Hunter Becoming Hunted, Part 8 Supernatural, Keeper!Verse, R-ish

Jan 18, 2007 19:03

Fandom: Supernatural (Keeper!Verse)
Title: Hunter Becoming Hunted, Part 8 of ? ( Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven)
Characters/Pairing: Sam/Dean, Dana, John
Word Count: 2912
Rating: R-ish, for remembered abuse, sexual situations
Summary: Sam summons Asmodai and John, Dean and Dana race to try to save him.

A/Ns & Warnings: Part of the Keeper!Verse, recollections of childhood rape and abuse, demon possession...other fun stuff.

He didn’t waste time. Sam had the cab drop him at the front door of the house. He didn’t knock, he brushed aside the domestic help that tried to stop him. At the top of the stairs, Sam paused.

There were a lot of memories in this hallway. He turned toward the temple, the gun in his hand heavy. “Don’t.” Sam said, lifting the gun at the approaching men. “You don’t want to be a part of this.”

“You can’t be here.”

Sam turned to look at the man who spoke. “Trust me when I say I can.” He could feel the presence of demons gathering and pushed. “Don’t make me hurt you, because I will.”


Sam raised an eyebrow as a familiar face approached. “Well, I guess I should have known you’d be here.”

“Yes well, when you killed your father, someone had to fill his shoes.”

Sam smiled. “For the record, I didn’t kill him…and, he wasn’t my father.”

“None of that matters. You don’t belong here any more.”

“Not planning on staying, Brad. Just need to use the temple room for a few hours.”

“What is it you hope to accomplish, Sam? It isn’t as though you can use that knife. We all know you aren’t that pure of heart.”

Sam grinned. “Do we? Maybe not…but there are more ways to use a knife than the obvious.” He shifted the weight of his bag and took the remaining steps to the door of the temple.

He knew he didn’t dare leave them, not with the reinforcements they could summon. Already he could feel the Harriers and others approaching. Sam reached for the door. Brad stepped closer. Sam raised the gun in his hand. “I really didn’t want to kill you today.” He pulled the trigger, hitting Brad between the eyes and quickly turning to the other two. He pulled the door open and closed it quickly, reaching for the built in wards and raising them quickly. He had no doubt others would try to get in, and Dana and Dean had to be close…all the more reason to get started quickly.

He moved to the center of the room and emptied his supplies out onto the floor, pausing long enough to stick the knife into his belt. Maybe the stories told the truth, that only someone pure of heart could wield the blade, and maybe he wasn’t exactly qualified…but one way or another he was summoning Asmodai and ending his bid to get to Dana.

“He’s there.” Dana said, shifting uncomfortably in her seat. She could feel the memories of that room press in around her, felt how they were pulling at Sam’s attention. “Shit. Faster.”

“I can’t go any faster, Dana.” Dean said through clenched teeth. “The traffic is-“

“There-“ Dana pointed with one hand and Dean didn’t ask, just turned off the main road. “Left. Three streets up, and right.” Dana’s eyes were closed as she pulled her cell phone from her pocket. “Papa, stay put, we’re almost there. There are…too many to go in alone. Left Daddy.”

Dana slipped her feet back to the floor of the car, pushing them into her boots in preparation for getting out of the car. She could see the room clearly, even though she couldn’t get past the wall protecting Sam from her. He was determined, she could read that clearly. Okay.

She felt him stop and reach for her. Okay?

Dana rubbed against him, pressing herself against the wall, then backing off. I understand. Just let us back you up.

Sam’s response was surprised and cautious. No tricks?

Dana sighed. Too tired for tricks.

She could tell he was behind wards, and getting ready to raise even stronger ones. How close?

She looked up as Dean pulled the car to a stop beside Papa’s truck. We’re outside.

Sam seemed to stop what he was doing and turned his attention more fully on her. The wall didn’t come down, but it thinned considerably. There’s a back way. An image filled her head of how to find it and she sent her agreement. Have John watch from outside, bring your father. I may need him.

Dana sighed and reached for her father’s hand as they joined her Papa, then she took John’s. It was still forbidden, but still easier. She sent the gist of the conversation she’d just had with Sam and the image of the hidden stairway. Before either of them could stop her, she was checking the load on the gun she’d taken from the glove box and started onto the grounds.

“Hey.” Her father’s hand on her shoulder stopped her. “I’m still your father. Who says you get to take a gun?”

“You want me facing what we both know is in there without one?”

Dean looked like she’d hit him. “I don’t want you facing what’s in there at all.”

“Not an option. Sam is going to need us.” She started forward again, and Dean yanked her back.

“I’ll go first, smart ass. You stay between me and Papa.”

Dana rolled her eyes, but complied. She didn’t want to admit she was scared. She wasn’t sure she could be there, in that room, and not relieve everything that had ever happened to Sam there. She wasn’t sure of much of anything since she’d charged into Sam’s mind and bullied him…since she’d realized just how much he’d given of himself to be the man she had always known.

