Losing Sam, Arc 3.11 (Final Chapter), Supernatural, Keeper Verse, NC-17

Jan 10, 2008 03:40

Fandom: Supernatural, Keeper!Verse
Title: Losing Sam, Arc 3.11 (All Keeper Verse Here, including Arcs 1 & 2)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 37,625 (total arc)
Pairings/Characters: Sam/Dean (long term established wincest), John, Dana (Dean's daughter) Missouri, OFC & OMC
Summary: Sam faces Bellius and decides what to do with him. Sam and Dean have another "nature experience"

A/Ns & Warnings: This story pics up after arc 2 as written by shotofjack. It would never have happened without her. From the original concept to her beta, this fic owes a good amount to her. Expect a chapter a day until it is finished. Posting early today in case this afternoon is insane as yesterday's was. Enjoy! And just like that, this is over. I hope you all have enjoyed...and never fear. There is more Keeper to come...eventually.

Dean groaned before he was fully awake. His body protested even the slightest movement. Morning light streamed in the window, but he knew they’d only been asleep a little while. Sam snored lightly in his ear, his body half over Dean and damn if he didn’t have a serious case of morning wood.

Dean was fairly certain his own cock wouldn’t be interested in sex again for at least twenty-four hours. Sam had been determined…and deliciously dirty. They hadn’t made it anywhere close to ten times, but Sam had beaten his personal best. The last time had been incredible, with Sam coming in Dean’s ass while his mind had filled Dean’s head with the sensations that it was Dean’s cock in Sam’s ass. They had collapsed and slept, and now Dean needed a seriously hot shower. There was come everywhere, on his chest, in his ass, coating his poor, abused cock.

He eased toward the edge of the bed, but just as he nearly got free of Sam’s arm, Sam moaned and pulled him across the bed and right back against him. “Dude, gotta pee.”

He wasn’t sure Sam was even awake. “My Dean,” he mumbled, tugging Dean still closer.

Yours, Sammy. Still gotta pee. Dean sent to him. Sam moaned again and rolled on his side, his eyes opening just a little.

Dean smiled at him, running a hand over his cheek. “Love you.”

Sam smiled sleepily. “Love you.”

Dean kissed him lightly and pulled away. “Still need to pee. Gonna shower, wanna join me?” Sam moaned and shook his head,

Sleep. Come back to bed.

Dean got his feet on the floor and leaned over to kiss Sam’s forehead. “You sleep. I’ll check on Dana and make breakfast.”

Sam groaned and reached for him, but was already half way back to sleep. Dean grinned as he headed for the bathroom, walking more than a little stiffly due to aching muscles and the dried up come in his ass. He’d never admit it, but maybe he was getting too old for marathon sex sessions.

He relieved himself and got in the shower, sighing in relief as the hot water flowed over him. He stood under the stream for a long time before he soaped up. It felt good. Damn good. In fact, aside from the aches Dean hadn’t felt this good since Yosemite.

He toweled off and pulled on sweats and a t-shirt and headed downstairs, not surprised to find Dana sucking on coffee with her nose buried in a text book, Aristotle asleep at her feet, Remmy in her lap. She looked up and smiled at him.


Dean kissed the top of her head, and reached for Remmy. “Morning. You got classes today?” Remmy evaded his hand and moved to lay with Aristotle. Dean frowned at him.

“Not until one.”



“I can do that. Missouri in the garage?” Dean reached for Remmy again, and this time he turned his little head away, pointedly not looking at Dean.

Dana shook her head. “Sent her home to get some sleep. Sam was right. She was exhausted.” She looked up at him. “Don’t worry, we shored up the field and knocked him out. He’s tucked in tight.”

“I hope there’s more of that coffee.”

“Fresh pot.” Dana held out a hand and Remmy came to her, tossing his head sassily. “I think he’s mad at you.”

Dean leaned over her shoulder. “Is that the problem? Mad because I kicked him out of our bed?” He scratched Remmy’s ears. “Would bacon make it up to you?”

Remmy licked his lips and let Dean pick him up.

“You do know he doesn’t actually understand you?” Dana asked.

“Nonsense. Remmy and me, we got a connection.”

“Whatever.” Dana turned her nose back to her book and Dean headed for the kitchen, determined to make Sam a breakfast fit for a king, and win back Remmy’s affection with some bacon.

Sam woke to the smell of coffee and bacon…and sex. The room was filled with the smell of sex. He opened his eyes and determined that it might have something to do with the mess they’d made of the sheets. There was almost no where that he wasn’t currently laying that wasn’t wet and sticky.

He grinned, remembering how it felt to sink into Dean the first time. He breathed in and reached for Dean, finding him in the kitchen and sliding mental hands over his chest. Morning babe.

Dean rubbed against him and Sam’s cock twitched. He was hard and wished Dean hadn’t left the bed. He could feel Dean’s chuckle. Insatiable.

Sam grinned and got himself up out of bed, figured a shower was in order. Ten minutes later he pulled on sweats and a t-shirt and headed downstairs.

“You two sharing a brain this morning?” Dana asked as he came down the stairs. She sent him an image of Dean in matching sweats and shirt and Sam grinned.


