Leaning Slightly to the Left | HG | Rated: T

Nov 27, 2010 14:08

Title: Leaning Slightly to the Left: Chapter 8
For: queenb23more who bid for this on the help_chile community.
Chapter Rating: T
Chapter Warnings: Little bit of angst
Featured Characters/Pairings: Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Harry, OFC, Ron/OFC, Ron/Hermione
Chapter Word Count: 4,810
Summary: Hermione's life is not what she expected it to be and she doesn't know how to change it. Will moving back to what she knows help? Or if she pinning all her hopes on a dream that ended years before?
Author's Note: Initially this chapter was going to have another section at the end but after a reshuffle of ideas in my head it seemed better to put that bit in the next chapter, therefore this is slightly shorter than I'm used to writing for this story but still pretty long! Oh, and it hasn't been beta'ed so feel free to point out any howlers :)
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11

Leaning Slightly to the Left: Chapter 8

Work was hectic; there was no other way to describe it. The aftermath of 'DE3' as it had been designated for ease (named as such because it was the third time wannabe Death Eaters had tried something 'significant') was chaotic and more painful than she had imagined. As soon as she saw Harry and Ron she knew that the situation had been horrendous, and she was thankful that she only had to deal with the aftermath as opposed to going through it. However, reading through the reports of torture and destruction made her stomach turn and tears burn her eyes.

Christine had sent her an owl that night telling her to be in work for quarter past eight the next morning. As much as part of her mourned the lack of sleep she would surely suffer, the ambitious part of her liked that she was being asked to be a part of sorting it out. Of course then she felt guilty about being happy about a step forward in her professional career at the expense of lives.

She was working as Christine's junior assistant. It was something of an unofficial promotion but nothing had changed in her contract. Hermione was just glad of the chance for the experience of working with someone so high up in the Department of Magical Law.

She had barely seen Ron, Harry or Ginny for four weeks, but Ginny was busy winning her Quidditch matches and Ron and Harry were being pulled from pillar to post trying to work their other cases and give evidence about that night. When she spotted them they looked drained and terrible. Her nights were late and more often than not as she left the Ministry she spotted Ron's lamp lit at his desk and noticed the silhouette of him hastily scribbling away. She hoped his fiction and thoughts of his impending wedding were helping him escape from his work, he deserved some sort of escape.

Because of her lack of contact with her best friend, she had no idea that the relationship she thought of as solid was starting to crack.

The first she knew of 'the confrontation' as she came to call it was when Ginny slammed the door of her bedroom one Friday night, five weeks since the night at the Ministry and two weeks before Ron and Mattie's wedding, making Hermione jump. She was reading a book from work - she had decided that only reading work books was the safest thing to do for the near future - and she had been nodding off, but the door slamming woke her up.


She hoisted the large tome onto her bed and made her way to her bedroom door. She opened it and turned left and knocked on Ginny's.

'Gin? You okay?'

There was no answer. Hermione sighed.

'Gin, come on, what's wrong?'

Again no answer. Hermione let her head fall against the door.

'Okay, fine, but just so you know I'm going to sit my arse outside the door and wait until you talk to me. You don't have to go into details I just need to know you're okay.'

As she finished her sentence she heard the door unlock and swing open an inch. She pushed it slowly open and stepped inside. Ginny was stood facing her window and leant against the windowsill. Her wand sat in between her hands and her head had dropped. Hermione walked over to her and put her hands on her shoulders. It seemed that it was her touch that started Ginny sobbing. Hermione pulled her towards her and turned her around. She held her as she cried and just said 'shh' over and over until she felt Ginny calm down.

Eventually Ginny pulled back.

'Sorry,' she whispered.

'Don't apologise, what's wrong?'

Ginny sniffed and leant against the windowsill.

'You know… after what happened, Ron and Harry were assigned a Ministry counsellor…'

'Yeah, she's a couple of years older than us, black hair, Jessica is it?'

