The Keeper Verse Post

Jan 01, 2005 09:52

Okay, so...I finally decided that I needed a place to list out the Keeper!verse chapters and bits in order...a place to point new readers, etc. This is it. I'm back dating so that it stays in the background. I plan on doing one of these for Broken!Verse and the verydarkWincest!Verse as well. Probably for other series and stuff in all my fandoms. I will then add a post at the top of my journal with links to these posts.

Please be aware that I am doing some housekeeping in this journal and some links may appear broken while I work on re-archiving some of the co-written pieces. Thank you for your understanding.

So...An overview of Keeper!Verse.

This is a complete AU. On the night that Mary Winchester dies, Sam is taken. Both John and Dean assume he died in the fire with Mary. Sam is raised by a family that serves the Demon who killed Mary. Sam is brutalized and tormented and raised to be a monster. Then, one night in Palo Alto, he meets Dean. This is where the story begins. For other Facts about Keeper Verse, go here

My Brother's Keeper: The story of how Sam and Dean meet and how the Demon manipulates them both to get what it wants. Overall story is NC-17.
Part One Here
Part Two Here
Part Three Here
Part Four Here
Part Five Here
Part Six Here
Part Seven Here
Part Eight Here
Part Nine Here
Part Ten Here
Part Eleven Here
Part Twelve Here
Part Thirteen Here
Part Fourteen Here
Part Fifteen Here
Part Sixteen Here
Part Seventeen Here
Part Eighteen Here
Part Nineteen Here
Part Twenty Here

Family, Set immediately following "My Brother's Keeper", Sam is restless, and unsure of his place now that the threat is past. Dean is struggling with the whole concept of being a father, especially to a little girl. Both of them need reassurance, but neither of them is really sure how to do it...Offered up for the incomparable readerj in honor of her birthday.

Home: Sam comes back to Dean after going in search of himself. NC-17.

Christmas is Coming: Dana's first Christmas with Dean, and he is determined to give her the Christmas he never had. NC-17, for the sex.

All I Am, NC-17, Sam comes home from a trip and then there is sex. Dana is two.

Sins of the Past: Sam is having vivid memories of the punishment that scarred him, and he lashes out at Dean and John before succombing to them. R, for memories of torture and rape.

Not Yet, But I'm Getting There: This is the one where John finds out his two boys are "together". NC-17, also for the sex.

A Winchester by Any Other Name: Sam decides to change his name to protect Dean and Dana, but doesn't anticipate how Dean will react. PG.

Benefit of Doubt: John isn't happy with Sam and Dean, and is convinced Sam is still playing Dean. He follows him one Sunday, thinking he just might have to kill him to save his son. PG-13.

Only For You: Dean is afraid he’ll lose Sam, until Sam cooks up a way to let him know he isn’t going anywhere. NC-17

The Tale of SamSam and his Ow-Butt: Dana is four years old and growing. So are her powers, and with them her connection to Sam. Things take an embarrassing turn when Dean and Sam's adult time wakes Dana because Sam's butt hurts. NC-17

Brother of Mine, This follows The Tale of SamSam and His Ow-Butt, Dana is four. Sam's a little upset with Dean, because Dean got hurt on a hunt. NC-17

Take It: Dean comes home from work one day to find Sam waiting for him. Dirty floor sex happens. NC-17

Sticky Sweet: Sam is working at a bar. Dean visits. Sex happens. NC-17.

A Chick Flick Moment: Dana's first day of school. G.

Sparkly: Dana's 6, and it's almost Christmas, and she thinks Sam still believes in Santa, so she enlists her father's aid in helping him keep believing. NC-17

Fighting Dirty, written by my friend M, Dana is a great kid but fights dirty (in more ways than one). Not really angsty but does deal with Wincest and a kid's understanding of it.

The Other Side of Doubt - John still has his doubts about Sam, but when Bobby calls him to Kansas City, he gets an eyeful of a side of Sam he's never seen before, R

Aristotle: Dana wants a puppy, but Dean says no. G.

Damn Dog: Sam's got to go out of town, and Dean is laid up in bed with a broken leg. But Aristotle's there to take care of him.

The One Spot; Dean's been out in the yard working and is all hot and sweaty. Dana's out for the day with friends. Sam Masturbation ensues. NC-17

Aristotle 2 written by my friend M, Aristotle has something to tell Sam. Serious sugar sweet, G

Puppies, Puppies Everywhere, written by my friend M, Dana is 12, Aristotle's puppies own Dean Winchester, no matter what he might say, G

Hunter Becoming Hunted: Dana's just shy of 13 when someone comes hunting the Winchesters. Up to NC-17
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine

Doggie Style: Dana's spending the night with a friend...leaving Sam and Dean all sex ensues. NC-17.

Always Yours: Dean flies to LA to be with Sam on the night of the tenth anniversary of Sam's vow to stay. He's got plans that include reminding Sam of his promise and sex. NC-17.

All Okay: Dana's fourteenth birthday has Sam and Dean hiding on the back porch from the squealing house full of teenage girls. G.

Sometimes You Should Listen to Your Dad; written by my friend M, Dana is 14, very 14...and she wants to help Sam, PG

Beyond a Doubt: Sam and John are on the run in the desert. John's hurt and wants Sam to start calling him Dad. Pg-13

Missing the Mark: At fifteen, Dana decides to play matchmaker for her Papa. R-sih.

