The SWSAO Newsletter - Issue 3

Mar 25, 2011 18:29

Welcome to the Sam Winchester's Shirts are Overrated Newletter!

In this edition:

Sam Winchester's Suits : Also Overrated?

In this issue I exam Sam's suits. Are they indeed an argument as to why Sam does not need to be shirtless all the time?

As astonishing as this concept may seem, there is quite a lot of evidence to support this fringe theory.

As we've discussed in prior editions - most shirts cannot contain Sam Winchester anyway. This of course, applies to button down shirts as well,
as seen in exhibit A:

See how they struggle to contain his mighty latissimus?

The suit jackets themselves may seem like they'd stand a better chance, but no!

Exhibit B shows us that they too struggle:

However, most agree- the suits,while easy on the eyes- need to come off:

as seen here in Exhibit C:

-this woman has the right idea! Off with this, she says!

She succeeds! And although Sam may be surprised at first:

He is obviously, much happier this way!

and can now throw away his shopping list for more pesky suits:

That's all  for this edition! Please let me know if you'd like to be a contributor to our worthy and important cause! If you have any further Sam Winchester shirt related topics that require investigation please don't hesitate to bring them to my attention!

Issue# 1 Issue# 2
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