Masterlist of Mike/Kevin fics! - updated 6/1/10

Aug 20, 2009 20:26

All right, all! Here's our alphabetized masterlist, which I'll keep updated to the best of my abilities!

About A Girl by anon
+ Waste These Words (sequel, WIP?)

The Academy by akire_yta - “If you find it hard to install a sense of discipline in your child, you’ll find it reassuring to enroll him or her in a military boarding school.” Mike’s been expelled from every school in the district. But he still can’t believe his father actually sent him here.

Accidentally I Do by Melanie (laniew1) - “I got married to Mike Carden,” Kevin says.
“I asked you, like four times, if you were sure,” Nick says.
+ What Happens In Vegas (companion) - Mike Carden, the unlikeliest fanboy.

A dead mammoth by kalimai - Mike and Kevin haven't gotten too far in the bedroom yet and Mike assumes Kevin is a virgin until Kevin's ex-boyfriend Zac (Efron) shows up and Mike finds out that Kevin is actually somewhat of a sex kitten. Minus the sex kitten part. Sorry!

A General Teenage Love Thing by akire_yta - Kevin was the good boy. He didn’t secretly join bands, hang with the bad crowd, or have a smoking hot boyfriend. Good boys don’t do things like that. Except when they do.

A Most Practical Plan by solar_cat - Kevin has a surprise for Mike.

And We Can't Stop Singing by mayqueen517 - "Looks like you're really gonna get to meet the label," Mike says, snickering as Kevin feels the first moment of unease flit through him. This might be bad.

An Otter Named Noodle by jade8624 - Kevin begins to get presents from a secret admirer and he fails as a detective, William likes to give cryptic hints, Nick is paranoid but still supportive, Joe wants Kevin to play hard to get, Mike is a book club ninja guitarist. And there may be an otter named Noodle.

A Plan by kira_snugz - Mike Carden was a man in need of a plan.

Are You Curious And Communicative? by kalimai - Nobody really knows how or when their relationship started.

Become Like They Are by akire_yta - The Jonas Brothers are ghosts. The Academy Is… come to stay in the house they haunt as they prepare for their next album.

Blindsided by ohourheartsbeat and b_dsaint - Mike meets Kevin randomly, at a starbucks or something, and they start dating... but Mike has NO IDEA who Kevin really is. (chatfic)

The Book of Love Is Long and Boring by neqs - Kevin hated Valentine’s Day. He loathed it with a passion he usually reserved for blue cheese, reality TV, and people who made fun of other people in a mean way. A college AU.

Breathing’s Just a Rhythm by mywholecry - "Word on the street is that you're bearing the fruit of my good friend's loins." William says, draping himself against Kevin’s back, and Kevin considers the logistics of crawling inside of his locker and dying.

The Building's Not Going According to Plan by allypsis - (The four times Mike Carden make Kevin Jonas cry, and the one time he didn't.) He wonders if he’s going to spend the rest of his life comparing other people’s kisses to ones he barely remembers, if nice is ever going to be enough again.
+ Just Where I Was Before You Appeared (companion) - “I can’t stop thinking about you and it’s driving me fucking nuts” is more than he’s willing to admit.

Bust Your Move by skoosiepants - Kevin’s breathing goes all shuddery, bordering on gasping, and Carden oh-so-slowly pets him there, right on the side of his throat, and shushes him and Kevin thinks, a little hysterical, that if he’s trying to calm him down the petting thing is totally not working.

But the Beating of Our Hearts by neqs - Some people had a natural instinct to own, to shelter, to dominate, just as others craved to be held down, to be dominated, to belong to someone. A dynamic wasn’t a question of who was strong and who was weak, it just was.

The Coven by Melanie (lj user="laniew1"> - There was a war about 20 years before Kevin was even a thought in his parents’ heads. They used to call them Wizards and Witches and there used to be special schools for them and they were known but not known and most importantly, they weren’t hunted.

Curtains by neqs - Mike likes curtains.

Dancing ‘verse by skoosiepants
+ Dancing Without Warning - “Let me get this straight,” Nick says, ignoring Joe’s snickers. “You accidentally implied that Mike Carden is a rapist.”
+ Dancing Goes All Night - The thing is, if they’d wanted him to actually pay attention to the interview, they shouldn’t have sat him next to the lady with the polar bear cub.
+ In The Movement - “Notice how the skinny tie makes him look less like he’s carrying shrunken baby heads around in his pockets.”