Sam tracked their progress while he finished setting up. He knew Dana would be able to get in the wards, even after he finished, but timing would be critical. If they got in before it was time, before he had Asmodai summoned…before he was solid enough…Sam closed his eyes and centered himself. There was no time for that line of thought. He had to concentrate on what he was doing.

The frame work for summoning was already laid, there in the marble floor of the room. He finished grinding the herbal ingredients and walked the circle, murmuring the Latin words that would raise wards between him and the demon, creating the vessel into which the demon would appear. Energy rippled through the air as he walked. It felt different this time, maybe because he was more sure of himself, maybe because his gifts were manifesting in ways they never did before. He could feel the pulsing beat of the wards, taste the stale sulfur on the air.

This wasn’t the same as the last time he’d knelt in this room and called a demon to him. Asmodai was a different class of demon, higher level even than those who had taken him from his family and tried to make Dana their home on this earth. This one wouldn’t come forth easily, except that it wanted what Sam had to offer.

Exhaling slowly, Sam knelt in front of the circle, lifting the black bladed ceremonial knife that he took from the altar. The Latin flowed through him and out of his mouth, resting softly on the air as he called out into the ether, intoning it’s name, even as he brought the blade down over his left palm. Bleeding into the bowl, Sam felt the wind kick up. Candles sputtered, but didn’t go out, and Sam switched the knife to his left hand, continuing his chanting as he drew a second bloody line, holding his hand over the bowl.

Dark smoke filled the air, coalescing into the circle and becoming a towering pillar of black that slowly took form, until it resembled a man, taller than Sam, with eyes blood red and horns coming out of black skin.

“I must admit, I’m surprised at you Samuel.” Asmodai paced within the confining circle, testing its strength. “Do you think you can keep me contained? Do you think you can kill me?”

Sam wound white bandages over his bleeding palms and got to his feet slowly. “I aim to deal, Asmodai.”

“You won’t give me what I want. What deal could you hope to strike?”

Sam smiled. “You agree to leave us alone, and I agree not to kill you.”

Asmodai smiled back at him. “You can not wield that blade, Samuel. Only the pure of heart can use that against me.”

“You willing to bet your existence on an unproven legend?” Sam pulled the knife from its sheath, blinking a little as light reflected off the metal.

“It won’t be long before those doors are opened and my children come in here to deal with you.”

“Then we better deal, because before they can get to me, I’ll have ended it. One way or another, Dana will be free.”

Asmodai chuckled as he paced. “You are no better at bluffing than you were 12 years ago Samuel. Do you remember what I told you then?”

Sam adjusted his grip on the blade. “I remember you couldn’t hold me then, and you won’t be able to now.”

Dana tugged on her father’s sleeve and pressed an image into his head. “Here.” He nodded and turned to the stairs. “Dad, you watch our backs.”

“I don’t like this Dean.”

“No, neither do I. But we need someone at our backs in case the whole thing goes south.”

“Dana shouldn’t go in there.”

They stopped as one, and Dean put a hand on her shoulder. “No, I agree…but I can’t get in without her.”

“It’s going to be fine, Papa.” Dana said with far more confidence than she felt. “Sam needs us.”

Moving up the stairs, Dana could already feel the wards. They were strong. Designed to keep outsiders out and the participants contained. She took her father’s hand as they neared the door. “Stay close. It’s going to be work to get inside.” She felt her way around the door, looking for traps. She didn’t find any, but was still cautious opening it. The room inside was dark, black curtains separating them from the main temple.

Here. She felt Sam respond, a brief acknowledgement, though his attention was on the other presence in the room. “It’s already here,” she whispered to her father. When?

Sam thinned the wall between them a little more and she could feel the knife in his hands as well as the presence of Asmodai. It laughed as it felt her too. “Maybe there is still a deal to be had, Samuel.” Asmodai said. “The girl is powerful.”

Her father was seething beside her. “Easy, Daddy. It’s trying to goad us.”

Come through. Sam sent to her, and she squeezed Dean’s hand.

The wards were nearly physical they were so strong, and the tingling along her arm as she made contact was unpleasant. These were different from the ones she was familiar with. She felt her way along them until she found the opening Sam had left her. Dana pulled her father close and pushed at the opening, feeling it slowly give way until she was able to pull herself and Dean through, then paused to close it behind them.

Sam was aware of Dana and Dean entering the room, of the energy stretching, then sliding closed, but he didn’t spare them much thought, his concentration on Asmodai, and keeping Asmodai’s attention on him.

“I always knew you’d come through for me one day, Samuel. You brought her to me…and look, she brought along your little playmate.”

Sam brushed his mind across Dean’s, grabbing his attention and drawing them both closer. Can’t keep him contained for long Sam sent to both Dana and Dean. Need to make a choice.

Dean’s eyes narrowed as he put one hand protectively over Dana’s shoulder and watched the trapped demon. What choice?