She put her book down and really looked at him. He could sense her scanning him for good measure. “You look good this morning Sam. Really good.” She grabbed her coffee cup off the table and stood up. “Want coffee?”

“Mmmm. Yes please.” His stomach rumbled, reminding him that they’d skipped dinner in favor of reunion sex.

“Dad’s almost got breakfast ready, why don’t you go sit down.”

Sam stretched and nodded, heading for the table. There was a solid wall between him and the garage. He could feel it. Dana’s attempt to give him some private time before he had to deal with Bellius.

He sat at the table and gave that some thought. An honest to goodness angel…or what most people would call an angel. He’d parsed through Dean’s research, and what Dana had given him of hers. She was hiding something from him though. There was more to the story…or there was more to what she knew…or something.

His thoughts were interrupted by Dana and his coffee, followed by Dean and more food than the three of them could possibly eat, Remmy tagging along behind them, a piece of bacon held in his mouth like a prize. Four of them, Sam amended as John emerged out of the spare bedroom and headed for the table.

“Morning.” John grinned as he snagged a piece of bacon over Dana’s shoulder.

“Morning Daddy.” Sam said, snagging his own piece of bacon. He felt Dean’s eyes and looked up. “What?”

“Daddy?” Dean asked, his expression amused.

Sam tossed the bacon at him. “Shut up.”

“I think it’s cute.” Dana said.

“You too.” Sam said, looking to his father who was chuckling.

“You two leave Sammy alone.” John said when he felt Sam’s eyes. “He’s been through a lot.”

“When you left he was John.” Dean said, sliding into his seat beside Sam.

“So, things changed.” Sam piled his plate with pancakes and reached for the butter.

“I guess so.” Dean kissed his cheek. I think it’s cute too…you’re cute…

Sam responded by reaching with the hand that wasn’t occupied with his cup of coffee to slide it up Dean’s leg, connecting with his cock. You know what I think is cute? That look right there.

Sam grinned as Dean fumbled for a response while Sam bombarded him with images of other things he thought were cute…including his naked ass with the butt plug bent over a rock in Yosemite. Dana sighed explosively.

“Would you two stop that!” She put her hands in front of her eyes. “Papa, make them stop.”

John chuckled. “You must be leaking out, because I have no idea what she’s talking about.”

Sam blushed and pulled his hand back. “Sorry honey.”

Beside him Dean blustered and tried to hide it by piling his plate with food. Sam laughed. It felt good to be home.

“So, tell me what you think, Missouri.” Sam said. It was just him and Dana and Missouri on the sun porch. Aristotle lifted her head and put it in Sam’s lap.

Missouri sighed. “I don’t know Sam. He’s powerful and he’s twisted up right bad.”

“He’s convinced you shouldn’t have your powers because of your past.” Dana said softly. “But he’s done some pretty nasty things himself. He’s completely convinced they’re the right things.”

Sam nodded. He’d learned that from Dana in the first blast of information. Dean had pleaded his case, even told Sam that Dana had stolen the book he needed to end it. Truth was, Sam wasn’t sure himself. He’d never really thought much about angels. Demons he understood. He sighed.

“I should go have a look myself.”

Dean didn’t want him too. Sam had convinced him to go to work with their father, telling him that he wouldn’t do anything without Dean there. And he wouldn’t. Looking wasn’t doing anything.

“You sure you’re ready for that?” Dana asked.

Sam shook his head. “Only one way to find out.” He stood, smoothing a hand down his jeans, then through his hair. It was longer than it had ever been, like Dean’s facial hair. At the retreat, Ally had taken to pulling it back in a rubber band while he was regressed. He wished idly for one now, and was surprised when Dana handed him an elastic band.

“You’re thinking loud.”

“Thanks.” He pulled his hair back and slipped the band on. “Okay, let’s go.”

Missouri led the way, with Dana following and Sam bring up the rear. Dana dropped the wall as she moved through it and Sam got a better sense of things. The barrier Dana and Missouri had constructed was strong. Behind Bellius stirred, then stood up.

Sam’s jaw clenched. He didn’t look like much in his human form. His eyes skipped over Missouri, sparkled a little when they found Dana…but when they came to Sam they filled with fury.

“You.” He threw himself at the barrier and it shook. “You’re dead. I left you dead.”

“Apparently not.” Sam said dryly.

“You were ripped to shreds.”

“Yes, I was.” Sam stepped closer, around Dana. “I got better.”

Bellius pushed at the barrier. “Not possible. Evil-doers can’t-“

“Stop.” Sam sent energy with the word, and Bellius was forced to step back. “You’re weak. And I have back up. You’re not getting a second chance.”

The human shell fell away and white-gold light filled the garage. “I am not weak, human.”

“My brother wants to kill you.” Sam held his hand out to Dana and she handed him the book. He held it up. “According to this, I can make you human. Or, I can send you to hell.”

“You can try.”

It was funny, looking in at the caged being Sam had expected to feel rage, hatred, the desire to kill. Instead he felt pity. He sighed and handed the book back to Dana.

“I’m not going to do either.”