Disney is Not a Cult (Not Yet) by b_dsaint - So, this is set in the cultverse that queenofhell created.

Dizzy by allypsis - “I just wanted to try something different.”

Down The Rabbit Hole… by exmptfromsanity - Mike falls down the rabbit hole… and ends up in a Disney show?

Employee of the Month by hector_rashbaum - When Carden shoplifts from the Jonas Family corner store, he has to work it off as punishment. With bonus charming-slash-harrassing Beckett.

Falling In Lakes With Boys by lunarsolar - When Mike gets shipped off to 'pray the gay away' camp he thinks that things are going to be boring. Then Kevin, the volunteer, shows up.

Falling Through The Night, Rising From The Ashes by hector_rashbaum - Kevin's confession loses him one family, gains him one; he still manages to come out ahead, somehow.

Feathers Everywhere But It's Fine by starflowers - Mike is an angry 17 year old who's been exiled from home for the summer while his parents finalize their divorce. Shipped off to William's place, he's startled to find that William has somehow found himself a shifty older boy friend, and an angel in the attic.

Fighting For by Ruth Sadelle Alderson (rsadelle) (background pairing) - William was on the run from the Association when Gabe pulled him out of the battle and into Cobra Camp.

Figuring on Figuring Myself Out by akire_yta - “It's Mike - there's been an accident.”

From Countess to Cabin Boy by formerlydf (background pairing) - To be fair, Brendon never truly intends to join the crew of a pirate ship. It just sort of... happens.

From Days of Yore by saekokato - Breakfast turns into wandering around the grounds together turns into lunch with the rest of the family (littlest Jonas's glares would make Mike bust a gut laughing if Mike wasn't actually behaving himself for once - parental units still do that to him) turns into an elaborate game of hide and seek with portions of Panic, Fall Out Boy and My Chem turns into Kevin pinning Mike against the wall of an empty hallway not too far from the stage.
+ Stream Crossing - “It’s three-thirty-six, Mike, and I woke up to go to the bathroom, and I’m a girl!”

girl!Mike/girl!Kevin High School AU by rsadelle - Kevin's a nice girl. Mike plays aggressive field hockey.

Given Time We’ll Find It Strange by skoosiepants - “I’m overriding your dibs,” Mike says. She didn’t actually mean to say that, but she’s not taking back her words. She even goes on, “And for the purposes of this conversation, dibs means I’m getting into her panties.”

Going Away to College by barke101 - If Kevin heard the word 'college' one more time today he was pretty sure he was going to puke.

Good Boys Go Bad? by lost_lover2790 - Kevin kind lives down the hall from someone he thinks is batman.

Good Boys Gone Bad by starflowers - Kevin, a struggling author of a failing crime series of novels, is shocked to find out that somehow, he has lifted his plots and characters straight from reality, and Wentz, the crime boss, is not pleased with him. If he wants to live, Kevin has to depend on his shaky knowledge of crime story cliches and Mike Carden, a potential Hero In Disguise.

Great Expectations by neqs - A lot of people thought Kevin Jonas was gay.

Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves by kalimai - Kevin is a circus artist. Sort of. He meets Mike in very special circumstances...

Half a Jonas by Melanie (laniew1) - Where Kevin is only half a son, Nick has got Miley pregnant, Joe has chosen the wrong Taylor and Frankie is two years shy of a teen-age rebellion that will put everyone else’s to shame.

High School Teachers AU by rsadelle - Carden teaches band and Kevin teaches biology. Kevin's brother Nick is this successful musician and Kevin arranges for him to come guest lecture for Carden's band kids.

I Don't Blame You For Being You by hector_rashbaum - There are about eight thousand reasons it's a bad idea for Mike to fall in love with Kevin Jonas, but Mike never claimed to be reasonable.

I'll Be Your Cryin' Fool by hector_rashbaum - Mike learns the value of patience.

I'm The Invisible Man by stfu_pwentzz - Mike shrugged, and why couldn't Kevin be more like Mike? He could lose his disney status within a set time frame if he could just act like that.