Ginny nodded. 'Yes. It's Jessica. She's the problem. I found them together, in Harry's office. He was standing against the wall and she was kissing him. I didn't give her the chance to explain anything, just grabbed her by the hair and threw her out the office. Apparently I'm quite strong when I'm angry. Anyway… Harry told me it was all her and he'd been trying to ignore her advances but she wasn't taking any notice.'

'Can I just point out that she is the most unprofessional counsellor in the entire world!' Hermione said, more worried about the integrity of Ministry staff than Harry's. She trusted Harry, especially when it came to his love for Ginny.

'Her professionalism is the least of my worries.'

Hermione's brow furrowed. 'But, like you said, it was all one sided.'

'Except this is the third time she's kissed him.'

Hermione was shocked into silence. She quickly regained her composure and shook her head to organise her thoughts.

'I'll say it again. It was all one-sided, Gin. Harry would never betray you like that.'

Ginny laughed out loud. 'Oh, Hermione, by letting this go on for so long, he already has. He should have stopped it, I don't care if he was worried about her or hurting her professionally. He should never have let it get this far! After the first time that bitch put her grubby monkey-claw hands on him, he should have asked for someone else to give him counselling! He's just so stupid!'

Hermione took a deep breath. She had to agree with Ginny, there was no way Harry should have let her continue to be the person assigned to make sure his mental health was not damaged by what he had seen during that night. But it was Harry, he would have known that he had to tell Kingsley exactly why he wanted someone else and that would probably have lost Jessica her job.

'Did he tell you all of that? She asked. Ginny nodded her head.

'Yeah, I could tell by the way he was trying to grip the wall behind him that he was trying to get away from her. I told him I was okay with it as long as he never had another session with her again and as long as he was being truthful about what had happened. That's when his eyes fell to the floor and I knew it wasn't all that happened. He blurted out that it wasn't the first time and it had happened twice before.'

'What did you say to him?'

Ginny looked straight at Hermione. 'I picked up the portable pensieve off his desk, threw it at his head and told him to go and cry to his whore of a counsellor.'

Hermione closed her eyes. She knew Ginny's temper was fiery to say the least, but a small part of her thought that Harry deserved at least some sort of over the top reaction to his stupidity.

'Did you give him a chance to respond?'

Ginny shook her head. 'No. I ran out the office to the lifts and as he was catching up with me the doors were closing. When I arrived at the Atrium I ran to the nearest fireplace and disappeared.'

'So, he's on his way here, then?' Hermione was a little hopeful that this situation could be resolved quickly.

'He might be trying to get in. I disconnected the Floo, put the ward up around the flat and made the front door imperturbable.'

Hermione sighed. Her small flicker of hope died an instant death.

'Is this where you tell me I'm being immature and should just forgive him? Because I'm sorry, I can't do that.'

'I wasn't going to say that. I was going to say that you should probably take some time for yourself. Stay in here, go back to Holyhead. Actually why aren't you at Holyhead? Gin, it's the last game of the season tomorrow!'

'Believe me, Hermione, of that I am perfectly aware.'

'So… why are you here? Ginny, I don't want to add any outside pressure, but tomorrow is your time to shine and help the Harpies win the league. Considering what happened last year…'

Hermione didn't need to finish that sentence for Ginny to shudder involuntarily. Hermione hadn't been there, but she had seen the action replays in the paper. Ginny had hesitated taking - what ended up being - the last shot of the game. She had a shot on target but wasn't entirely sure which way the keeper was going to go. She had feinted to shoot to her right but the keeper knew her well and was holding off moving until the ball left her hand. Although the entire sequence happened in a couple of seconds, Ginny could recount every movement, she had told Hermione that in a long telephone conversation early the next morning. Because the keeper had hesitated, she had hesitated. She thought the keeper would presume she was feinting and move to her left. He did and she shot to her right, but a second too late, because as the quaffle had left her hand, the seeker on the other team caught the snitch. The Harpies were only 140 points ahead and therefore lost the match.

