Leaning Slightly to the Left | HG | Rated: T

Dec 09, 2010 09:50

Title: Leaning Slightly to the Left: Chapter 9
For: queenb23more who bid for this on the help_chile community.
Chapter Rating: T
Chapter Warnings: I think an underlying angst theme is given throughout this whole story, but apart from that… not much!
Featured Characters/Pairings: Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Harry, OFC, Ron/OFC, Ron/Hermione
Chapter Word Count: 8,831
Summary: Hermione's life is not what she expected it to be and she doesn't know how to change it. Will moving back to what she knows help? Or if she pinning all her hopes on a dream that ended years before?
Author's Note: Again, this chapter was supposed to have an entirely different middle and ending but then all this stuff appeared in my head and I actually liked it a lot so it stayed in! I promise the next chapter will have what should have been in this one… It’s only been partly beta’ed because I’m very impatient so again, feel free to point out any glaring mistakes.
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11

Leaning Slightly to the Left: Chapter 9

She had never felt so uneasy in her life. She wished she could say that it was because of work, that her workload was now larger than ever and that she was struggling to cope, but that wasn’t the problem. Yes, her workload was ridiculous but she loved every second.

She wished that she could say it was because Harry and Ginny still hadn’t sorted out their problems, even though it was over a week since ‘the incident’, but it wasn’t. She knew that Ginny and Harry still loved each other and they would eventually work out the niggles in their relationship, they were both just being too stubborn.

The reason why she was uneasy was because she was, in a few days time, going to watch the man she loved marry someone else. She had questioned her sanity over and over again and she had thought about not going, heartily thought it was best that she stay well away, but when Molly had asked her at what time she was thinking of getting to the Burrow on the morning of the wedding an she had replied with ‘I, er, don’t know if I’m going yet,’ Molly had looked like she was about to burst into tears. After a very short conversation Hermione had succumbed to what can only be described as emotional blackmail and said she would be there for half ten.

She knew she could still not go, or arrive in the morning and slip away before the ceremony started but some part of her had resigned herself to the fact that she must watch Ron get married to move on.

Because there was a part of her that refused to believe that there was no hope until she saw him turn to the crowd as a married man. The hope was fading every day but it still burned inside her and it hurt like hell.

She was watching what could only be described as the most depressing soap opera in history on the telly and trying to relax. Christine had told her not touch work that evening and for once she had agreed that it was probably best. Yes, she was revelling in the challenge and hard work that met her every day at the Ministry, but she knew if she didn’t try and relax once in a while, she would burn out. She was taking comfort from the fact that although her life was not in any way perfect, it was better than those of the characters she was watching. It was her main reason for watching this particular programme. That and she couldn’t find the remote and didn’t want to move from her comfy position on the sofa.

The bright green flames in the fireplace caught her off guard and she jumped when a piece of parchment fluttered to the ground.

She considered summoning the parchment but then remembered why she hadn’t done that to the TV remote - her wand was on the top of the fireplace. She sighed and pulled herself off the sofa and retrieved both the parchment and her wand. She unfolded the parchment and frowned as she read the words.


Can I pop round for a minute? I just want to ask you something.

Ta, Mattie

Hermione raised her eyebrows. She picked a pen up off the coffee table and scribbled on the back of the parchment, No problem, whenever you're free.

She threw a handful of floo powder into the fireplace and shouted the address to Ron's flat - she presumed that was where the note had come from, she didn't know Mattie's address even if she thought she was there - before dropping the parchment into the flames. It whipped out of site and as it did Hermione's thoughts fell to what Mattie could possibly want to talk to her about. Their being civil had continued but she thought only days from the wedding that Mattie would be avoiding her.

Before she had any more time to ponder her own questions the flames erupted in front of her and Mattie swirled into existence. She stepped out of the fireplace and brushed the ash off her shoulders.

'Hi! Hermione said, her voice a little higher than normal due to nerves. She mentally rolled her eyes at herself.

'Hi,' Mattie replied, her voice not firm like usual.

'Do you want a drink?' Hermione asked.

'No, I won't stay, I just want to ask you something.'

Hermione smiled. 'Ask away.'

'Right, well… look if you don't want to take part in any of this then I understand. I know I'm not asking the easiest of things but I felt like I had to, no… actually I wanted to. Don't ask me why but I did.'

Hermione took a seat on the single chair and waved at the sofa. Mattie perched on the edge obviously uncomfortable.

'You know that Harry and Ginny are still being ridiculous, I love the girl to bits but Merlin can she be stubborn sometimes! Harry isn't helping of course, trying to do everything he thinks she wants instead of being normal. Anyway, Ron and I reckon that if we plan to have our stag and hen dos at the same place then it'll force them to at least be nice to each other for a few hours and a drink or so may get their tongues loose enough to talk things through.'

'Okay, sounds like something of a plan. How… how can I help?'

'I want you to be there.'

Hermione couldn't help but suck in a breath and screw her face up in discomfort.

'I know! I know! I can't think of anything else you rather wouldn't do than come to my hen party but I'm asking that you're there for Ginny to help her and Harry get their arses in gear and back to how things should be.'

Hermione sighed. She was about to respond but Mattie cut her off.

