Losing Sam, Arc 2, Part 18, Supernatural, Keeper Verse, PG

Dec 25, 2007 12:37

Title: Losing Sam, Arc 2
Characters: Sam/Dean, John, Dana(the daughter)/OMC, Aristotle (the dog)
Rating: PG (this part)
Disclaimer: Not mine - just playing.
Summary: Written by my friend M.
Losing Sam consists of a Prologue and three complete arcs.
Prologue set in July after Dana's high school graduation.
Arc 1 goes back a bit in time to June after Dana's high school graduation.
Arc 2 jumps up to July and Arc 3 continues where arc 2 leaves off.

Puppy Love

Note - Thank you to Paul Anka for this chapter title.
If you haven't read Puppies Puppies Everywhere, you might want to before reading this chapter (it's short & fairly relevant but by no means mandatory for comprehension).

Is the answer up above
How can I, how can I tell them
This is not a puppy love

Sam slowly crossed the living room with his walker, Dean behind him adding a bit of stabilization and bearing some of his weight.

Sam had regained his speech a couple of weeks ago although neither Sam nor Dean would discuss exactly how that had transpired. A few days later, Sam regained some slight motion in his legs. His movement was awkward and shaky but improving, little by little, each day.

By the time Sam reached the sofa, he sank into it gratefully. Dean plopped down next to him, pulled Sam into him.

You did good Sam.

Tired though. You feel great.

Dean rubbed at the tightness in Sam’s thighs, reached out and opened his mind to pass along a dose of energy. Sam sighed and let Dean’s warmth course through him, soothe him. He shouldn’t accept this so readily or so often, but the balance and respite it delivered was tough to pass up.

Dana bounded into the room, huge stack of books in her arms.

“Well Uncle Sammy, I spent your hard earned dollars on text books today.” She unceremoniously tossed them into the recliner. “And paid the tuition and dorm too. I love tossing around that AmEx card of yours.”

Sam gazed at Dana, a familiar swell of love and adoration rose in his chest. He wasn’t entirely sure what an AmEx card was or if he could afford the massive amount of cash she spent today. But, Dean seemed non-plussed by her babbling so Sam hoped he didn’t have anything to worry about it.

She yanked the pack off her back and pulled out three t-shirts. Tossed one at Sam and one at Dean, folded the last one back up and put it away, undoubtedly to give to John later. “You’re KU parents now, wear ‘em with pride. Oh, and I saw the coach on campus. Definitely wants me to run track, practically pleaded actually. Do you think I should?”

Whatever response she would have received was interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Are you expecting Scott?” Dean asked.

“Nope,” Dana replied and got up to answer the door.

“Can I help you?” Dana addressed the unseen visitor.

From outside the door, a woman asked, “Is your father home?”

Dean got up and crossed the room. Standing in the doorway was a short Latin woman with a slightly tense look on her face.

“Carlotta. Hi.” Dean looked down and enthused, “Catie, my girl.” Dean held out his arms and seventy pounds of chocolate lab leaped up, paws on his chest.

Sam smiled at the happy Catie - Dean reunion scene. Catie - now he remembered her perfectly. She was Aristotle’s daughter from her one and only litter. Catie and Dean had bonded from the day she was born, six years ago. Catie went to Carlotta after she was weaned but Dean had stayed in touch with the dog he referred to as “cleverest dog on the planet”. Sam swore Aristotle always huffed in displeasure whenever Dean said it.

“Come in Carlotta. What’s wrong? Catie seems fine.” Catie was more than fine. She was joyful, reveling at the sight of her Dean.

From the sofa, Sam whistled and ten seconds later Aristotle came flying out of the kitchen and into the room. Catie saw Ari and plopped down obediently for inspection.

Carlotta walked into the living room and saw Sam. “Sam? Are you okay?”

Dana rushed to reply. “Car accident - but he’s getting better every day.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry. This is a bad time for you.”

Typically as bouncy as the dogs she raised, Carlotta was subdued, off balance.

Done with their ritual greeting, Ari curled around Sam’s feet and Catie around Dean’s, noses touching.

“See, I just don’t know what to do. Catie had a litter three years ago, right?”