No one blamed Ginny, except the woman herself. She knew that if she had just trusted her instincts then the match would have gone into extra time. But she hadn't, they had lost the match and had come second in the league by one point.

It wasn't the end of the world, of course it wasn't, but it was Ginny's first season as the highest paid chaser on the team and that brought with it its own pressure. It was never said to her face that this season she had to deliver, but the pressure was there.

Hermione knew that this was the last thing that Ginny needed before the biggest match of her professional sports life and had to remind her of what tomorrow meant to her.

The seconds stretched into a minute as Hermione collected her thoughts.

'Right, this is what you're going to do…'

A thought struck her and she had to smile internally at her apparent genius.

'You're going to stay here for a few minutes. Don't leave until I come back, okay?'

Ginny shrugged. 'Fine.'

Hermione turned and left the room. She considered locking Ginny in but thought that would be a step too far.

She was about to pick up the pot of Floo powder when the fireplace roared in front of her. She was instantly confused. Mattie appeared and stepped out of the fireplace, brushing ash off her clothes.

She didn't seem to be bothered or surprised that Hermione was stood directly in front of her.

Mattie asked 'how is she?' at the same time Hermione said 'I thought she'd disconnected the Floo!'

They both smiled, granted the atmosphere was a little awkward but it was at least civil.

'She's… upset and angry and I'm going to try and get her into a situation where she can vent but still keep her mind on the game tomorrow. Can you do me a favour and keep her here until I get back. I need to reconnect the Floo… wait-'

'She did,' Mattie replied to Hermione earlier statement and her current train of thought, 'but just to Harry and Ron's flat. I apparated home and managed to get a connection. I reckon if you reconnect it you should be able to get to Harry and Ron's… I presume that was where you were going to?'

Hermione nodded. 'I was going to tell Harry that she's fine, well not fine but safe at least, then I may have to shout at him a little bit, but then I'm going to go and find someone who I reckon can help.'

She briefly explained to Mattie her plan.

'What do you think?' she asked, a little apprehensive about what Mattie would think.

'I think that's a really good idea. She needs to get back to Holyhead but I don't think she should be on her own. Go and see if you can find him. Oh, Ron's already called Harry a cock so you may not need to go overboard on the shouting.'

Hermione winced. She hated the idea of Harry and Ron fighting. It brought back bad memories.

'They're okay, Ron believes that Harry is just stupid and too bloody soft for his own good as opposed to in love with someone else. They're fine.'

Hermione nodded. 'Good.'

'I'll stay with her and try and calm her down. I'll see you soon.'

'I'll be back as quick as I can.'

As she swirled through the Floo network she had to marvel at the fact that her and Mattie had had a constructive and friendly conversation, but it was cut short when she fell out the Floo. She had been distracted in her thoughts and her entrance to Ron and Harry's flat was less than graceful. Thankfully neither Ron nor Harry seemed to notice. Harry was on his feet and walking to her before she had fully recovered herself.

'Is she at home? Is she okay?'

'Yes and no.'

Harry looked instantly relived but then his head dropped when Hermione's answer to his second question sunk in.

'What the hell is going on, Harry?' she asked quietly.

Harry shook his head.

'I thought I could handle it by being kind and showing her that I love Ginny.'

'Yes, but Harry, when you let it go past one kiss and didn't report her or at least stop your sessions, she will have taken that as a sign that you just needed persuading that she was what you wanted. I know women can be hard to read some times but surely that was obvious!'

Ron gestured wildly behind Harry and mouthed the words thank you. Hermione raised her eyes at him. He shook his head and walked through to the kitchen.

'Look, you need to fix this but not tonight, not with tomorrow being what it is.'

Harry threw his head back and stared at the ceiling.

'What I wouldn't give for this to have happened some other night.'

'What I wouldn't give for this not to have happened at all!' Ron shouted from the kitchen.

'Fuck!' Harry said as he dropped his head to look at her.