'I promise that I'll stay out of your way all night and you won't have to pay for a drink while you're there. I know it's not that much of an incentive but it's all I have.'

Hermione nodded. 'I get it, I do, I understand that you want them back to how things were, I want that, too, but Mattie, your hen party?'

Mattie dropped her head and nodded a little.

'It was a stupid idea, I'm sorry, I'll leave you to your evening. It's just… okay, I'll admit I have an ulterior motive… Ron needs…' Mattie shifted in her seat and looked even more uncomfortable than she had before, 'Ron needs you to be in his life. Believe me when I say that I have had to do some serious soul searching to come to that conclusion and eventually be okay with it. You've known each other since you were eleven, and after everything you went through during the war… he needs you as his friend and if that means that I have to learn how to be friends with you then that's what I'll do. As long as Ron's happy, that's all that matters.'

Hermione took a deep breath, Emotional blackmail should be made illegal! she thought. Her stomach squirmed a little at the thought of having to subject herself to Mattie and Ron's perfect happiness more than was absolutely necessary, but as Mattie had cruelly reminded her, she, herself had promised that as long as Ron was happy, that was all that mattered. Arse, she thought.

'I won't promise you anything. I'll think about it, that I'll promise, but that alone.'

Mattie nodded her head. 'Of course. I won't mention it again, you'll either turn up or you won't and you won't hear me say another word. It's this Friday in the 'Sticks at eight, and if you could not mention the joint party thing to Ginny…'

'My lips are sealed.'

'Thanks, I'll leave you in peace.'

They both stood and Hermione offered the pot of floo powder to Mattie. She took a handful and stepped into the fireplace. A question Hermione had been curious about popped into her mind.

'Er, Mattie, did you tell Ron about what happened in the Ministry that evening?'

Mattie smirked. 'You mean the night of epic bitchiness?'

Hermione tilted her head to the side and raised her eyebrows. 'That name fits rather well I suppose.' She let a smile appear on her face.

'No, I haven't told Ron. It was pointless, we were both stressed and we were both… on form so we cancelled each other out. Like we said at the time, moving on and all…'

'Okay, well, thanks.'

Mattie nodded. 'I'll see you soon.'

She threw the powder to her feet and disappeared in a whirl of green flame.

'Yeah,' Hermione said to the diminishing flames, 'soon.'


Karma was having a laugh, she had decided. She came to the conclusion that she needed to do a few more good deeds and send some positive energy out into the universe - she had obviously been to self-absorbed or busy recently to do just that - because there was no way in hell that she had bumped into Mattie so often in so few days without it being some sort of punishment from a higher power.

She scolded herself at that thought, she was over exaggerating a little and if she was being reasonable and logical then it was obvious she would see Mattie more often than usual what with Ginny being her Maid of Honour and having last minute details to sort for the wedding. Ginny had a lot of spare time what with the season being won and finished and she had earned a well deserved four week holiday, so a lot of the time Mattie was at Ginny's flat.

Hermione did have an ongoing excuse of having to read endless tomes for work and it was a genuine excuse, but still, she was seeing a lot of the four walls of her bedroom and not a lot else after she had left the Ministry for the evening.

She had thought of Mattie’s favour for longer than she cared to admit. She knew that it was maybe four hours of her life that she would have to give up for what she could think of as a noble cause - she really did believe that Ginny and Harry just needed a kick up the arse and she was more than happy to help in any way that she could… as long as it didn’t involve…

She sighed heavily as she walked through the corridors of the Ministry. She was tired of thoughts swirling through her mind that had no end until she made a final decision. It was a simple yes or no answer yet she couldn’t find the courage within her to decide either way.

In a change of habit that rarely happened, she decided to get out of the Ministry and go for a walk during her lunch hour. Normally she ate and worked at the same time, maybe taking twenty minutes to read an old paperback she kept in her bag at all times, but mainly she just carried on. Today, though, even the battered pages of fiction couldn’t keep her mind from buzzing. As she flooed from the Ministry to The Leaky Cauldron and then through Diagon Alley she tried to make her mind take stock of everything around her, the shops, the people, the window displays taunting her with things that she didn't want or need but felt drawn to regardless such were the merchandising skills of the numerous shops she walked past.

She came to Madam Malkins and stopped to look at the window display. Her parents had already sent her a cheque for her birthday after she had very unhelpfully told them she didn't have a clue what she wanted for her looming birthday. She had thought of buying herself some new clothes to put in her aging and fading wardrobe and a few pieces in the window caught her eye. Acting on a whim she stepped inside, the bell above the door tinkling as the door opened and closed.

'Be with you in a minute, dear,' Madam Malkin said as she bustled past er carrying a violet dress in her arms as she went.

'Don't rush, I'm just looking,' Hermione replied.

Instead of walking down the left side of the shop taking her to the more formal, office wear - and distinctly boring - robes, she turned to her right and to the evening and party wear, thinking that if she did decide to go to the party that shall not be named she should at least have something new to wear.

She could hear mumblings and laughter coming from the room at the back which she knew to be the large changing room reserved for brides-to-be and their parties. She ignored the noise and looked through a rack of dress robes. A couple caught her eye and she moved to the next rack.

She heard the distinct sound of a mobile phone making a highly annoying sound, a highly annoying sound she knew very well. She turned and listened as the sound came through the door and out into the shop.

