You’ve Got A Smile That Could Light Up This Whole Town

Jan 19, 2010 17:39

Title: You’ve Got A Smile That Could Light Up This Whole Town.
Author: minacoleta
Recipient: smithdidit
Part: Oneshot.
Rating/Warnings: G, because I fail.
Disclamer: I own neither Kevin Jonas nor Mike Carden, or anyone else mentioned in this story. This story was in no way made to either degrade or embarrass them.
Word Count: 3251
Prompt: Pretty much anything with this pairing could make me happy. I've been wanting some juciy love triangle fic involving Zac Efron but it's not necessary ( but jealous and possessive Mike would be AWESOME). I love vampires, mpreg, and faily!Kevin. Also some totally adorable domestic fic would be awesome. And I LOVE Kevin interreacting with bandom. And his brothers being ridiculous. Oh and secretly slutty Kevin is awesome.
Notes: So, I kind of fail at life. :( Not only did I not finish this on time, and was one of the last people to submit it, I didn’t even do what the reciever wanted. I’m really sorry if you don’t like this, but like, I had this idea and it turned into this big fluffy goopy shit that I didn’t know what to do with. I had all this other stuff planned that just never made it to the paper. So, to the wonderful person receiving this, I hope you like my first attempt at MikeKevin, haha.

Kevin and Mike were heading to New York City for Christmas with Joe and Nick.

Kevin was already dreading arriving to the snow that storm had left behind itself the last weekend. He and Mike had been living in L.A. for two years now, and Kevin had become acclimated to the warmth, rather than the east coast winters he grew up with in New Jersey. Mike just made sure Kevin packed the layers he had put in the back of their closet when they had finally moved, and Kevin knew he was going to be okay. He just wasn’t looking forward to it.

However, he was looking forward to Mike kissing his cheeks after they had been bitten red by the wind. That had been a fun time last time they had visited William in Chicago.

Nick and Joe were waiting for them at the terminal, and thankfully, there were minimal paparazzi. The Jonas Brothers had parted ways a year and a half ago. Nick had wanted to do his own thing with the Administration and Kevin and Joe’s attempts at a side project never went very far. The three of them had gotten back together to try to write again, but the sugary pop that had gotten them so far seemed so young and naive. They felt like they were trying to write about a youth that had already passed them by.

By now, even baby Nick was twenty and was juggling his own production studio and his own music career. He stood in the terminal with an air of calm importance, even in the harried atmosphere. He was wearing sunglasses and a hat but his grin was just as wide as Joe’s when they came into view, and Mike took Kevin’ bag out of his hand, their fingers brushing before he nudged Kevin towards the two other men.

Kevin never did anything halfway. When he fell in love with Mike, he fell hard. So, in what way would his hugs be different? When Joe clambered on top of Kevin and Nick, the three of them almost toppled over with their laughter.

They greeted Mike with just a little less enthusiasm, Nick trying to regain his mature air and Joe just in his friendly nature, and not familial affection. Mike grinned and hugged and shook Nick’s hand before pulling him into a big bro hug that had Kevin giggling.

They were staying at Nick’s flat on the West Side, and the whole way there Joe was telling them about the decorations and the tree and how amazing it was all going to be. Kevin snuggled into Mike’s side and tried not to fall asleep from the heat blasting in Nick’s expensive but sensible care (Kevin could never really wrap his mind around that. How was it possible?). Mike just nodded for him and kept himself from yawning with Kevin; they had gotten up at six in the morning to make a flight that got them to the city with time to spend on Christmas Eve.

“Joe, shut up, let them doze a little.”

Joe pouted and poked Nick, turning around in his seat and letting Kevin finally close his eyes. Mike ran his hand through the hair on the back of Kevin’s head, kissing his forehead. “I’m glad we came.”

Kevin nodded. “Me too.”


Nick surprised them with tickets to see the Nutcracker that night, to which Kevin freaked out because Mike had never seen it, and it was Christmas Eve, Mike! This is so amazing oh my gosh!! Nick I love you! Kevin clutched to Mike’s hand in the crowd entering the theater and heard the tell tale screams that meant Nick had been spotted by a girl. He curled closer to Mike and no one noticed him. It was a weird feeling to be ignored like that, the Jonas Brothers hadn’t been gone for that long, but Joe just smiled a bit at Kevin.