Captivus: Written for my friend M after she stayed up half the night to bid on me for Sweet Charity - This is Dana at 16, half way to seventeen. A dream offers the Winchesters two hunts at once, though with John suffering with a broken arm, and Sam hurting from a life time of physical abuse, it's time for Dana to step up to the plate. When Dean's hunt goes terribly wrong, it's up to Dana and Sam to figure out why and rescue him, before it's too late. - PG-13, mostly.

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Epilogue -- NC-17

Blowback - A missing chapter of Captivus, where Sam has to pay the price for the magic he used. Co written with my friend M. R

Intervention - A follow up to Captivus and Blowback, in which John, Dean and Dana confront Sam over his self destructive behavior. Co written with my friend M, NC-17

Together - Written by my friend M - Following "Intervention" Sam has trouble coping with everything, and in the backwash, Dean gets trapped in Sam's nightmare. R

The Seduction of Scott, Parts 1-6 - Dana has her sights set on senior running star, Scott Wu. We all know that Dana usually gets what she wants...Co written with my friend M, PG

The Seduction of Scott, Parts 7-11 - Dana and Scott are officially dating...but it isn't always smooth sailing. Co written with my friend M, PG

The Seduction of Scott, Part 12 - This chapter follows a few hours after Dana's great victory over the horrid Janie in part 11. Dana finds that things are never easy when you are 17. Pretty much everything goes downhill fast, R

The Seduction of Scott, Part 13 - This chapter jumps to the Monday after Friday's track victory celebration (that went all wrong.) Everybody's got problems - hard to judge whose are the worst, R

The Seduction of Scott, Part 14 Scott and Dana had a little tiff, and Scott finds out a little more than he bargained for when he follows Dana afterward. PG-13

Trust - Sam opens up to John and Dean, showing the darkest moments of his previous life and revealing a major secret that rocks the family, NC-17

Cherry Pie - Following "Trust", Dean takes Sam away for a Christmas in Vegas. NC-17

The Seduction of Scott, Part 15 - Written by my friend M, The Sex Talk. Dana has questions. She gets answers. Sam deserves a medal. Sam is left with LOTS of problems which Dean fixes with the healing PORN. - NC-17

Mortified - Dana wants help from her guidance counselor to help convince Sam that U of K is the right college choice for her, so she carefully arranges a dinner meeting...only things don't go quite the way she planned. PG-13

Mortified, Part 2--The Morning After, John and Jamie share breakfast, Dana tries to deal ...NC-17

The Seduction of Scott, Part 16, Scott gets a hard lesson in the reality of the supernatural when a werewolf attacks, and it comes down to him to save Dana, R (for violence)

The Seduction of Scott, Part 17, The Winchesters show Scott how they deal, the shoot stuff. Scott gets a lesson in bonding, the Winchester Way, PG-13 (written by my friend M)

The Seduction of Scott, Part 18, The First Time-- Dana and Scott come home to an empty house and take advantage of it, NC-17

The Seduction of Scott, Part 19, The morning after Part 18, Dana and Scott are enjoying the afterglow when Papa Winchester shows up...and blows a gasket, R (written by my friend M)

The Seduction of Scott, Part 20, Dana gets accepted into three ivy league schools on the same pushes her into hysterics over leaving. Daddy Dean tries to help, PG-13 (written by my friend M)

The Seduction of Scott, Part 21, Dana has agreed to go to the prom with Scott...but the pressure of getting it right turns her into something of a monster, PG-13 (written by my friend M)

The Seduction of Scott, Part 22--The Prom, Dana wants one perfect night...of course that isn't going to happen. She's always believed that zombies were nothing more than Hollywood mythmaking...until they crash her prom, R

After The Prom, written by my friend M for my birthday and billed as dirtybadwrong, After Dana's Zombie Prom interrupted their sexing, Dean and Sam are back at it, NC-17

The Way Home - Ever since Sam revealed his darkest secret, John has been searching for something. When he finds it, he brings it home to Sam. PG-13

Losing Sam: Following Dana's graduation from High School, the Winchester 3 (Sam, Dean and Dana) head to Yosemite for Sam's desired rock climbing adventure. While there things happen that could change their lives forever. NC-17

Arc 1 - Written by my friend M

Arc 2 - Written by my friend M

Parts 1-10
Parts 11-17
Part 18

Arc 3, written by me:
Part 3.1
Part 3.2
Part 3.3
Part 3.4
Part 3.5
Part 3.6
Part 3.7
Part 3.8
Part 3.9
Part 3.10
Part 3.11

The Art of War, written by my friend M, Sam and Remmy have one thing in common. Dean.

Finally Home -

Scott went to Stanford, and he really thought Sam was exaggerating, until he found himself in over his head. He calls for help, and discovers that Sam is not the man he thought he was...and for that matter, neither is Scott.

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four

Lessons Learned -

As the second semester of freshman year begins, Dana comes face to face with situations that will alter her life. There's a new professor who isn't what she expects, a new roommate, Scott on campus, her father's ongoing nightmares and a predator that even Dana doesn't see coming.

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five

When My Soul Floats Away, John is hurt during a hunt, and asks Sam to come and get him...but Sam discovers that John's been hiding stuff from them, and when John asks for help, it isn't the kind of help Sam expects. This story begins in November of Dana's senior year of college. CHARACTER DEATH. Bring the tissues. This is heavy, heavy angst people. Lyrics from "Rocking Chair" by Steve Carlson.

The Great Big List of Keeper!Verse to Come
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