In the Lost and Found by starflowers - A story about lost boys who don't know when they've been found.

I Was Shoved in a Closet by Bill Beckett by lovelyhera - Bill Beckett likes to shove people into closets. Hilarity ensues.

Just Another by tagalongcookies - Mike doesn't like being Kevin's dirty little secret. JONAS AU.

Kangaroos are Delicious by frankie_ann - TAI are Australians. Kevin is not.

Kevin Jonas and the Chamber of Secrets by appending_fic - Kevin struggles with being frowned upon by the Bible, being just another wizard among a school of people much better than him, and a string of attacks on students by persons unknown.

Kevin Jonas, the Unlikeliest Sentinel by neqs - Kevin Jonas might not be the guy most likely to be a Sentinel, and he might not have the coolest job ever, but he’s pretty happy with his life. Now if he could just find his Guide, he’d be ecstatic.

The Least Subtle Witch in the History of Ever and the Grumpiest Whitelighter to Ever Have Lived by lovelyhera - Charmed AU.

Legally Jonas by bergann - Zac Efron is the perfect match for Kevin Jonas, it's just fact, which is why it is so surprising when Zac breaks it off their senior year. Kevin refuses to believe it's over just like that though, and decides to win him back - even if it means law school. (Legally Blonde AU)

Let's Get it On; or Five Places Beyond Their Bed That Mike and Kevin Had Sex (and one place they didn't) by akire_yta - Just what it says on the tin. Lots of sex in semi-public places :)

Like Coffee Loves Cream by allyndra - Kevin's going to ask Mike out. Really, any day now. Coffee shop AU.

Little Red Rockstar by trippypeas - He wakes up to wide calloused hands shaking his shoulders and a rough voice muttering, "Tiny idiots running around town in designer jackets...Like they want to get mugged." Kevin shakes his head and opens his eyes, his vision blurry and rubs at his face.

The Lost Boys by akire_yta - Huddling for warmth.

Merry Christmas, I Could Care Less by hector_rashbaum - The only thing Kevin wants this holiday season is for his family to accept him again. Unfortunately, that's the only thing Mike can't give him.

Naughty Nights For Niceness by mayqueen517 - Tentacles.

Never Needed It Now So Much by skoosiepants - “Um.” Kevin twists his fingers together and tries to think of a non-pathetic way to beg Carden not to kill and eat him. He’d totally be gamey and, like, like-juicy and tender, oh sweet baby Jesus, who the heck is he kidding? Kevin would be delicious, he’s all solid and active and healthy and stuff, it’s like his mom’s been feeding him up for years and years for this exact moment. Have another apple, son, someday a scary-intense, super hot guy is going to eat you alive.

NINJA by skoosiepants - We are your losers, your loud weirdoes, your science stars, your shy, retiring band geeks, Kevin thinks, and sets off for the stage.

Nothing Different by Ruth Sadelle Alderson (rsadelle) - It is actually a new scarf, one Mike brought him last night, shoved at him with a grin. It has a repeating pattern of koalas inside a eucalyptus branch border. Mike had been in Australia again.

nothing in the past or future by mywholecry - Mike was apparently the only person in the world who didn't realize that most popular tween idols are cyborgs. Bill just has a disturbing fascination with Disney, and Butcher and Siska have elaborate conspiracy theories, but apparently Mike has developed really impressive powers of not listening. He makes a face when Kevin looks over at him, after Bill's moved closer to inspect him for robotic parts, and Kevin widens his eyes and scoots towards Mike. "I'm pretty sure," Siska says, "that he thinks you're his mother."

Oh Make Me Over by hector_rashbaum - Kevin looks more tired every time Mike sees him

On Contract by akire_yta - “Jonas and Sons wasn't the kind of firm to list in the Yellow Pages.” Otherwise known as the Hitman AU.

The One At the Hospital by snailkeeper - Mike is in the hospital recovering from an appendectomy. Kevin's volunteering there!

One Of Those Rowdy Boys by wordscomekinda - high school AU. Switch the roles so that Kevin is the cool asshole-ish guy and Mike is the total faily dork.