'Harry? Is everything okay?'

She knew she shouldn't have been shocked to see Ginny - she was certain no other witch would have a mobile phone with the Harpies' fans' main chant as the ringtone - but still, seeing her in the same violet robes she had seen Madam Malkin carrying through the shop earlier took her by surprise. She walked towards Ginny who was too absorbed in her conversation with Harry to notice anyone else.

'Why are you phoning me? I'm at the dress fitting with Mattie!'

Hermione could just about make a voice out coming from the phone.

'What? I can't hear you, you're breaking up. Are you at work? Harry?'

Hermione watched as Ginny took the ear from her phone, looked at it with a frown and then placed it back at her ear.

'Harry? Oh, you're there. So everything's okay?'

Ginny started pacing up and down the shop.

'So, why are you phoning me?' … 'Should you be telling me you love me while at work?'

Hermione smiled but heard the irritation in Ginny's voice.

'Fine, I'll come round for dinner, but you're not kicking Ron and Mattie out of the flat. If they're there, I'll come and eat with you.'

As much as she hated herself for it, Hermione's heart sank a little, for once she had been determined to get home for a reasonable eating hour, but if she was going to be on her own, there seemed little point.

'Okay, I'll see you later. Harry… be careful.'

Ginny hung up the phone and finally looked up to see Hermione smiling at her.

'Hermione! Did you…?' She turned towards the door, obviously wondering if she had missed her friend walk past her.

'No, I was already in when you came out the changing room. I take it Mattie is-'

'Gin? Are you okay?'

Mattie walked out of the changing room. Hermione felt herself stiffen when she saw Mattie in her wedding dress. It felt like her heart had broken all over again. She was shocked at how quickly tears burned the back of her eyes but she set her jaw and managed to smile at Mattie who looked very shocked to see Hermione.

'Oh… hi Hermione.'

'Hi,' Hermione replied. 'I don't need to ask what you're both doing here, do I?' she said, forcing the smile wider.

'Um, probably not,' Mattie said looking down at her dress, 'final dress fittings, you know.'

Hermione nodded and turned to Ginny. 'You both look beautiful,' she said turning her head to the both of them.

Ginny smiled. 'Are you looking for something specific?' She automatically started looking along the rack nearest to her. Hermione had to chuckle, Ginny felt the need to grasp any opportunity to get Hermione to buy new clothes.

'Just browsing, I do need some new stuff but for once I challenged myself to not go straight to the office wear racks and look for something a bit more special, Mum and Dad sent my cheque so…'

Ginny nodded. Hermione became acutely aware that Mattie was still standing to her right; she had to leave before the air became any thicker with tension.

'I'd best be off, my lunch break's going to finish soon, I was just seeing if anything caught my fancy to maybe come back tomorrow. I hope everything goes fine with the fittings. Like I said, you both look beautiful.'

She caught Mattie's eye.

'Thank you,' Mattie said with an awkward smile.

'I'll meet you here tomorrow lunch,' Ginny said as she continued to look through the rack, 'if you want some help deciding'

Hermione nodded.

'Thanks, I'll let you know tomorrow morning if work lets up enough for me to take the time to shop. I'll see you later.'

She smiled at them both as she walked through the shop and out the door. She thought she might have come across as a bit rude but she supposed both Ginny and Mattie would at least understand her quick exit.

She continued to amble down the street but had lost her enthusiasm. A squirming in her stomach had started up and she didn't like that one bit.

She stopped suddenly and turned to walk back up the street. As soon as she was about to step forward something blocked her way. She bounced off it and she started to fall backwards. She knew she had walked into someone from the feel of them and in the split second she felt like she was free-falling backwards she scolded herself for doing what irritated her the most about people walking in the street - stopping abruptly and changing direction. A second later she had resigned herself to landing in a heap on the floor but then strong hands grabbed her arms and she felt herself being righted. Her face met the strong chest of whoever had caused and saved her from her fall and she smelt a light, spicy aftershave.

'Hermione, please don't do that, I nearly sent you flying!'

She frowned and took a step back. As she took in Quintus's features she blushed and ducked her head in embarrassment.

'Sorry, Quintus. Are you all right?'

Quintus laughed out loud. 'Me, no, I think you cracked a rib or something!'

Hermione raised her eyebrows at Quintus's grinning face.

'Well, if you're being sarcastic there can't be too much wrong with you!'

Quintus chuckled and for a reason that escaped her entirely, Hermione felt her cheeks go red again.

'I think I'd best check you're okay though, you bounced very well!'

'I'm fine, thank you, and thank you for catching me. You seem to be saving me quite a lot recently in one way or another!'

'And it's been my pleasure every time.'

In a split second an idea has flashed through her mind. Instantly she felt herself frown as she thought about the possibility of it working, and whether she had the courage to put it into motion.

Quintus mirrored her frown. 'What?... What's wrong?'

Hermione was dragged back to the present. 'Oh! Nothing… I was just… thinking…'

'Hermione Granger thinking, I am shocked!'

Hermione couldn't help but laugh at his cheek.