'Harry I think I have a way to fix-… well, not fix but try and at least get her head where it needs to be for tomorrow. When the match is over and everyone is telling her how brilliant she is, you can try and sort things out.'

'But what about now?'

'I am about to find someone who she can talk to all she wants and still be close enough to keep her head in Quidditch. Promise me you won't try and talk to her while I'm there.'

Harry looked like he was fighting an internal battle between what he wanted to do and what he knew he should do.

'Promise,' he said through gritted teeth.

Ron walked back into the room carrying to glasses of Firewhiskey.

'I'll make sure he stays here.'

He took a swig from his drink and nudged Harry on the arm with his glass. Harry sighed and took the glass from Ron. He walked to the sofa and fell heavily onto it.

'Is Mattie at yours?' Ron asked.

'Yeah, she agreed with my plan and is keeping Ginny at home until I return. I need to get going. Keep him here. Do not let him try and see Ginny, okay?'

Ron had looked shocked for a second that Hermione and Mattie had had a conversation but he passed over it.

'I will, but you haven't told us what your genius plan is, you know.'

'I know. See you later.'

She turned on the spot and apparated to the corridor outside the function room in the Holyhead Harpies' Stadium. There was a few people stumbling around, it looked like whatever function had been going on was coming to a close. She just hoped Quintus was working.

She walked with purpose through the double doors and ignored the quizzical looks from the people leaving. A few of them grinned at her but she had no idea who they were. She sniggered and made her way to the bar. She smiled widely when she saw Quintus with a long roll of parchment in his hand and a quill tucked behind his ear.

'Quintus?' she said to his back.

He spun around and lowered his parchment.

'Hermione! What… what are you doing here?'

'I'm here to ask a huge favour of you.'

'Okay, ask away!' he replied with a smile. He leant forwards on the bar and pulled his quill from his ear.

'Well, to cut a long story short, your number one chaser is currently at home, rather upset and angry and I'm worried that if I don't get her back here and around people who know her and are Quidditch… related… then she'll mess up tomorrow.'

Quintus frowned. 'Ginny's upset?'

He stood up and Hermione saw a change in him. He looked like he was taking on a position of 'player defender' and this is exactly what Hermione hoped.

'What's upset her?'

He folded his arms across his chest. Hermione wanted to smile at the stance he had taken but managed to suppress it.

'Her and Harry have had a fight, it's pretty big and she's not thinking about Quidditch. We need to stop her being distracted… well, I say we but I reckon I'll just remind her of Harry and everything at home, so I was hoping…'

'That I'd say I'd try and get her head back to tomorrow and distract her.'

'Is there any way you can? I know you're just about finished for the night but I wouldn't ask if… well, if your entire season's success didn't rest on tomorrow.'

'Of course I'll help. I know what distracts her and what makes her laugh. I'll take her to the clubhouse and make her go through their tactics and I'll fly against her if she needs to get rid of her aggression. And I'll make sure she gets back to the player lodge at a reasonable hour so she can at least try and get some sleep.'

Hermione sighed with relief.

'Quintus, if there wasn't a bar between us I'd hug you until you couldn't breathe.'

Quintus smiled and dropped his arms from across his chest.

'Well, I suppose it's best it's here if you're going to make me pass out.'

'Probably best. Seriously though, Quintus, thank you so much for this. I know you're doing it for Ginny, but thank you from me, too.'

Quintus smiled. 'I am doing it for Ginny, but Hermione, if you ever need anything for you, I'd say yes to that as well.'

Hermione begged herself not to blush but to no avail, she could feel her cheeks reddening and dropped her eyes to the floor.

'Thank you,' she replied quietly. 'I'll go and get Ginny. Shall I bring her here?'

Quintus nodded. 'Yeah, I'll just finish tidying up. Just come in the way you did. I'll not ward or lock anything.'

'Excellent. I'll be back in a few minutes.'

