robots, tv, video games, wtf, luna not so linkies, sex, cat, science, space, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), music, japan, weirdos, videos, photos, links tiem, smooth criminal, drugs, lists, ways in which they fail, movies, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 107 (Still catching up...)

    the_perkygoff Feb 10, 2010 12:16

    Tried to pull up some old links for this one... unfortunately, a chunk of which were dead. D: WELL, I AIN'T LOOKING UP MORE NOW. I'm still two weeks behind even after this.

  • Be jealous: here are figures and art you will never own and must admit are awesome as hell.

  • As if this song weren't already a classic... Zelda Medley puts the music to an ( Read more... )

    tv, video games, luna not so linkies, cat, science, space, art, food, music, death, doom, videos, when fandom attacks, politics, links tiem, ways in which they fail, drugs, lists, movies, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 106 (Late Again)

    the_perkygoff Feb 03, 2010 16:08

    It's so easy for me to slack off on these when no one leaves comments. I'd skip weeks... but I have far too many links for that. Even still, I tried to keep it short, since I still need to play catch-up:

  • JD Salinger died... but wait, what? He was a lot weirder than anyone gave him credit for?. It's horribly surprising... but really, is it THAT ( Read more... )

    death, music, doom, douchebag, wtf, religion, luna not so linkies, when fandom attacks, links tiem, ways in which they fail, lists, anatomy, movies, epic lulz, animals

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 105

    the_perkygoff Jan 27, 2010 11:43

    Only a day behind this time! Lemme chug this one out to you guys real quick, since I keep hearing one of those horns clowns honk behind me and I think it might be signaling my doom. No... really. Someone is honking one of those behind me.

  • Let's get the ball rolling with 5 real news items that may be superhero origin stories. Their number one has ( Read more... )

    word prompt, douchebag, wtf, religion, sex, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), art, stupid, animals, death, sweet tech, weirdos, videos, creepy, ads, kids, links tiem, smooth criminal, skool, omgwant, ways in which they fail, jesus, lists, movies, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 104

    the_perkygoff Jan 20, 2010 11:04

    Late again, I apologize. The semester does that to me.

  • Since I was a failure, let's start off with a failure... Man, 42, dies from "over-excitement" at watching Avatar. That is a combination of really awesome and really horrible for James Cameron. Honestly though? I mean, the movie was great looking but really? Cardiac arrest? :| The article ( Read more... )

    tv, douchebag, wtf, luna not so linkies, cat, science, nsfw stuff, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), anatomy, stupid, animals, death, sweet tech, blood, videos, photos, creepy, ads, kids, links tiem, smooth criminal, ways in which they fail, lists, movies, epic lulz

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  • Movie List - 2009

    the_perkygoff Jan 17, 2010 03:41

    I'm a little late in putting it up, but here it is finally! I seem to be a bit down this year from last year.

    Movie List - 2009 )

    lists, meme, movies

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 103

    the_perkygoff Jan 13, 2010 23:30

    OH SHI-. The last linkies before class begins up again. Sorry for the lateness for the last few: I got a PS3 for Christmas and it has filled my attention more or less fully lately. Ironically, when classes start up again, things will probably pick up a bit more. Let's just jump right into it:

  • This one was a gem I found on the internet not too ( Read more... )

    robots, tv, douchebag, wtf, religion, sex, science, toy, nsfw stuff, stupid, it's da future! :o, death, music, food, weirdos, photos, when fandom attacks, links tiem, smooth criminal, omgwant, ways in which they fail, lists, movies, epic lulz

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