'Um, well I just…' she considered what Quintus had said to her the last time they had spoken, I am doing it for Ginny, but Hermione, if you ever need anything for you, I'd say yes to that as well, and gathered every bit of courage she possessed. 'Um, okay, I'm going to ask a favour of you, but pleased don't feel obliged to say yes. All I seem to ever do is ask favours off you so, please say no if you don't want to.'

Quintus nodded his head, Hermione continued.

'Obviously you know Mattie,' Hermione waited for him to nod in reply, 'and you know Ginny and Harry have been having… issues,' again Quintus nodded, 'well, it's Ron's stag and Mattie's hen party on Friday and Mattie thinks that if they sneakily have them in the same place then Harry and Ginny along with some alcohol and a party atmosphere will manage to sort things out.'

Quintus nodded and looked like he thought the plan had a possibility of working.

'The thing is, Mattie wants me to be there to… help or something and while I can't think of anything I'd hate more, there's this thing called emotional blackmail and it's pulling at my heartstrings harder than is fair so I'm inclined to go even though I will probably go insane. Anyway, I was wondering if, and, again, please say no if you don't feel comfortable with it, but I was wondering if you'd like to go to the party with me for moral support.'

She ran through her sentence and inwardly sighed at how awkward she knew she had sounded.

'Hermione Granger, are you asking me out on a date?'

The look of disbelief on Quintus's face made every thought relevant to this situation flood her mind. Thoughts like how the word 'date' changed the dynamics of the situation entirely, and how it was unfair of her to lead Quintus on in any way because she was in no fit state to start up any sort of romantic relationship, but despite that she was still a little hurt that Quintus seemed to find the idea of going on a date with her entirely ridiculous.

She could feel her heart starting to race as it always did before she launched herself into a defence or an argument but before she could open her mouth to respond, Quintus put a finger on her lips.

'Ah! Shh! I am only disbelieving because as much as I don't believe in gossiping, I do know of your current… how do I put this without sounding like a cock, um… situation and not only that, I understand it far too well so I was a little surprised. Don't take my surprise in any way that is detrimental to you. Just so you know if you were asking me out on a genuine date I would say yes without hesitation, but correct me if I'm wrong, we would be going as friends, yes?'

Hermione was about to answer when she realised Quintus still had his finger on her lips. She raised her eyebrows and looked at him before looking down at her finger as best she could.

'Oh, sorry!,' Quintus said, removing his finger.

'Yes. Honestly I am in no fit state to start anything up other than a friendship. Maybe in six months the situation will be entirely different.'

Quintus smiled. 'Like I said, I understand what you're going through, I'm about three months further down the line than you are. Granted I'm not watching the aftermath of my heartbreak every day, but I'm treading that well-worn path of emotional recovery, too. If you haven't lost your nerve by Friday evening, then I will happily escort you to the party. I'll warn you now that I am technically at the club's disposal because there is a pretty important function on which my assistant manager is in charge of and should anything drastic go wrong I may be summoned, but apart from that I shall be there to stand at your side.'

Hermione relaxed and smiled at him. 'Thank you. I apologise now if at any point I implode and you find me in a corner rocking back and forth but I shall try to give you fair warning should that look likely.'

'The great thing about parties with someone else, Hermione, is that you double your amount of excuses of why you have to leave suddenly.'

Hermione's brow furrowed at the thought but then she smiled and nodded.

'I know it may seem a little strange,' Quintus said as he stuffed is hands into his jeans pockets, 'but why don't you apparate to the Stadium about twenty minutes before you want us to be there. We can have a drink beforehand and I'll be able to assess how stressed you are and adjust my distraction techniques appropriately.'

Hermione nodded. 'Sounds like an excellent idea! I'll owl you if my courage leaves me but at the minute I'm determined to see this through. Presume no news is good news, so I'll leave you to your day and say I'll see you on Friday.'

Quintus grinned and Hermione couldn't help but smile with him.

'I shall see you then. Enjoy the rest of your week, Hermione.'

'You too,' she replied as they side stepped each other and waved goodbye as they walked in opposite directions.

The uneasy feeling she had lessened a little bit, not much, but she was thankful nonetheless. She walked back through Diagon Alley and was determined to make it to the party on Friday night.


It was all a matter of mental preparation, this she had decided. She was aware that this was obvious but it was something that had got her this far. Her shopping trip had been somewhat successful; she had bought new turquoise dress robes that, according to Ginny, were 'pretty and playful'. She had raised her eyebrows at the expression to which Ginny had rolled her eyes and assured her it was a good thing and she should most definitely buy them. Ginny was about to carry on her argument when she was accosted by a Harpies fan who asked Ginny for her autograph.

Hermione couldn't help but smile as Ginny signed the parchment and talked to the girl who turned out to be a sixth year Hufflepuff who desperately wanted to make it as a professional Quidditch player. For a minute Hermione envied the girl, her time at school was coming to a close and she had opportunity and adventures in a peaceful world to look forward to. Before she knew it she found herself mourning her lack of 'normal' teenage years, but before she could travel too far down that road she remembered that this was exactly what they had all fought for. Moments like this were what people had given their lives for.

She had paid for her robes and by the time she was done, Ginny was waving the girl out the shop.

'How did you ever get used to that?' Ginny asked as they walked out the shop.

'How are you not already used to that?' Hermione replied with a confused smile.

