The SWSAO Newsletter - Issue 14 (Friday the 13th Special Edition!)

Jan 13, 2012 18:30

For all the Triskaidekaphiles...

Fellow Oglers!
I recently read an interview had a most troubling vision that confirmed my greatest fear - there shall be NO shirtless Sam through episode 15 of this seventh season.

Yes, yes I know! I cried too! I gnashed my teeth and screamed at the Heavens and they turned a deaf ear, but you know what? We can make it through this trying time together!!

We must remember that sometimes, sometimes- Sam can be nearly shirtless while clothed. Perhaps Sam will understand that he at least needs to wear fewer layers! Allow me to demonstrate!

This is Sam:

Sam likes his layers.

His layers however, hide one of the most magnificent treasures found in nature:

Therefore, the layers need to understand that much like the Highlander - there can be only one.

During Dean's adventures down below, Sam went off riding a motorcycle, called himself "Clay" and said he was looking for his missing sister (grief does strange things to people...and wonderful things to their hair and wardrobe)

Here he is doing some mild motorcycle calisthenics!

The calisthenics made him sweaty so he decided to go down to ONE layer. This is very important to note!

Let's study it further, shall we:

"Timing Assn. Official Program" indeed.

The thing about this one layer is it lets Sam stay cool under pressure!

AND it's just so bendy...

So very very...


What's wrong Sam?

It's okay, you can tell us!

What's that?
You're too hot?

Well luckily- you are wearing only ONE layer, therefore it can be easily disposed of!

and we can send in the water bottle mist and moist towel team! (the best team EVER)

Is that better?

Well then, as long as you're happy!

May you all have a glorious Friday the 13th! I'm sure one day soon we'll be as happy as Sam (and that pheasant).

That's all for this edition! Please let me know if you'd like to be a
contributor to our worthy and important cause! If you have any further
Sam Winchester shirt related topics that require investigation please
don't hesitate to bring them to my attention!

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