“Kind of nice, I guess. Right?”

Kevin nodded, scrunching up his nose. “I guess.”

Mike grinned. “Watch out, someone’s coming over.”


They managed to get in the theater with only a little trouble and took their seats in the orchestra, Nick’s shoulders tense as he sat, waiting to see who would be sitting next to them. Luckily, there were no teenagers that gave them more than a double take when they saw them, even when Joe smiled at one of the girls a row behind them.

“Joe, stop it. That girl is probably sixteen.”

Mike chuckled next to Kevin, who slapped his arm. “And you too, Mike, stop egging him on.”

Joe leaned over Kevin to waggle his eyebrows at Mike. “She was cute, wasn’t she?”

Kevin pouted and crossed his arms as Mike made a show of turning around and looking at the girl, who’s eyes widened enough that it was obvious she knew who they both were. “Sure, why not.”

Joe laughed loud enough to earn a glare from the old woman on Nick’s left, and Mike curled an arm around Kevin’s shoulder, pulling him close enough to press a kiss to his temple and whisper in his ear. “Not as cute as you, though.”

Kevin huffed and glared at the gold curtain covering the stage until Mike dug his fingers into Kevin’s sides with a mischievous grin and Kevin started to giggle, squirming to get away. “Oh my gosh, Mike, stoppit.”


They went out to dinner in one of those restaurants that gave Mike a glare for wearing jeans, even though they were dark wash and actually didn’t detract from his outfit at all. They let them in, though, because Nick threatened something in low tones when Kevin was reassuring Mike he looked great in his outfit. Mike didn’t actually care, but Kevin did, because Mike actually looked amazing tonight, with his newly cut short hair and suit jacket.

The restaurant was dimly lit and expensive but Nick said he was footing the bill because he was the one who had been too lazy to make a dinner on Christmas Eve. Joe just rolled his eyes and Kevin put up a fight for all around two seconds before he realized that Nick wasn’t going to back down and that was that.

Will texted Mike during the meal and all four of them ended up crowding around the phone to input things that Mike should text William back. It turned out that William was going to be in the city tomorrow with his wife and daughter for Christmas because he just couldn’t stay away, so Nick invited him to come visit, the more the merrier. Mike hooked his foot around Kevin’s ankle under the table and Kevin grinned at him.

Mike tugged on one of Kevin’s curls until he leaned close enough for Mike to whisper he looked beautiful in the candle light, and Kevin practically melted into his seat.


It turned out that Gabe was in the city for Christmas and he came over with Suarez and his girlfriend and Ryland and they all played cards and ate chocolate and basically had a good time. Kevin snuggled into Mike’s side as he watched Gabe make up excuses to snuggle up to Nick, also, and Nick smacked him repetitively, face getting redder and redder as the night went along. Kevin giggled through the wine he was drinking and wondered aloud if was because of Gabe or the liquor Gabe kept sneaking into Nick’s diet coke. Mike laughed as Nick gaped at Gabe, who innocently pranced off to the kitchen.

It turned out to be the best Christmas Eve Kevin had ever had. Around eleven thirty, The Butcher and Sisky came over, barging through the door with liquor and cookies and Nick had this look on his face, like he couldn’t even believe what was happening. By then, Mike had crawled on top of Kevin on the couch and was kissing down his neck as Kevin giggled, digging his toes into Mike’s calves.

They ended up watching a Christmas special on television as the rest of them played poker with M&Ms and drank. Surprisingly, Nick was pretty decent at it, even with Gabe hanging over his shoulder all the time. Ryland fell asleep on the floor in front of the television as Kevin and Mike made out, the slow slide of their lips making Kevin go warm and fuzzy from the top of his head to the tips of his toes.

He had been afraid that this Christmas was going to be stained by the sadness of missing his family in New Jersey, his mom and dad and Frankie, who was stuck with his parents for Christmas, the poor thing. Mike had made sure to keep Kevin’s mind off those kinds of thoughts, helping to shop and buying a tree for back home in LA, even though they weren’t going to be there for Christmas anyway. Kevin found himself wondering how he ended up with such an amazing boyfriend as he wrapped his arms around Mike’s neck, pulling away from the kiss to nudge his nose into the older man’s throat. Mike just kissed his hair and hugged him back, whispering that he loved Kevin, so quietly that not even Ryland would have been able to hear, had he been awake.


