fog was at it's strongest.


fifthshirogane June 5 2009, 06:41:32 UTC
That was her name. Someone was calling her name. That voice sounded familiar. Who was it?

Souji. It belonged to Souji.

"Souji-senpai?" Naoto asked, lowering the gun slightly. He wasn't coming to hurt her, was he? If he was, she wasn't going to go down quietly.


onlyluminous June 5 2009, 06:48:11 UTC
Uni had taken the news of the fear gas leak with a certain amount of resignation mingled with concern. She would probably have been more worried if she had not expected this somehow; considering the sensitive nature of the cargo, an accident was more likely than not. So rather than panic, which was what the Uni of five years ago would have done upon learning of the speed at which the gas was spreading through the ship, Uni only set her journal down on her desk and began filling up syringes with the final result of what had been days and nights of sleeplessness and chemicals almost as deadly as her usual poisons ( ... )


demonic_romeo June 5 2009, 07:32:40 UTC
Sebastian had not been surprised when he had heard that the fear gas had leaked out-- like Uni, he understood human nature (and to some other degree, the Fiertia's crew) well enough to know that the probability of this event occurring was very near guaranteed. Especially when the sensitive cargo was bouncing around in the cargo hold of the ship. What else could one expect?

At least the First Mate had given them ample warning.

The butler strode swiftly to the infirmary, entering silently. The antidote he and Uni had worked on was not tested, but as he has said earlier, they would have to make do. The fact that his own Young Master had already been infected with the fear gas came to mind.

It would not do at all to allow him to remain in that weak and vulnerable state.

He rapped lightly on the door to catch her attention, giving her a solemn look. "Ms. Uni."


onlyluminous June 6 2009, 07:25:59 UTC
"Mr. Michealis." Ordinarily this would have been the time for an exchange of pleasantries, but time was one thing they did not have. There was only enough of a pause for her to incline her head before she turned her back and attended to the syringes and vials on the table ( ... )


demonic_romeo June 7 2009, 02:13:00 UTC
Sebastian stepped up to her side, his sharp crimson eyes observing her work. It was such an interesting process to see-- her delicate and nimble hands hovering over the syringes and case. Her doctor's precision was admirable.

They would see if it would serve its purpose today.

"Understood." He tucked the case into his coat pocket, dipping his head in understanding. "In your mention of incomplete doses, has the Captain given leave to implement them? I cannot say how many have been affected, and to what degree. It would be inconvenient to need to return here to restock when I can carefully ration the antidote as I see fit."


ribbonyidentity June 7 2009, 03:13:45 UTC
There was a lively bounce to each of her step. Click, click, click. Shion found that she rather liked the sound. With each impact between her heels and the floor, she could feel a tiny shiver of delight course through her body, leaving her spine taut and rigid. It was such a trivial noise, but she enjoyed it. For some reason, it felt like a comfort, amidst all the chaos unfolding around her. It resembled the agonized roars of an enraged animal, its claws and fangs sinking into every room, every hallway, every floor ( ... )


toysandcards June 7 2009, 17:01:04 UTC
With a spare shirt from his laundry pile pulled over his nose, Near grabbed his journal before making his way to the door. The fear gas was spreading through the building and there was no telling when it would reach his cabin. Captain's orders, were to head for the deck. Those orders, made perfect sense, considering the fear gas' effects on people.

They made even more sense after Near heard the numerous public posts made by several of the crew members.

Walking down the corridor with his journal in one hand and a shirt in the other, the boy looked around cautiously before making any turns. Climbing up a flight of stairs quickly, Near heard footsteps from his right. Turning around, he was not sure if he ought to feel relieved or relatively frightened at the person he had come across.

"Mion," he began cautiously, remembering she was one of those affected by the fear gas.


abeator June 8 2009, 01:43:46 UTC
The captain had told him to go up on deck, and while he had agreed to it, it didn't seem like such a good idea to remain loafing around uselessly while the members of the crew were damaging the ship even more than it already, what with the last time it got attacked.

His journal tucked carefully into a bag slung over a shoulder and set on loud (in case someone needed the pilots after all), he ran around with a wet cloth tied over his nose and mouth, shoving over portholes and whatever openings he could find along the hallways. Abe went about this task single-mindedly until he came upon Sonozaki and... their strategist, was it? in a hallway by the captain's quarters.

"What're you guys doing?" he asked, adjusting the cloth over his face.


ribbonyidentity June 8 2009, 04:00:47 UTC
It was just as she was crossing the intersection, just as she was to pass the stairway, when she caught sight of a familiar head of white. Slowing to a halt in front of him, watching as he shifted to face her, Shion could hear him speak her name. No, no, her name. Did he know? Could he really? Yet, did it even matter? She could always refute whatever 'slander' he spouted. However, that wasn't quite the relevant matter at the moment. Why was he there? Well, regardless of the reason, it was always better safe than sorry, and chances were, he wasn't there for pleasantries ( ... )


flashstepfeline June 9 2009, 06:15:32 UTC
Yoruichi felt one should always be prepared to cover one's face. This was why she preferred to have something draped around her neck. At the first whiff of gas the cloth had gone up to cover face. It was not a perfect filter, and as time wore on, it as inevitable that she would breathe some in.

It was important for her to remember that, as she breathed more and more of the gas, and to analyze which thoughts were rational and which were borne of the gas. Perhaps in another circumstance she would have simply gone running away from the gas. But it would look so much more comradely to go heading into it, to help the person she had heard over the journal. She had sounded...really quite bad. And perhaps there really was something that could happen to those left in the gas, if they turned on each other. She should...

But she recognized the twitch of paranoia and dismissed it. She need only be reasonably aware that anyone else she encountered was paranoid and afraid, she must not be tempted to act preemptively.


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