'Well, yeah, I've been signing the odd autograph for a couple of years but now it's relentless! I don't mind, it comes with the territory, it's just… I play a game for a living, you, Harry and Ron defeated the most evil bastard ever and yet I'm the one signing parchment every time I go out.'

Hermione nodded. 'Ah, yes but you're overlooking one thing, Gin.'


'Neither myself, Harry or Ron is Miss August in this year's Harpies wall calendar!'

Ginny stopped walking and glared at Hermione. Hermione laughed out loud and pulled Ginny along by the hand.

'Ha bloody ha. I'm trying to be serious and humble here!'

Hermione controlled her giggles. 'I know, I'm sorry and to answer your original question. I never did get used to it. I went back to school and then I went to France. Ron wrote the book and the attention was deflected to him. He's the one you should be asking.

Ginny nodded. 'Yeah, I suppose.'

She had arrived at the stadium at five to seven on Friday evening. She was about to push open the main doors to the now very familiar function room when she saw what looked like a team briefing. She could see Quintus standing behind and to the left of who she presumed to be the assistant manager of the bar. Quintus looked up and through the glass as Hermione was peering through. He smiled and held up his index finger. One minute he mouthed. Hermione smiled and nodded.

She turned and looked further down the corridor. Pictures lined the walls and Hermione walked to the first one. A date in the early 1700s preceded a caption explaining the celebration playing out above it as the first time the Harpies had won the League Cup. She moved down the line and looked at the celebratory scenes playing out in the heavy wooden frames. She couldn't help but grin when she came to the last frame; the jubilation on her best friend's face was infectious and she let the memories of that brilliant afternoon overtake her for a minute. She watched as the seven women took it in turns to raise the trophy above their heads and get a cheer as they did.

'Hey!' Quintus said as he walked up to her.

'Hi Quintus, everything okay?'

'Yep! All briefed and ready to leave them to it. I'm sure nothing will go wrong.'

'But of course now you've just jinxed the whole thing by saying that,' Hermione said with a smirk on her face.

'Probably, yes. Do you want that drink or do you want to go straight there?'

'Um, I don't know really. I don't want to be there first, the fewer people who realise I'm there the better. The last thing I need is idle gossip.'

Quintus nodded. 'Okay well, if we have ten minutes to spare then follow me!'

Hermione frowned but it turned into a smile when Quintus grabbed her hand and pulled her along the corridor.

'Prepare to be wowed by the Harpies' Stadium Tour. Oh, wait,' he said as he stopped abruptly and turned to face her, 'has Ginny taken you on the Harpies' Stadium Tour?'

'No, actually, never.'

'Oh, good!'

He started walking again and pushed through a set of double doors. Three more sets of doors later and Quintus took a right turn. After a short walk through a very small concrete tunnel, a wave of Quintus's wand and a step through the door which appeared in front of her, Quintus turned to look at her.

'Okay, so technically this isn't part of what could be called the official tour but it's well worth a look.'

He turned the handle and Hermione followed him through. She blinked as the floodlights lighting up the pitch met her eyes. As her eyes adjusted she saw Quintus wave his wand. Lights set into the floor slowly brightened and she blinked again to readjust. She looked around and didn't know where she was.

'Not many people are allowed to visit the Harpies' dugout, you know!' Quintus said with a grin.

Before she had chance to react, he pulled her to the very edge of the small wood lined area. She held her breath until she was sure she had her balance and she peered over the edge. She felt both exhilarated and apprehensive.

'How high are we?' she asked, trying to hide the concern in her voice.

'About seven stories, nothing too ridiculous, we're about half way up the height of the hoops.'

'Wow!' was all Hermione could say.

She had never seen the stadium completely empty and very rarely at dusk. It was a bit eerie but she guessed that any place that was built to hold thousands of people and be a place of noise and celebration would feel strange without all of that.

'Not wishing to spoil the fun with a sensible Hermione Granger question,' she said and Quintus grinned, 'but please tell me on match days there are wards or something stopping people falling seven stories down!'

Quintus chuckled. 'On match days there are most definitely wards that only allow Harpies on brooms to cross. I'm not sure of the ward magic involved but I think it's something to do with a broom having to cross the ward first and then their gloves are charmed as well. I think. You'll have to check with Ginny. Either way, should Gwenog be so very unimpressed with her team's performance, she can in no way throw herself from here and end her misery.'

'Good to know!' Hermione replied with a nod.

'Can I ask you something?' Quintus asked Hermione.

'You can always ask, but I reserve the right to not answer should you ask me anything incriminating!'

Quintus smiled. 'That seems fair. Okay, so when you went to France and pretty much changed your life with that decision… what was that like?'

'Oh, wow. Well, I suppose I tried to find similarities in my new situation as I had before I moved. Yes, I was away from home, but I was away from home when I was at school. I was doing the same type of work that I would have been doing in the British Ministry so really the only difference I saw was the language barrier.'

Quintus nodded. 'That makes sense.'

'Can I ask why you wanted to know?'