Dean and Dana nodded. Sam, on the other hand, didn’t remember but figured he was supposed to.

“My daughter, Angela, took the only female, Tallie. Tallie is a good dog, pretty energetic, but a good girl.” Carlotta paused. “Angela bred Tallie and there were five puppies. Four of them were angels. We placed them right away. And then there’s him.”

Carlotta looked like she was going to cry.

“He’s gorgeous, chocolate like Catie, but so bad. Like the devil’s in him. He chewed every piece of Angela’s furniture, all of her carpet. He’s bit everyone who came to look at him. Isn’t housebroken. Cries all night. No one will take him.”

The Winchesters all looked at her. Waiting to see how they fit into the picture. It was Dana who caught on first. “You want us to take him?”

Carlotta sighed, seemed relieved. “I woke up this morning and thought of you. Don’t know why but somehow I just thought…,” her words trailed off.

Dean stroked Catie’s belly, evoking a whimper of pure pleasure. “So, where’s this puppy terror?”

Carlotta jumped up. “Locked in a crate in the car. Will you look at him?”

Based on the expression on Dean’s face, Sam answered, “Bring him in.”

Dean didn’t need anything else to care for right now. Sam logically realized that. But, perhaps due to their current hyper-connectivity, Sam sensed a longing on Dean’s part. A piece of Dean had grieved since they gave Catie away and now Dean wanted the puppy. Of that, Sam was quite certain.

Carlotta scurried out of the room. They watched out of the front bay window as she opened the hatch to her car and reached into the crate. The puppy was little, only ten or twelve weeks old. He was squirming in Carlotta’s arms, trying to bite her hand, whining up a storm. She walked back up the path and through the front door. As she crossed the threshold, the puppy gave an almighty twist and escaped her clutch. He skittered across the floor, heading right for Dean. Took a wondrous leap for something so tiny and landed square in Dean’s lap, licked his face, before curling up in a contented ball.

“I’ll be damned,” Carlotta squeaked.

“I guess he stays,” Sam said, reaching over to stroke the little guy. “Ok with you Ari?” In reply, Aristotle just shifted a bit at Sam’s feet and sniffed. Sam interpreted it as Aristotlese for ‘You’re mine. The puppy can have him’.

Sam touched Dean’s shoulder and noticed his eyes were misty. Maybe it was just the light though.

“What do you call him?” Dana inquired.

“The Beast.” Carlotta laughed. “I swear to you, he has never sat still before unless he’s asleep.”

“What do we owe you for him?” Dean asked, rubbing the pup’s brown belly, much to its delight.

Carlotta waved her hands. “I’m willing to pay you to take him. How about this? I’ll go and buy you all the puppy essentials.”

Dean shook his head ‘No’ and lifted the pup up to his shoulder like a baby. The pup positioned itself to nap there. “I’ll get that stuff for him. No worries.”

“Rembrandt.” Dana said. “We should call him Rembrandt.”

“What kind of name is Rembrandt for an alpha male dog?” Dean asked her, tone distinctly displeased.

“You can call him Remmy, if you must,” she replied.

“Remmy as in Remington, like the gun?” Dean tossed at her.

Dana smirked, loving the inside joke. “No, Dad. Remmy as in Rembrandt, the painter.”

Sam smiled.

Dean and Dana bantering, music to his ears. That he remembered well.

Sam closed his eyes to nap, needed to dampen the cacophony in his head.

Things weren’t okay with him; he knew that. The nightmares alone were troubling and his lack of clarity made him feel senile. He was a little better every day though. The racket in his head was settling down; the indignity of being so violated was fading, bit by bit.

And now a puppy had been added to the Winchester clan. Remmy most definitely had found both the dad he wanted and the place he wanted to live. Dean was equally smitten with Remmy. Excitement was bouncing out of him and flooding the room. Sam absorbed as much of it as possible, Dean’s delight warmed him to the core.

Sam nodded off accompanied by little puppy snores from Remmy and Dean’s hand gently massaging his neck, assisting him to drift into a restful slumber.

fandom: supernatural, series: losing sam, character: dana, character: dean, character: sam, series: keeper

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