She disapparated and appeared in her bedroom. She walked out and turned to Ginny's bedroom door. It was open and she stopped at what she found. Feathers covered every surface and Mattie was holding up a pillow in front of Ginny's outstretched wand.

'Um…' Hermione said with half a smile on her face.

'Stress relief,' Mattie replied to her questioning look.

'Fair enough!' Hermione replied. She looked at Ginny and the pillow exploded. Hermione waited until the majority of the feathers had floated to the floor. 'As much as this is a brilliantly messy idea, I think you need a proper distraction.'

Ginny sighed. 'Hermione, I appreciate whatever effort you've been to, but honestly I have no idea how I'm going to get my head back in the game.'

'I know, but I have someone who can and will help you. Now, did you bring anything back with you that you'll need when you get back to Holyhead?'

'No. You're taking me back, then?' Ginny asked, huffing slightly.

'Yes, that's where you need to be and you need people other than Mattie and me to help you. We're too close to the problem and that won't help. You know Quintus, yes?'

'Fiver? Yeah, of course.' Hermione raised her eyebrows at Ginny nickname for him. 'He got the name from school, nothing to do with me!'

Hermione waved away the comment.

'Good, he's got some time this evening and he's going to keep you company. He's going to go through tactics, plays and… whatever else you lot go through before a big game and he'll fly against you if you need to release any more aggression. He'll also make sure you get back to the lodge safely and hopefully in a state where you can get some sleep. Okay?'

Ginny stood up and walked so she was between Mattie and Hermione. 'Honestly, I'm not sure if he'll be successful but I get it. I know I have to be there and I have to at least try and concentrate on tomorrow. I can't let Harry and that… slut affect my performance… well, at the very least I should try my hardest to not let it. Quintus is a good guy, I'm sure he'll be a distraction and he's one of the best to go through tactics with. So, okay, I'll go and thank you both for dealing with this… me.'

Mattie snorted. 'Oh, come on, Gin, we are in your debt just a little bit!'

Hermione smiled.

'This is entirely true,' Ginny said with a smile. 'But still, thanks.'

'You're welcome,' Mattie replied as she pulled Ginny into a hug.

When they pulled apart Ginny turned to Hermione.

'Do me a favour and make sure you're all there tomorrow. And I mean all of you.'

Hermione nodded knowing that despite Ginny not liking Harry very much at the minute she still wanted him to be there.

'We'll make sure of it, won't we Mattie?'

Mattie nodded. 'Absolutely.'

Ginny hugged Hermione. 'Thank you.'

'Right, I'll apparated us there. Mattie, do you mind just waiting here? Save me locking up.'

'No, no, I'll wait here. Be careful. Both of you.'

Hermione took Ginny's hand and turned on the spot, Apparating to the same spot she had earlier. She walked through the double doors once more and Quintus was propped against the bar, waiting for them.

'Hi Quintus,' Hermione said with a smile.

'Hermione, all right Gin?'

Ginny shrugged. 'Been better.'

Quintus nodded. 'I know, don't worry, it'll get better.'

They all shared a smile.

'Right, I'll get back. We'll see you tomorrow, Gin. Good luck.'

She gave her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.

'See you later.'

She grinned at Quintus and left the room. When she got back home Mattie was sitting on the sofa reading the latest edition of Witch Weekly.

'All sorted?' Mattie asked, putting the magazine back on the coffee table.

'Yeah, she seemed… okay.'

Mattie nodded. 'Good. Well, I best be off. No doubt Ron will be in need of a rant of some sort and he's not going to rant at Harry any more so…'

Hermione nodded and smiled.

'Thanks for finding a way to keep her sane while I was gone.'

'Thank you for finding a way to help her tomorrow. Match starts at two; we'll be setting off at one, why don't you meet us at Ron's at ten to? We can all arrive together then.'

Hermione nodded.

'Sounds good.'

'Right, I'll let Ron know. See you tomorrow.'

'Yeah, see you tomorrow.'

Mattie stepped into the Floo and disappeared in a whirl of green.