'Yeah, I… Unless I lose my nerve, I'm about to take a major career change. The short story is I was destined to be a professional Quidditch Player after I left school. I was training with the Appleby Arrows but during training one day I took a Bludger to the head. It wasn't just your normal fractured skull, two weeks rest and back to training, there were complications and I nearly died. Some how after a lot of small miracles from the staff at St. Mungo’s there was no major brain damage, I lost about a week's worth of memories up to the incident, but once I was fully recovered I had all my motor skills, but about a week after I was sent home I started fitting randomly. For ease I say I have epilepsy but it put a permanent stop on my Quidditch dreams because I could randomly fit when flying and should I get smacked by another Bludger, there was no telling what further damage would occur.'

Hermione sighed and looked at Quintus.

'Quintus I'm sorry, that's an awful thing to happen.'

Quintus nodded. 'Yeah, I was devastated and it took me a long time to get my head around my new life and whatever that entailed. Eventually I got into bar work and many years later here I am, but through varying coincidences, opportunities and a little bit of cheek, Gwenog has come to believe that I have potential as a coach. After Richard announced his retirement after the League finished, Gwenog offered me the job.'

'But that's brilliant!'

'It is, I'm just terrified of the change it'll bring. I know catering management, I can do catering management, but Quidditch coaching is something so huge that I'm scared shitless of failing!'

Hermione smiled kindly. 'Believe me when I say that I know exactly what it's like to be petrified by fear of failure, but if you don't fail you can't learn and if you can't learn you can't get better. Gwenog is not someone to take on staff who don’t meet her extremely high standards, is she? Take confidence from that and expect to make a few mistakes. You started as a barman and now you're a manager, you obviously know how to work hard, and I reckon this is what you were supposed to do.'

Hermione noticed Quintus had blushed and she had to smile. He nodded.

'Thanks. You're right, I have to do this, I just… got scared. Oh, which you're not allowed to tell anyone about, okay?'

Hermione rolled her eyes. 'Typical man!' she replied.

'Absolutely!' Quintus said with a grin. 'Anyway, I'm sorry the tour wasn't very extensive, shall we get going?'

Hermione checked her watch; it read twenty past seven.

'Yeah, I suppose we best get going.'

She felt the familiar knot in her stomach appear.

'Come on, Hermione, you just told me to be brave, don't make me spout your words back at you!'

Hermione nodded. 'Brave, yes, that I can be.'

'And you can also be distracted so I'll apparate us there, I don't want you ruining those pretty dress robes of yours. Oh, and before I forget again, you look beautiful.'

Hermione felt her cheeks go hot. 'Thank you, you scrub up quite well yourself!'

Quintus laughed. 'I'm glad you think so! Right, time for us both to be brave.'

Hermione frowned, wondering why Quintus had to be brave at a party where he shouldn't feel uncomfortable at all, but before she could think too much about it she felt the familiar feeling of compression surround her and she disappeared concentrating only on gripping tightly onto Quintus’s hand.

They appeared in the alleyway next to the Three Broomsticks and when Hermione had regained her balance she turned to look at Quintus.

‘Why do you have to be brave?’ she asked, confused.

Quintus gestured that she should start walking. They got to the end of the alleyway and she turned towards him.

‘You know I said that I was three months further down the emotional recovery route than you are?’


‘Well, her name was Lucia and she was a very good friend of Mattie’s at school. I didn’t make the connection that the Mattie Lucia used to talk about was the Mattie that Ginny said was editing her brother’s book, there’s no reason why I would. So, chances are Lucia is inside, too.’

Hermione’s heart sank and she hit Quintus on the arm.

‘If you knew that there was a chance she would be here then why did you say you would come with me? I, of all people, would have completely understood!’

‘I know you would!’ Quintus said as he held his hands up in protest and suppressed a smile. ‘But it’s better that I see her when I’m expecting to and when I’m in a pretty good place mentally than having it sprung on me.’

Hermione closed her eyes and for a second remembered vividly two times in the past months when she had been unprepared for certain revelations. She nodded her head.

‘Okay, but please, if at any point you need to get out, don’t stay on my behalf.’

Quintus nodded. ‘Only if you promise to do the same, you’re not duty bound to be here. Emotional blackmail can go fuck itself if it means you keep your sanity. Deal?’

Hermione smirked at Quintus’s turn of phrase. ‘Deal.’

‘Good,’ Quintus said with a grin. He took a half step to the side and leant in as if to whisper something to her. ‘Just go with this, okay?’

Her brow furrowed but a second later he had taken her head in his hands and was kissing her. Too startled to do anything but stand there she closed her eyes. Another second passed and Quintus pulled back, she opened her eyes again. Quintus was grinning at her.

‘Ron was looking,’ he said as an explanation. He took her hand and walked her towards the pub. As she turned Ron found her gaze for a split second and then hurriedly turned away and walked back into the pub.

‘Thank you,’ Hermione said. ‘I think.’


She was okay, she had decided. Every time she consciously thought that, a voice inside her laughed out loud but she was determined to ignore that voice.

Ron had greeted her with a hug and a kiss which Hermione had over analysed until Quintus told her he could almost see the smoke coming out of her ears and to calm down. Mattie had smiled, waved and mouthed the words 'thank you' from across the bar. Hermione had nodded and happily accepted her Firewhisky and lemon from the barman. It wasn't the intricate way she liked it prepared, but she didn't think the contents would stay in the glass long enough for it to be worth it.

She decided she needed to be sensible with the amount of alcohol she drank; she was thankful Lucy wasn't here.

