Bingo fic: Skin

Mar 15, 2010 22:19

Title: Skin (square 2: sex pollen)
Warnings: unlikely events, slight porn
Words: 1200+
A/N: Sorry, not beta-read.


Mike turned his head towards the shout, wiping sweat off his forehead with the hand he moved to shade his eyes. Summer festivals were a bitch.

“Yeah? Hey… Jonas,” Mike recognized as the guy came closer.

“We met at that party a few months back,” the Jonas brother said. He looked really disheveled and kind of shaky, and was sweating through his fancy t-shirt.

“Met is a strong word for it,” Mike said evenly, a bit nonplussed. They’d been introduced in a group of people and then drifted towards the opposite ends of a large room, and that was it. Jonas coming up to him now like they’d had an actual conversation was a bit sudden. Jonas seemed to realize that too, because he blushed and ran a shaky hand through his hair.

“Right… Listen, I’m sorry if I’m bothering you, but some creep gave me something that made everything go all fuzzy and I only just lost him in the crowd, and you were the first familiar face I saw. Um, help?”

Then he collapsed.

“Jesus, kid,” Mike said, grabbed hold of him before he hit the ground, and helped him stagger to the cool shadow of a nearby tent. “What was it?” he asked, getting no response. He shook Jonas. “C’mon, I need to know what he gave you. Pill, drink, powder?”

Jonas blinked, and Mike could now see that his pupils were huge, which ruled out several things.

“Um… Some kind of powder, but it wasn’t white. He just blew it into my face,” Jonas mumbled.

“Yellow, like pollen?” Mike asked with a mixture of relief and foreboding. If it was pollen…

“Yes! Smelled like it too, only it’s making me feel really, really weird,” Jonas said fuzzily, squirming in Mike’s hold.

Right. It wasn’t anything dangerous, but it was sure going to be awkward.

“I’ve got good news and bad news for you, kid. The good news is, it’s just pollen so it’s not that dangerous and it’ll pass in a few hours. The bad news is, it’s sex pollen so you’ve got about ten minutes to get naked with someone or you’ll be in serious pain,” Mike explained matter-of-factly.

Jonas moaned, and Mike tried not to think bad thoughts. This was a Jonas, after all.

“Clock’s ticking, Jonas. Need to borrow a phone to call someone?”

“Not dating anyone,” Jonas whispered, his color rising and breath quickening. Maybe ten minutes had been too optimistic.

“Maybe you should call one of your brothers anyway,” Mike said.

“Not going to have sex with my brothers!” Jonas yelped, making Mike wince and laugh.

“Okay, Jonas, chill. Doesn’t change the fact that you need some skin, real soon. The pollen is strong shit.”

“Please, could you… Would you mind?” Jonas whispered, his breath coming fast now.

“Would I mind what?” Mike asked evenly, raising an eyebrow.

“Will you please get naked with me?” Jonas said in a rush, shifting restlessly against Mike but looking him straight in the eye.

Mike blinked. That wasn’t something he’d expected a Jonas brother to ever say to him. He couldn’t leave the guy hanging like this, though.

“Sure, since you asked so nicely. Just hang on for five more minutes.”


Five minutes later Mike was getting on the blessedly empty and cool bus. He also had a Jonas brother hanging from his neck like a baby monkey. Mike steered him past the bunks and into the back of the bus, where the floor was still covered with mattresses from Bill’s last slumber party.

Jonas was shivering and moaning constantly now, clearly in serious discomfort and edging towards pain. Mike probably broke a record undressing them both, clothes flying in all directions and losing a few buttons in the process. That didn’t matter right now. What mattered was that the moment Mike tumbled them onto the cushioned floor and plastered his sweaty body over Jonas’s, the tenor of the guy’s moans changed from pain to relief.

His tense muscles relaxed almost instantly and he sank down into the mattress with a relieved sigh.

“Oh thank God,” Jonas said shakily. “That was horrible.”

“Yeah,” Mike said as evenly as he could while lying naked on top of another naked guy. “It’s pretty intense. Never had it happen to me, but I’ve seen some of my friends get pollened.”

Mike shifted to get more comfortable, leaning on his elbow. The air conditioning felt shockingly cold against his sweaty back, but he had a feeling that wouldn’t last.

“You know it’s not over yet, right?” he asked. “That was just the first wave. There’s a reason it’s called sex pollen, not naked cuddle pollen.”

Jonas blushed as red as Mike had ever seen anyone blush in real life. He had to clear his throat several times before he could get words out.

“Yes. I’m, um, I’ve never actually, well...”

Mike stared at him. “With a guy?” he asked with a sinking feeling.

“With anyone,” Jonas whispered, avoiding eye contact. Which was ironic since they had skin contact from chest to toe and were about to have all kinds of intimate contact.

“Well, you’re about to hit the ground running, kid,” Mike said as gently as he knew how. He could feel the body underneath his own starting to tense and shift again; the second wave was starting.

He felt sorry for the kid. Pollen was hard enough when you weren’t a repressed Disney virgin with a guy you barely knew.

Pollen or not, Mike had some principles. “One question: what’s your first name?”


A few hours later, Mike flopped down on his back, gasping for breath and idly wondering when the AC had given up the ghost. Kevin followed him down a second later, rubbing his body against Mike’s like he was trying to scent mark him, licking and nipping at Mike’s neck. The skin there felt raw with love bites already.

Kevin wasn’t repressed, he was a fucking powder keg waiting to go off at the first spark of touch. It was like the pollen had freed him from a lifetime of rigid control and amplified hundredfold a hunger that was already simmering under the mild-mannered surface.

“Fucking Clark Kent,” Mike mumbled unintelligibly. He felt completely wrung out. He wondered if he could find some kryptonite before he had a stroke.

“Hmmm?” Kevin inquired nonverbally, shifting to lick down Mike’s chest. He went on to chew each nipple delicately while sliding a hand down to circle Mike’s cock.

Mike groaned and arched up. “Aw, fuck,” he moaned dazedly. He wasn’t sure he could get it up again.

“Oh, could we? We haven’t done that yet,” Kevin asked with a perkiness that belied his sex-wrecked appearance. His curls were damp with sweat and his lips were puffy and pink, reminding Mike of all the things they *had* done already.

The canvas of Kevin’s skin was painted with glistening trails of sweat and come, pinked in a few places by stubble burn and love bites. Mike was sure Michelangelo never felt this fucking accomplished.

“Mike?” Kevin pouted sultrily, and Mike groaned in surrender. Fucked to death by a Disney star, what an embarrassing way to go. He could see his epitaph already.

Mike rolled to the edge of the mattress and groped for the lube he knew he’d find there. Success! He rolled back on top of Kevin.

It turned out Mike could totally get it up again. And again. And again.

And then the pollen wore off and they fucked happily ever after.

*the end*

bingo, fic

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