The next morning, Kevin awoke to cold and Mike pressed against his back, almost swelteringly hot where they touched. They had taken over one of Nick’s spare bedrooms when they had arrived the other day, and even now, Kevin could see The Butcher laying in the hall through their open door. Peeking over the edge of the bed, Kevin was just glad that no one had actually made it into their room in the night.

Mike made a noise in his sleep and Kevin smiled, turning back around to press a kiss to the man’s nose, his cheeks, his lips, until Mike finally woke, cracking an eye open in mock-annoyance.


Kevin grinned. “Merry Christmas.”

Mike snorted softly, pulling Kevin back towards him so Kevin could curl around the man, nuzzle into his collar. It was nice, actually, even though under the covers they still wore their PJs. None of Mike’s friends had believed them when they had finally come out and told them they were waiting until marriage to have sex. It had been hard, both literally and figuratively, to stay abstinent, and there had been many times where Kevin was ready to just give it up. When that happened though, when he was arching and telling Mike to "just do it already, please, please, I don’t care,” it was Mike to pull back, look him in the eye, and tell him no.

Kevin had the best boyfriend in the world. However, his boyfriend didn’t appreciate being woken up at five in the morning, and pulled Kevin as close as possible to make him go back to sleep.


They ended up being woken up by at least three people crawling onto their bed. Upon further inspection, when Kevin finally brought the blanket down from over his face, there were actually five (The Butcher and Sisky were super skinny, Kevin didn’t know how they did it), all of them hooting and hollering about Christmas and Santa and presents. Mike slapped Gabe across the face, since he was the closest, and soon followed it up by hitting Joe’s shoulder, since he was in the arc of the lazy swing of Mike’s arm. Kevin just laughed and tried not to knee Mike when he was squirming underneath Nick, who looked happier than Kevin has seen him in a long time. Nick threw back his head and laughed when Gabe clutched his cheek and started at Mike with a wounded look.

Mike was a little grumpy at being forced out of bed while still feeling the jetlag, but Kevin made him a cup of coffee like he did every morning and tasted it to make sure it was okay before giving it to the other man. The normalcy in the routine even as The Butcher was getting Joe to join him in begging Nick to open the presents now was different. Mike sighed and rested his head on Kevin’s shoulder, resting his hands on Kevin’s hips.

“It feels like we have kids.”

Kevin laughed quietly and felt Mike’s smile pressed to the back of his neck. It was amazing how, even after being together for two years, this still felt amazing and new and Kevin kind of still got squigglies in his belly when Mike laughed his laugh that didn’t match everyone’s first impression at all. Kevin sometimes tries to think about how he first fell for Mike, and has more than once come back to the way he laughs.

“I love you.”

Mike turned Kevin around, palming over his belly and making him giggle when they kiss. Mike pulls back just to kiss the corner of Kevin’s mouth, his nose, and smiles that smile that Kevin likes to feel is his own. “’love you too.”

Nick came into the kitchen then, poking Kevin in the side as he walked by. “Come on, I really do think Joe might explode if The Butcher channels any more of his energy into him. It’s scary.”

Kevin looked back at Mike, biting his lip. “We didn’t buy them any presents.”

Mike chuckled, backing off to take a sip of his coffee. “We can run out to the liquor store and buy them some nice vodka, if you want. A bottle of Champagne for Sisky, a box of redbull for Gabe.”

Nick murmured something under his breath about how Gabe didn’t need any more caffeine, but said loud enough for them to hear, “I would hurry, or they might start opening the presents without you.”


Kevin and Mike got back to the apartment about an hour later with two big bags each, only to be pounced upon by Joe. They shoved by him and ran to the bedroom so the guys didn’t see what they had gotten and locked the door a few moments before The Butcher started banging out ‘Jingle Bells’ on the wood.