The night had progressed in what could have been seen as positive. She had seen Ginny and she had seem jovial even thought apparently there had been much glaring at both Ron and Mattie when she realised they had organised a joint party to get her and Harry in the same room for a long period of time. Eventually she had either realised it probably was time to sort things out seeing as though an entire evening had been organised around her, or she thought it rude to shout and scream about it. Either way she seemed happy enough and Hermione had seen her and Harry dancing together.

She realised at that point that she was, therefore, surplus to requirements and could probably leave at any time.

An hour had passed since she had had that revelation yet she hadn’t sought out Quintus to beg him to take her home. From this she deduced she had probably gone insane, or maybe she was actually moving on.

The laughter in her head started up again.

‘Oh, shut up!’ she said to herself.

‘I didn’t say anything!’ Ron replied from next to her.

She jumped as she hadn’t seen him appear next to her at the bar.

‘Oh, no sorry, I was just having an argument with myself.’

‘Obviously you won,’ Ron replied with a smirk.


The barman came over to them and handed them each a glass of Firewhisky. Hermione noticed the rim of her glass had been edged with Lemon. She smiled at Ron.

‘You’re the only one who humours me with that, you know,’ she said before sipping at her drink.

‘Well, someone has to. Anyway, I haven’t seen you recently, I take it work’s still stupid.’

Hermione nodded. ‘It’s settled down a lot but it’s definitely intense. I work directly for Christine now so that has added to it all. I’m not complaining at all, it’s brilliant, just somewhat overwhelming sometimes.’

It was Ron’s turn to nod. ‘Well, I apologise in advance for next week.’

Hermione turned to look at him. ‘What for?’

‘We finally got all the evidence needed to get a complete and thorough case together for the fuckers who tried to attack the Ministry amongst… the other horrific things. It’s taken us this long because there’s no way we wanted them to wriggle out of charges on a legal loophole. Every single testimony, every piece of evidence and every witness has been checked, double checked and then catalogued, processed and whatever the hell else correctly. Christine starts on it next week.’

Hermione took a deep breath. ‘So that’s why she told me to sleep well this weekend.’

‘That would be exactly why!’

‘So, wait, you’ve been helping with this case and when it’s all about to go to court you bugger off on honeymoon! How is that fair?’

Ron laughed. ‘It’s not, but it’s not as if I can change this holiday. And don’t worry; I’m pretty sure this whole thing is not going to be tied up within two weeks. As much as we’ve been thorough, I have a feeling their defence will be tough and drawn out and bloody good!’

'Which it should be!' Hermione replied.

Ron looked at Hermione and swallowed his retort. Hermione noticed the effort.

'Don't take me saying that to mean that I want them to walk free, you know that's the last thing I want, but everyone is entitled to a defence, Ron, guilty or not.'

Ron nodded his head. 'I know, it's just… hard sometimes.'

She covered his hand with hers. 'Ron, if Christine has the case, there's no way in hell they'll walk free. She's brilliant!'

'Of course she is, she hired you for an assistant!'

Hermione smiled. 'I'm not officially her assistant, I'm just… assisting… her…'

Ron giggled and she had to join in.

'Oh God, he's giggling, how much has he had?'

Hermione turned her head towards Mattie and as she looked at her, she didn't feel hatred or anger or frustration. There would always be a twinge of jealousy and regret, but she hoped that one day it would fade. For the minute she was marvelling at what she wasn't feeling and was slightly proud of herself.

'Personally I think he's had way too much and shouldn't be allowed any more alcohol tonight. Obviously this evaluation has nothing to do with the fact that he is laughing at me!'

Mattie snorted. 'Okay! I shall tell the bar staff you are officially cut off!'

'You bloody won't!'

Ron downed the rest of his drink and Hermione took a healthy swallow of hers.

'How are Ginny and Harry doing?' Hermione asked Mattie.

'So, so, so much better. They're arguing!'

'I-… wait… what?' Hermione asked. Ron turned to Mattie, also looking confused.

Mattie sighed as if it was plainly obvious why Ginny and Harry arguing was a good thing. 'For the past…' she started counting on her fingers but gave up after a shake of her head, 'however long it's been, Harry has been saying 'yes Ginny, no Ginny, three bags full Ginny!''

Mattie took a breath and Ron leant over to Hermione.

'Muggle saying taken from the children's rhyme Baa Baa Black Sheep,' he said as if she hadn't understood the sentiment of the phrase.

Hermione raised her eyebrows at him and Mattie looked at him as if he had gone mad before continuing.

'Anyway, as much as Harry has been trying to do what he thinks Ginny wants he has been annoying her no end because she wants him to be normal. If they're arguing then Harry is finally standing up for himself and challenging her like she wants and needs.'

Ron scratched his head. 'Wait, wait, wait! Women hate arguing!'

Hermione had to suppress the urge to roll her eyes and remind Ron exactly what happened after they had ever argued, but for her sanity and in the name politeness, she refrained.

'Not if it means the person we're arguing with is finally listening to us!'

Hermione smiled. 'Very well said, Mattie.'

Mattie beamed. 'Thanks! Anyway, I need to go and be nosey and step in should the arguing start doing more harm than good. Feel free to come and help should fists start flying!'