Dana’s eyes were wide and Sam could taste the fear radiating off of her, Dana?

She looked up at him and he saw the echo in her eyes. You have to shut it away. Like I did. He reached out, dropping the block between them and reeling a little as they flooded together as one again. Shit…Dean, take the knife.

Dean’s hand closed around the blade and Sam tried to focus on making Asmodai believe he still had the blade while he was shoving his memories behind a barrier, but Dana’s mind kept pulling them back out, and the strain was starting to be too much. Dana, stop fighting me.

“Trouble with your little prodigy, Samuel?”

Sam staggered a little under the pressure of the memories Dana was replaying. It didn’t help that he could feel Asmodai pushing his way out of the containment, and that a dozen Harriers were just waiting outside the doors for the wards to fall.

“I can make it all go away Dana.” Asmodai said. “You would be free from your Uncle and his unclean memories.”

“Don’t listen to him.” Dean said, his fingers tightening on her shoulder.

Dana, focus on me.

Her green eyes met Sam’s and she nodded tightly. We’re going to take a step back now. He moved them a few feet away and stopped them. Let me block them away.

Sam flicked his gaze to Asmodai, sparing a bit of his attention to strengthening the circle around him. Her eyes closed as he pushed almost forcibly against the flood of memory. “Dana, let me out and I’ll make it all go away. You won’t have to remember any of it.”

Dana took an involuntary step forward as Asmodai pulled at her, and Sam cursed, pulling her back. Focus. I can’t do it all for you.

There was a loud crashing sound and the temple doors gave way, two mammoth Harriers filling the space and pawing at the wards. It was going to be too much too fast. Sam looked up at Dean. I can’t kill him. That knife can… but you have to do it. I’ll keep him distracted.

Dana’s control was unraveling as the Harriers fought to get in and Sam tried to hold Asmodai long enough that he was manifesting physically. Trust me. Dana stiffened and Dean turned startled eyes as Sam pressed himself into Dana, pressing against controls that had her crumpling into his arms. As he lowered her to the ground, the wards came down, and Harriers poured into the room even as Asmodai stepped out of the circle, his hand instantly reaching for Sam.

Dean’s gun rang out, taking out the first of the Harriers, as Asmodai lifted Sam off his feet. Dean dropped the next Harrier, even as the curtains were ripped open and his father was shooting.

Dean. Sam yanked his attention away from the Harriers. The knife

Dean looked down at it, then up at Sam, whose face was turning purple. Now.

Sam was bleeding, though Dean couldn’t see from where. One of the Harriers was behind him, claws closing over Sam’s shoulders. He looked over the hulking black mass of the demon, but couldn’t tell if there was any place more vulnerable than any other and ultimately just aimed at where a heart would be if it were human, the knife slid into it like it wasn’t there, until it caught and stuck. Asmodai roared, and the room reverberated with his rage.

Dean was knocked backward as Asmodai dropped Sam and yanked the knife out of his side. He turned toward Dean, the blade hanging in his hand and dripping black. “You think you’re pure enough to kill me, boy? Brother-fucker?” Dean picked himself up shakily.

“You are bleeding, so I guess that means yes.” Dean said, leveling his gun at the Harrier still holding Sam. “Put him down and back the hell away.”

Asmodai screamed and threw the blade at Sam, but it only clattered to the ground at his feet. It twisted itself backward, and Dean could see the wound eating through him. “Sam?” The Harrier grinned at Dean and dug his claw into Sam’s ruined shoulder.


There were more coming, Dean could hear them. “Dad, get Dana.” He didn’t look back, just moved toward Sam, the gun held steady between them. “I said put him down.”

“Doesn’t it just kill you to know I had his hot little ass before you?” the Harrier asked, his voice remarkably similar to his father’s. “To know that for years I fucked him while you still believed he was dead? Maybe I’ll have another go at him…maybe I’ll save some for you.”

Dean didn’t blink as he pulled the trigger and hit the Harrier in the eye. It stumbled forward, dropping Sam before Dean emptied his gun into him. “Sam? Come on buddy, we gotta go.”

“Burn.” Sam murmured, as Dean helped him up. “Burn down.”

“Yeah, okay.” Dean staggered over to the altar, dumping candles and setting the altar cloth ablaze before tipping the table over and spilling flames over a fallen Harrier. Asmodai came at them, spewing black ink from his wound and Dean met him with a candle, smiling as he screamed and fell backward. Once there was enough fire to stop Sam’s chanting “Burn,” Dean pulled his brother toward the exit where Dana and their father had disappeared. “Come on, Sam….help me out.” Sam tried to get his feet under him, but wasn’t sure he was helpful.

He was vaguely aware that he was still losing blood, and that Dana was awake and wrapping herself around him…and then there was movement and car doors and the cold dark, and Dana’s voice telling him to hold on to her.

supernatural, hunted, keeper!verse

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