Paranoid by Ruth Sadelle Alderson (rsadelle) - "He's a Jonas brother. Jonas Brothers. Disney." Mike sighs heavily. His band is useless. "I knocked up one of Disney's biggest moneymakers."

Pete Wentz is the Only Reason We're Dating by allyndra - When Pete Wentz throws a Halloween party, he doesn’t just set out some pumpkins and peeled grapes. After due consideration and some time with the other guests (for values of ‘other guests’ that mean ‘Mike Carden’), Kevin is glad.

Potbrownies by smithdidit - Kevin is sitting alone at a party and gets offered a delicious chocolaty treat, he naively accepts.

Ready and Willing by akire_yta - Mike’s furious, and guilty that he’s angry, and a whirling maelstrom of other emotions he doesn’t want to quantify.

Revival by skoosiepants - Mike looks from Kevin to Nick to Joe, who’s behind Nick, to Nick and then to Kevin again. “Oh, fuck me,” he says. “You’re a Jonas brother.”

Road Dogs: Eleventy, Hot Messes: Sixty-Nine by hector_rashbaum - (What's that, Pete Wentz, you want to play softball with the Jonas Brothers? Well, okay.) FBR's Hot Messes versus the Jonas Brothers' Road Dogs in an epic battle of the softball titans.

Ruffled Feathers by ink_on_the_page - There is so much wrong between the pair of them, and all Kevin wants to do is hide.

St. George Never Had To Deal With This by revelininsanity - Mike is a Dragon Slayer with an asterisk(very little slaying or dragons are actually involved) and Kevin is a princess, who's being held by a very nice, sort of dumb dragon. There are shenanigans.

The Scene Isn't What It's Been by skoosiepants - Brendon’s more of an in-your-face naked guy, while Mike’s nakedness sneaks up on you out of nowhere. It’s like Kevin doesn’t realize Mike isn’t wearing pants until he realizes Mike isn’t wearing pants.

Shine Beyond The Pavement by mayqueen517 - Kevin makes an appreciative noise, watching him towel his hair and dragging a comb through it a few times. Mike tosses the towel down before crawling onto the bed, sliding up alongside of Kevin.

Skeptics and Lovebugs by Janne (bergann) - The Jonas family is well known for their purity rings and religious views, and it's good to see that it hasn't prevented Kevin from denying who he is. This magazine is behind you 100%, Kevin Jonas, and wish you and Mike Carden a happy marriage!

Skin by neqs - Pollen or not, Mike had some principles. “One question: what’s your first name?”

Somehow you see (the wonder in me) by la_fours - High school/College AU. Mike and Kevin falling in love, Zac Efron being a bad apple, Bill/Joe tomfoolery.

Some Kind of Magic by skoosiepants - Mike sits at his kitchen island and watches Kevin and his brother, Joe, eat ice cream and spoon-battle over the veins of chocolate, and he wonders if Bill has lost his fucking mind and, like, hired actors to pretend to be naked homeless men intent on taking over Mike’s house and life. That is exactly something Bill would do.

Something To Write Home About by starflowers - High school AU (that doesn't take place at a high school, tragically, but on a Saturday night.) Kevin gets invited to a Real party by a pretty boy with ulterior motives.

The Story So Far by skoosiepants - William’s mouth curves up at the corners and he says, “I like you, Jonas. There’s something delightful about you, look here.” Reaching out, he grasps Kevin’s wrist with long, soft fingers. He holds his hand up and blows lightly across his palm and a blue flame sparks to life, hovering in the air above his skin. “Wonderful chemistry, you’d make someone a very pretty familiar.”

Stuck in a Closet by exmptfromsanity - Kevin hasn't seen Mike in over a month, and maybe he's a little bit annoying. So maybe his brothers and Bill lock him and Mike in a closet.

Summer League: A Baseball Story by akire_yta and starflowers - The crackiest baseball story in all the land, in which we learn that baseball can save the world, with a little help from a lot of gay making out.

