Aug 30, 2010 20:14
Happy Lunsa everyone. Yosuke, weren't you saying something about meeting up for the holidays?
And I hope you're not working over the holiday, cousin.
investigation team filter,
Mar 03, 2010 20:56
Amicus is coming up. This year's zooming right by, it looks like.
[[ooc: loool, Jess missed Souji's bday by a few days (March 28th) but feel free to pester if your character would know about it.]
short and to the point
Jan 18, 2010 21:15
[IT filter]
Since we won't be joining the rescue... do you two wanna train a little? It's been too long.
[Filtered to an Unmarked Frequncy]
You've been quiet.
[ooc: The last filter is to the same journal that sent the "stop saving" note, IE the Killer.]
investigation team filter,
talking to the killer