The SWSAO Newsletter - Issue 4

Mar 25, 2011 18:32

Welcome to the Sam Winchester's Shirts are Overrated Newsletter!

In this edition:

Sam Winchester's T-shirts : Friend or Foe ?

In today's issue I bring you the highly controversial topic of t-shirts. Sam wears them daily, though we don't always see them, but when we do they are indeed a sight to behold.

More often than not, the t-shirts are a bit too baggy, but they do often fit nicely around the mighty biceps, as seen here in exhibit A1:

However, they also sometimes fit remarkably well as seen in exhibit A2:

(There is a pesky jacket in this one, but it should be noted that these pants fit remarkably well too.)

(This particular hunt must have been one of the adventures he went on while Dean was in his summer-class down under, Sam kept referring to himself as "Clay" also he had a motorcycle. )


Other times they fit rather well, but are obscured and/or damaged by the heat of battle, as seen in exhibit B1:

(In this instance, I think Dean may have been trying to help Sam remove his shirt- I mean Sam is clearly uncomfortable in it. Bobby is valiantly trying to assist Dean in this effort. Yay Bobby!)

and B2:

oh B2, you make me so happy in my pants

Monsters & people alike have employed many different methods trying to assist Sam with his shirt removal. These ghouls had a creative, but ultimately flawed plan involving duct-tape and a table, as seen here in Exhibit C:


It should be noted that the t-shirts have great difficulty containing the mighty latissimus dorsi as well, as seen in exhibit D :

Were I a monster, I would sneak in and steal his shirts in the middle of the night. This has been attempted before, as seen here, in Exhibit E:

Poor Sam looks so distraught! He's probably wondering if they took his pants too!

You'd better check under the bed Sam!


Luckily, Sam is a good sport, and volunteers to remove his t-shirt on his own!

We should send him a thank you card! Oh look, here he is reading it!

Thank you Sam, thank you!

That's all for this edition! Please let me know if you'd like to be a contributor to our worthy and important cause! If you have any further Sam Winchester shirt related topics that require investigation please don't hesitate to bring them to my attention!

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