He smiled at Dana. “I’ve got an idea.”

“You still angry?” Sam asked, his breath pluming on the cold air.

“Angry? I’m cold.” Dean responded, watching Sam over his shoulder.

Sam grinned. “I could fix that.”

“Better damn well fix something, Sammy.”

“I’m thinking I need to get the camera.” Sam leaned against the back of his SUV, appreciating the long lines of his brother against the tree.

They’d argued, but Sam had won. Bellius was safely secured with Inda and Ally to watch over him, in a form of stasis for now. Dana was finally able to concentrate on her school work completely. John was back at the garage, looking after the dogs until they got back. Missouri was on a long, well-deserved vacation in Barbados paid for with Sam’s AmEx card.

Dean and Sam were making their way home from transporting Bellius to Inda and Ally. Slowly. Right now, Sam had decided to deal with the lingering anger issues by stripping Dean naked, but for his boots, and tying him to a tree.

His white ass was nicely decorated with red hand prints. Sam had teased him right up to the point of orgasm and then walked away. “Thought you liked nature, Dean.” Sam teased, moving closer now.

“You’re a goddamn tease.”

Dean pulled at his wrists, the motion making his ass stick out. Sam moaned and slid even closer, his hands moving over the skin. Even the hand prints were cool now. Sam unzipped himself and Dean stiffened. “Want me to warm you up?”

“Want you to fuck me.” Dean growled.

“My, my, what a dirty mouth. Maybe I should clean it out first.” Sam pulled Dean’s head back, licking over his lips until Dean whimpered, opening his lips for Sam to lick into his mouth. Sam worked over every bit he could reach with the awkward angle. His hand moved between Dean’s ass cheeks, slipping into the hole he’d already slicked up with spit and lube. Dean had squirmed on the end of his tongue for almost a half an hour before Sam changed tactics and starting mouthing his balls.

“Sam.” Dean echoed the word over their connection. Sam, Sam, Sam.

He pressed forward, guiding his cock slowly into the heat of Dean’s hole. Dean stilled as he approached complete penetration, his head dropping back onto Sam’s shoulder. Sam wanted to make it last, to take his time, but the temperature was dropping as night approached. It was nearly the end of September, and there was the vague smell of rain in the air.

Dean’s body was cold to the touch. Sam snapped his hips forward and Dean moaned into his ear. Sam sent heat through the connection, felt Dean respond, his cock swelling even more. Sam moved so that he could drag a hand over Dean’s cock. “Loving nature now?” Sam whispered before licking the outer shell of Dean’s ear.

“Love you.” Dean whispered back, pushing against Sam’s cock. Dean shuddered against him as Sam pressed in and pulled on his cock at the same time, pounding into Dean’s prostate just as his thumb caught under the head where Dean was always super sensitive. “Fuck!”

Sam adjusted his stance so he could repeat the motion, then realized he didn’t need to. He reached inside Dean with a thought, pressing with insistence against the little bundle of nerves, increasing the pressure as he picked up the speed of his thrusting.

Dean was shaking, but not from cold, his mouth spewing an endless stream of words that made little sense beyond expressing the overwhelming sensation with his incoherence. pleaseyesmoreSammygodfuckholyshit pleasepleasepleasegodgodgodcan’tneedfuck

Sam pressed more, though he was nearly overwhelmed himself with keeping track of fucking and stroking and pressing, but it didn’t take much…Dean’s entire body shook as he came violently, spewing sticky hot mess over Sam’s hand and onto the tree trunk. Sam let go and shoved into Dean, coming himself as he held his hand up to Dean’s mouth and felt his tongue licking at the mess.

They were both panting, both sweating despite the cold, as Sam released Dean’s hands. Dean didn’t say anything as he went looking for his clothes. Sam had kind of flung them all over in his haste to get to skin. Unfortunately, he’d also ripped them up a bit in his haste to get to skin. Dean held up his jeans with two raised eyebrows.

Sam grinned, tucking himself back in. “Good thing I brought you a change of clothes. He opened the back of the SUV and pulled out a duffle bag, tossing it to Dean.

“Where’d my underwear go?”

Sam pointed up and Dean’s eyes followed his to where his underwear dangled, ripped beyond repair, from a branch a good ten feet up. Dean shook his head and dug in the duffle. “There aren’t any in here either.”

“Guess you’ll have to go commando then.” Sam said, laughing.

“Next stop it’s my turn.” Dean said, unlacing his boots to get his jeans on. “You owe me.”

“Your turn. Right.” Sam nodded seriously, watching Dean get zipped up and shove his feet back into his boots. “Aren’t you going to tie them?”

“Later. Want to get moving.” Dean got behind the wheel, taking the keys from Sam as he got into the passenger side. Dean pulled them out of the trees and down the dirt lane and onto the road.

Only a mile down the road, he wrenched the car off the road and onto a dirt lane.

“You’re still angry.” Sam said, turning to Dean who was grinning and shaking his head.

“Nope. My turn.”

“Dean, we’ll never get home at this rate.”

Dean held up a pair of handcuffs and grinned. “Two words Sammy. My. Turn.”


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