Suarez and Ryland had gone home while Kevin and Mike were out, promising to come over later when William finally got there. Victoria, however, had arrived and made herself comfortable on the couch, eating popcorn with Gabe and Nick and watching some movie that she had chosen on the television. Mike and Kevin stayed in the bedroom, wrapping presents messily and frantically, laughing and sticking tape to each other as they worked.

As The Butcher went into his remixed version of silent night, he had yelled through the door, Mike kicked the wood and yelled, “Shut the fuck up, Butcher! Jesus Christ!” making Kevin burst out laughing and fumbled his wrapping.

That had been something Kevin had had to get used to, the cursing. It had bothered him at first, but Mike didn’t try to change him, make him stop going to church or take off his ring, so Kevin didn’t make Mike stop cursing or smoking. The smoking thing had stopped though, and Kevin was happy for that. He hadn’t liked the way it made everything smell, the way it made Mike’s mouth taste sometimes.

They carried the presents out to put under the tree, which was now not even providing proper cover for the pile anymore. It seemed that they had acquired even more presents since last night, and Kevin smiled at how he saw the different handwriting scrawled on each package. Mike’s friends were the best.

They all got their coffee and tea and cookies and squeezed together around the tree and finally, finally started to open the presents. Kevin couldn’t stop smiling and Mike was pressed against his side the entire time and they just passed out the presents and threw the wrapping paper every which way even though Nick tried to get everyone to put it in trash bags so the clean up wasn’t such a big deal later.

They steadily made their way through the stack, thanking each other and smiling a lot. Joe was hoarding his presents to open all at once, so it seemed like he got more than he actually did, while Sisky just opened all his at once. Kevin liked it a lot.

The Butcher passed him a small present, hard and squarish and Kevin looked at the tag like he had done for the last presents. It was from Mike. He nudged into the man’s side, so he would watch while Kevin opened it, and Mike quickly snatched it out of Kevin’s hands.

“I was wondering where that one went. You can’t open it right now.”

Kevin scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion as the others started laughing about sex toys and naughty gifts and even Mike blushed, saying things like how small the box was and why would he ever give something like that to Kevin and Kevin just laughed, even though his curiosity was attempting to get the best of him.

About and hour later, when Joe had finished opening his presents and Gabe had wandered off to put his case of Red Bull in the fridge, Mike pulled out the present from his pocket.

“Here, you can open it now.”

Kevin took it and tried to figure out what it was but couldn’t for the life of him. Unwrapping it carefully, he found it was a small, black velvet covered box. His stomach sized up and he lost his breath, looking at Mike with wide eyes.

“Mike? W-what?”

Mike was looking at him with this unnerving mix of love and apprehension. Kevin ran his fingers over the cover of the box, but didn’t open it. Mike scooted a little closer to him on the carpet.

“Come on.”

Kevin slipped his nail into the slit and opened the hinged cover. Inside, there was a silver band resting against a silky fabric background. Three stones were set into the metal, and Kevin could already feel himself getting choked up. He had never imagined it to be like this. Never imagined it to be this perfect.

“Here, stand up.” Kevin let Mike take his arms and lift him so he was standing in the middle of Nick’s living room, surrounded by wrapping paper and abandoned presents, Nick and Sisky and VickyT quiet as they watched, realizing what was happening, Kevin in his PJs that he had stolen from Mike. After he had made sure Kevin was standing, Mike took the box out of Kevin’s hands and went down on one knee, and Kevin started to actually cry, wiping at his face futilely.

“Kev, will you marry me?”

Kevin started nodding even before Mike was done with his sentence, and didn’t stop until the ring was nestled against his purity ring, and Mike was standing up and kissing him. It was so perfect.

Joe sighed from the archway to the kitchen as VickyT whistled. “Finally, I thought Mike would never get up the nerve.”

Kevin laughed and wiped at his face again, around Mike’s fingers cupping his cheeks. “I thought he never would either.”

Mike grinned and wrapped Kevin into a hug that the other man readily returned. “I love you, Kevin.”

Kevin nudged his nose into Mike’s neck, sighing and smiling, tilting his head down a little so he could see his hand on Mike’s chest, the new ring on his finger. “I love you too.”

xmas fic exchange '09, fic

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