Hermione collapsed onto the sofa and just sat with her eyes closed for a few minutes. Deciding she was too tired to go back to reading she trudged through to her bedroom and switched on the portable television she had bought herself. After flicking through a few channels she found a film she loved that had only just started. She got ready for bed and snuggled under her duvet. She prayed to anyone who was listening that Ginny would shine tomorrow and all her hard work would pay off and she hoped that her friends would be able to work through the barrier that had been thrown up between them. For herself she just prayed for an undisturbed sleep.

Someone must have been listening, because half an hour later, she was asleep.


Quintus deserved a medal or a drink or… something, she wasn't sure what. The match had been going on for nineteen minutes and the Harpies were leading by thirty points. Ginny had scored sixty of the Harpies' ninety and looked focussed and determined.

There had been a moment when she saw Ginny's 'competition face' slip when she had automatically looked to where she knew her friends would be and had obviously seen Harry clapping and smiling back at her. It had only lasted a second and Hermione knew that after that second it was back to business. Relieved didn't quite cover what Hermione was feeling.

Gwenog was looking fierce as she watched from the home side's dugout, barking instructions to the players who flew near enough to hear them. The noise of the crowd increased and Hermione watched as Ginny caught the Quaffle and flew over a Bludger and around one of the opposition's Chasers. She took both hands off her broom, passed the Quaffle from her right hand to her left then back to her right and raised her arm to shoot into the right hand hoop. The keeper dived and as he did, Ginny swapped hands and swung her arm back. She swerved to the left and as the Keeper swore in frustration she put the Quaffle through the centre hoop.

The crowd exploded with cheers but part from Ginny's small salute to the crowd as she pulled around, she made no elaborate celebration. She swung low and flew alongside the dugout and nodded as Gwenog shouted something at her. While the coach didn't look happy as such, she at least didn't look annoyed or angry.

'Whatever you did, thank you,' Harry said from beside her.

'Unfortunately, I can only take a small part of the credit. The idea was mine but the execution was all Quintus's.'

Harry nodded. 'I'll be buying him a drink or five later.'

'I think he'll be more than happy to accept!'

Harry managed a smile, the first genuine one he had worn all day, Hermione noted.

'So,' she started, instantly wishing she had put a few more seconds thought into the completion of that sentence before she said anything.

'Before you say anything, I want you to know that I've spoken to Kingsley and everything is… being dealt with.'

'Officially and by the book?' she asked, knowing Ginny wouldn't be impressed if any leniency had been shown.

'To ever letter of every word of every sentence in the book,' Harry replied, his voice firm and determined. Nothing else would be fair on Ginny.'

Hermione nodded as she clapped the Harpies' number two Chaser after she scored. 'I'm not going to have a go at you Harry or tell you you were ridiculously stupid…' a small smile played at her lips as Harry turned to look at her and raised an eyebrow, 'but I am going to tell you that you could have asked me anything and admit I'm a little upset you didn't ask for advice or help.'

Harry nodded and looked sorry. 'If it helps, I didn't tell anyone. I did consider telling you and asking for a woman's opinion, but I didn't want to burden you, what with…' he leaned into Hermione and lowered his voice, 'everything.'

'And you didn't think that with everything going on that this may have been something likew a welcome distraction?'

Harry tilted his head. 'I honestly didn't think of it like that.'

'Well, even so, don't hesitate next time, look at the trouble you get in to when you don't!'

Harry laughed. 'Point taken. So, oh wise and intelligent one… how do I make it up to her?'

'Grovel. Apologise. Beg if necessary. She knows you still love her and she wanted you here today; she made Mattie and me promise that everyone would be here. Do something romantic and special to show her how sorry you are. But if everything goes okay and she lets you back in the flat tonight, do one thing for me…'


'Please remember the silencing charms!'

Harry grinned. 'If I'm that lucky, I promise to remember!'

het, year: 2010, rated: t, pairing: ron/hermione, genre: angst, genre: fluff

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