Good Boys Go Bad?

Aug 14, 2009 00:16

Title: Good Boys Go Bad?
Author: lost_lover2790
Beta: Sigh, none.
Pairing Mike/Kevin OBVIOUSLY
Rating: PG-13, Psh, mike drops the f-bomb.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, boo.
Summary AU. Kevin kind lives down the hall from someone he thinks is batman.

So there's this guy, he's kind of intense in that batman kind of way you know, with strong brown eyes, and the glare that can melt your pants right off. Except there's one problem, he doesn't really know I exist, and melting my pants off would be quite hard seeing as I still have this purity ring on my finger. Big turn off. Did I mention Mr. Batman Intensity lives across the hall from me, and he's more like my floor's RA, rather than just another student that lives there. Yeah, Mr. Intensity, big bad junior College student, and me? Nothing more than a sad little freshman scurrying around campus every evening.

I see him come back to his room whenever he gets done from class, or maybe I just purposely plant myself in the common area. Today though he's literally melting my heart with what he's doing. My eyes look up from behind the book I was reading, slowly putting it down in front of me so I can watch him. It doesn't hit me that this thing I'm doing could kind of be considered stalking, but then again, my roommate William does it all the time to that guy who works at the cafe. Gabe something or other.

I'm pretty sure that Mr. Batman Intensity is an art major, he's always covered in some sort of paint product or carrying something related to a project, and I'm always intrigued to ask him if he wants help as well. Today I'm going to do it though, I've fully one hundred percent have decided that he needs help and that I'm going to do it. I lean up from my sitting position and straighten my shirt, "Doyouwanthelpwiththatstuff?" I silently curse myself when I realized that what I had said definitely came out an octave higher than it should have, and probably also sounded like nothing more than word vomit.

He was turning towards me though, that was always a good sign right? Mr. Batman Intensity began to raise one of his eyebrows and I'm pretty sure my pants melted right then and there. I gave a glance quickly down to them to make sure that I was infact still wearing my pants before coughing a bit. Why was he just standing there? I began to run my hand through my hair, because maybe that would make everything better, you never know. "Well?" That was him this time, and now I was sure my heart stopped beating because he was talking to me.

"Well?" I managed to squeek back, as he kicked a bucket of supplies closer to where I was sitting. My body was up in a matter of seconds , running towards the bucket and picking it up in my arms, holding it tightly. I could feel him staring at me as he slowly went for his keys and put it in the door, because at the moment the only place my eyes were, were on his hands. They looked strong and rough, and I, for a brief moment wondered what those hands could do, or what they have done. That's when I felt my whole face flush, because the most I've ever done with another person was maybe a peck on the cheek, if that.

"Uh, kid?"

His voice brought me into reality as I looked up to notice he was standing in his room staring at me like I was completely insane. Which, I guess made sense, seeing as I was staring at a Door Knob now. I never meant to drop the bucket I was holding, but when I hear the clunk I jumped back, and looked up to Mr. Batman Intensity, quickly turning around and running to my dorm room. I wonder how long I can hide here, maybe forever? Then again, I can just try to avoid him when I'm out around campus, I practically know his schedule already. Wow, that came out way more stalkerish than I would have ever meant it to be. "Gosh darnit." I whisper under my breath, slowly opening the door and peeking behind it, but his is already closed.

Giving a small sigh, I tried not to dwell on the fact that I was that close to him and ran away, what am I ...ten? Grabbing my books and keys from behind me on my desk, I headed out to class, trying to calm my spirits, ignoring the soft footsteps behind me, and entered the elevator, closing my eyes as my back hit the wall inside of it. My ears pick up the sound of a smack, as someone stoped the elevator door from closing all the way. As I open my eyes, I feel my heart drop into my pants, and not in that good way either, more like that 'Holy Shit, I was supposed to be avoiding you' type way.

"Uh...Hey kid."

Mr. Batman seems just as awkward as I am at the moment, but maybe that's because he's trying to hold the elevator door open, with more supplies in his arms, and I'm just staring at him.

"Could you get the mother fucking door or are you just going to stare at me?"

That definitely caught my attention, as my eyes grow wide and I reach forward to click the door open button. I'm starting to wish that I had a transporter like they do in Star Trek, because then once again, he wouldn't have to see this blush on my face. The door opens slowly, and for the moment he's walking in, my brain is telling to run past him and just take the stairs, but then again, that's a whole thirteen flights that I'd have to walk down, and knowing me, it'll be more like fall down instead.

The door closes with a loud ding, and I patiently look at the digital number, willing it to move faster with my mind, and yet it's not complying with my will. I sigh loudly once again, even though I don't really notice I just did until Mr.Batman's hand hits the emergency stop button on the elevator and there is a hand slammed right NEXT to my face.

"Okay kid, do you have a fucking problem with me or something."

I'm pretty sure I just shit myself right there, because my eyes are pretty wide as I stare into his angry face. Can I die now please?

"What?! I asked you a question kid , what's your fucking problem! You're always giving me this constipated face when you look at me, and then you ask if I want help and fucking run away?"

I wasn't listening anymore, because everything stopped at constipated face. Woah, woah woah, I had a constipated face? Well I must have because right now I was pretty much about to cry and run away like a little girl, only one problem, I was stuck in an elevator, and Mr. Batman intensity was practically on top of me at the moment. "I thought you were cute!" I managed to yell back, my body still shrinking into the back of the elevator wall, wishing I had just decided to suck it up and take the steps. My eyes are closed tightly and I'm just WAITING for him to punch me, but what do i hear? A laugh, Mr. Batman is laughing, and if I wasn't so scared at the moment, I might have laughed with him.

"You think I'm fucking cute?"

I finally open my eyes and he's still laughing, but now he looks kind of in disbelieve, as he leans his back next to mine.

"Who the fuck are you kid?"

"Uh...Kevin Jonas, I ...I live down the hall from you?" It sounds more like a question, even though I KNOW I live down the hall. I'm chewing on my lip as he just stares at me, grabbing me by the collar of my white shirt and slamming against the other side of the elevator, the door. I give a small whimper and close my eyes once again, because here it comes, he's going to punch me in the face, and everyone is going to know me as the gay kid that lives down the hall.

So I guess it would come as a kind of a shock when I felt lips upon my own in a hungry kiss, and hands groping my body harshly. What was even more surprising was that I started kiss back just as hungrily, because Mr. Batman Intensity is a rather good kisser, and well...I have a feeling he's going to give me a lot of trouble in my upcoming semester at college. I hear the door ding as he lets me go, not noticing that he had pushed the button when he slammed me into the door.

He brushes off my shirt, his lips tingled red, as I'm sure my own are as well.

"Call me Carden, stop by my room after class."

And with that, Carden walked off the elevator, leaving me staring at him and his bucket as the door closes infront of me. "Crap!" I try to stop the door from closing, because I was supposed to get off and not stand there. My hand goes up to my lips as I feel them, and I swear there throbbing to the beat of my heart. Carden is definitely Batman.

Authors Notes : So yeah, this is unbeta'd , and well, i really just thought I wanted to get it up :] I think I'm going to make this a whole Mike/Kevin College Verse, I'm not sure though, I have a whole Idea of Mike getting Kevin drunk for this first time, and all these things that happen in college :]


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