Supersaturation 'verse by skoosiepants - bandslash/SGA, band boys in space
+ Adsorption - “Skippy here’s a virgin,” Carden says, tugging Kevin down into the seat next to him. He’s been doing that all day, pushing him around, like he’s some sort of circus freak or trained dog or something.
+ Saponification (one of many pairings) - “I don’t usually follow gossip,” Brendon says, which is a blatant, bald lie, “but word is Crawford’s got an imaginary friend.”

tidings of comfort and joy by mywholecry - In which Kevin is a sad little elf, and Mike panics and buys way the fuck too much tinsel.

Tie Your Handlebars to the Stars (And Throw Away the Map) by solar_cat - In which Kevin Jonas gets lost twice and is found each time, and Mike Carden is almost (but really not) a fourteen-year-old girl. Or, a story about getting lost and finding more than just your way. (An obsessively-close-to-canon!AU.)

Those Jeans by Layla Star (layla_star) - Reunion!sex. Established relationship. Very established. (They're married.)

True Lies by neqs - The first clue Mike had that something was up was Joe Jonas coming up to him, sneering, and saying, “You may look like a serial killer with your dead shark gaze, but I don’t, so I could kill you and keep your head as a trophy, and they’d still never believe I had anything to do with it. Keep that in mind.”

The Twelve Days of Christmas by onigaminanashi - This is an AU in which The Academy Is... is still a touring rock band, but that the Jonas Brothers own and run a bed and breakfast.

Up Against Your Will by akire_yta - A story about growing up, finding your place, and learning what you truly believe in. And blowing up monsters with homemade grenades.

Vicariously by akire_yta and ink_on_the_page - Two boys, and their daemons, falling in love on tour.

Wearing Some Kind of Disguise by starflowers - Kevin had always known that high school was going to hurt, he just hadn’t realized it would be so entirely embarrassing. High school au.

Weekend Warriors by hector_rashbaum - In which TAI TV and JONAS are feuding internet shows, YouTube commenting is considered a reasonable way to flirt, Nick has a temper, Joe fails at scheming, and Nicole is a traitor. Kevin and Mike are really just along for the ride.

We Hang Out On Fridays by Ruth Sadelle Alderson (rsadelle) - The next thing Mike knows, he's been hanging out with Kevin for half an hour and they're exchanging numbers before Kevin's brothers drag him away.

We're Too Young To Be Cynics by akire_yta - Mike Carden had a lot of pipe dreams, some great (but annoying) friends, and a dead-end job. But after opening that email, he now also has all the government's secrets in his head, and they want him to save the world (at $11 a hour) - a Chuck AU.

When I'm Around Her by hector_rashbaum - It turns out coming to terms with a shift in sexual orientation isn't any easier the second time around.

When You Know It’s Meant To Be by skoosiepants - Mike grins. “So here’s the thing,” he says. “It’s just like kissing a girl, only you’ve got some harder surfaces to work with.”

Whereabouts Are Now Unknown by bergann - Team Bean is always ridiculous and definitely not the real world. That's probably why Kevin likes it there so much.
+ Know For Sure There Is Evil Out There To Fight - "I don't know where to look," Pete says with what could be real distress. "With excitement at Mike ready to, like, explode and tear you limb from limb or appreciatively at our very own Princess Thermopolis." (sequel)

While Stumbling Where Our Hearts Beat Regular Time by skoosiepants - Kevin had been born this way; he’s been changing since he was thirteen. There’s pain, but it doesn’t hurt. It just is. It’s just his bones doing what they’re supposed to do, and he licks blood off his knees and paws before padding over to his half open window and jumping down onto the fire escape.

With This Ring by Ruth Sadelle Alderson (rsadelle) - True love waits.

Wondermutt by skoosiepants - Scenes from the Beach Dog Wondermutt festival tour.

Your First, Last, and Only Line of Defense by solar_cat - In which the Jonas family is already Mike's most troublesome casefile, then there is a kidnapping, some ominous fruit, and some tentacle sex. (A Men in Black AU.)
+ DVD Commentary version
+ Bonus Ficlet

Your Solid Ground by hector_rashbaum - The day Mike woke up with wings is the day he knew for sure angels aren't real. Kevin's faith is harder to shake.

You’ve Got A Smile That Could Light Up This Whole Town by minacoleta - Kevin and Mike were heading to New York City for Christmas with Joe and Nick.

let me know if you come across any I missed - this list is way too short!

masterlist, fic

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