The SWSAO Newsletter - Issue 8 (special edition!)

Jul 16, 2011 22:47

In honor of the new soulless!Sam community no-soul-sam:

In this edition:
Sam Winchester's Soul: Also Overrated?

Much has been said about the value of the human soul. Death himself said:

"The human soul is not a rubber ball."

"It's vulnerable, impermanent,

but stronger than you know."

"And more valuable than you can imagine."

Sam's soul is without a doubt, beautiful:

And without Sam's soul, we wouldn't get the full power of the EYES:

or the HUG:

Death has been around a long time, so he knows his stuff. Then again, he's Death-- so very possibly he isn't as inspired in the pants by some things the same way the living are.

When Sam was soulless, he understood that shirts only get in the way of a good workout:

And, though soulless, Sam always remembered to tip!

Soulless!Sam also knew that shirtlessness is the true secret to a successful phone conversation:

Note how much less successful this conversation was (the communication trouble arose not just from the phone being pointed the wrong way but also from the shirt!!)

Soulless!Sam may not have been able to love, but he knew how to cuddle:

In fact he cuddled quite often, and in many different locations!

Then again, his soul itself often looks in need of a cuddling:

In conclusion: soul or no soul-- shirtlessness is best!

That's all for this edition!

Remember to visit no-soul-sam for all your soulless!Sam needs.

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