'Will do!' Ron said, decidedly not moving from his spot at the bar.

Hermione watched Mattie make her way through the crowd.

'She's a really nice person, Ron.'

She was pretty sure she had said it loud enough for him to hear but she wasn't sure until he turned to her and stared in disbelief. She raised her eyebrows at him. His expression softened and he smiled.

'I know she is, but it means a lot to hear you say that.'

Hermione nodded and before she knew what was happening Ron had pulled her into a hug. She closed her eyes and tried not to inhale the smell of him that her every cell seemed to crave. Thankfully Ron released her pretty quickly.

'I'm sorry about what I said,' Ron said, not letting her go fully.

'About what?' she asked. She had suddenly come over very hot.

She thought she heard someone tutting behind her but she didn't pay attention to anyone other than Ron.

'About what I said about Quintus. You were right, it's not my place to judge and it's not my place to tell you who's good enough for you. Like you said, only you can do that.'

Hermione nodded. 'Apology accepted. Thank you.'

'I still don't think he's good enough for you, though, but I can't think of anyone who is, so…'

Hermione rolled her eyes at him and stepped out of his arms.

'Go and make sure Harry and Ginny aren't hexing each other. I'll see you later.'

Ron nodded and smiled as he walked away. As she finished her drink she heard someone behind her tutting again. She replaced her empty glass and looked at the back of the head of the only person who could be responsible for the tutting.

She didn't recognise the dark ginger and died magenta hair which belonged to the woman who was stalking through the bar. Curious, she decided to follow her.

She walked through the bar and while she said 'excuse me' when the crowds got a little thick to walk straight through, her tutter just barged through. She watched as the woman walked past Quintus, leant into him and hissed something at him. Quintus looked alarmed at the sound and turned his head from his conversation with a friend to the woman. He frowned and Hermione walked up to him.

'Hey, what was all that about?' she asked.

He smiled in a resigned way. 'Well that was Lucia and I think she was protesting at me being here with you.'

Laughter erupted from behind them and Quintus's next sentence was drowned out. Hermione took his arm and pulled him outside. She needed some air and Quintus looked like he could do with some, too.

She breathed in the cool air and felt her head clear. She turned to Quintus who was draining his glass. He set it down on the floor next to the door.

'Don't let me leave that there,' he said with a smile.

'Ever the bar manager. You do realise that tomorrow you'll be leaving all that behind? You'll be able to leave pint glasses and tankards and shot glasses everywhere without the guilty conscience!'

Quintus exhaled and ran his hands through his hair.

'I'm sure I'll feel guilty for a while, but eventually I'll let the responsibility for all liquid holders in a bar area go.'

'You're going to be a brilliant coach, you know!' Hermione said with a smile.

'I sincerely hope so because the last thing I want to do is crawl back to the catering management with my tail between my legs.'

'Wait, you have a tail?' Hermione said, one eyebrow raised.

Quintus laughed out loud. 'Hermione that was the worst joke ever!'

'It really was but you laughed and you stopped thinking about tomorrow and how you're determined you're going to fail. You will not fail because you will throw yourself into this with everything you have and like I said, even when you make mistakes you will learn and you will carry on. We all do!'

Quintus nodded. 'You're right, thank you for distracting me with that terrible joke!'

'You're welcome. Now, I'm being incredibly nosey but what in Merlin's name went on in there?'

Quintus took a deep breath. 'Like I said, that was Lucia and for some reason she's annoyed that I'm here with you. I don't think her vitriol was aimed at you specifically, I could have been here with anyone and she would still have been a bitch so…'

'Okay, passing over the fact that you used the word vitriol after drinking quite a considerable amount of alcohol, just to fill me in briefly, if you don't mind talking about it of course, should she be annoyed that you brought someone to a party? I mean, you said you broke up three months ago.'

'Ah, well this is where it gets fun. You see we mutually broke up the first time, she changed her mind and although I didn't think it was the best idea, we gave it another go. Yet again we broke up, I initiated it because things had slipped back to the way they were despite her promises that they wouldn't and then about a month ago, she decides again that we should be together, but this time I'm smart enough to not go through that again.'

'And I'm guessing that she still wants you back if she's hissing at you and tutting at me.'

'Tutting at you? Wow, that's… mature!'

Hermione chuckled but then a flash of magenta caught her eye. She didn't turn towards it but out of the corner of her eye saw that Lucia had stopped a couple of metres inside the pub and was staring at Hermione and Quintus. Hermione stepped towards Quintus and took his hands in hers.

'Just go with this, okay?' she said, smirking as she said it. She reached up on tiptoes and put her hands on his shoulders. She lightly kissed him on the lips before leaning in for a firmer kiss. He pressed his hands to her lower back and she felt him smile against her lips.

She wasn't sure but she thought she heard something between a scream and a shout coming from the pub. After a few seconds they pulled apart.

'Lucia was watching,' she said with a grin.

Quintus laughed and slung his arm around Hermione's shoulders. They started walking back towards the pub and Quintus picked up his glass off the floor as he walked past it.

'You know, Miss Granger, in a year or so, when your head's in a place where it can contemplate a new relationship, come and find me!'

het, year: 2010, rated: t, pairing: ron/hermione, genre: angst, genre: fluff

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