Ages, Dean - 28, Supernatural, PG

Jan 10, 2008 18:13

Fandom: Supernatural ( Ages Verse
Title: Ages, Dean - 28
Characters/Pairing: Dean, Sam, Daniel (Dean's son)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 658
Summary: For fallen_for_lost, a brief interlude between Ages, Dean 24.5 and the epilogue.

A/Ns & Warnings: Over here I did the time stamp meme thingy and fallen_for_lost asked for Ages verse, the day Dean decidedto settle down.

He was twenty-eight years old, and it felt more like eighty-two.

They were somewhere in South Dakota…or maybe it was North Dakota now…just the three of them. Dean and Sam and Daniel. Jenny was back in school, their father was…somewhere else. Last time he called he’d been in Georgia, but that was more than two weeks ago.

Sam looked spooked, but he wore the look so often that Dean wasn’t sure what to make of it. Daniel sat quietly beside his uncle, picking at his macaroni and cheese.

“What’s wrong, Daniel?” Dean asked, his voice feeling heavy.

“I like Daddy food.” He pouted and looked at Dean. “This is box food.”

“It’s not box food, Danny.” Sam said ruffling his hair. “It’s diner food.” Sam grinned at him and put his burger down. “But I agree, I like your daddy’s cooking a whole lot better.”

Dean sighed. “I’m sorry, buddy. Maybe our next place will have a kitchen and I can make you some scary-noodles.”

At four, Daniel looked so much like Kaitlyn, especially when he wrinkled his nose the way he did as he put more of the macaroni in his mouth. Dean felt Sam’s eyes and looked up. “I could be happy in a place like this.” Dean said, looking around them at the small diner. It was filled with mostly local clientele, a family in the corner booth, a couple of farmers at the counter, and the three of them. “Make better mac and cheese too.” He tried to smile, but it was fleeting.

“You know we can’t, Dean. Every time we try-“

I know.

Together, they’d tried to end the battle. They’d killed Javal, who had made them what they were, and they’d stripped two powerful beings of everything supernatural…but it hadn’t ended anything. Dean and Sam were still abominations, still the targets of both sides, one that wanted them dead, one that wanted to use them.

And for all his power, the one thing Dean couldn’t seem to do was take that power away. It was the only thing that would free them completely…unless…Dean looked out the window. They were out there. Always were. Sometimes one side, sometimes the other. Tonight it was both.

I’m done. The air outside shimmered, like a ripple passed through the universe with his words.

“Done with what?” Sam asked out loud.

Dean looked back at his brother. He was done running. Done hunting. Done fighting.

Sam exhaled and glanced out the window. “You think they’re going to just let us stop?”

Dean nodded slowly. “We’re stuck between them, Sam. I can’t change that. But I can stop.”

“Stop what Daddy?”

“Stop moving around so much Buddy. Would you like that?”

Daniel cocked his head and looked at his father. “No more diner food?”

Dean smiled. “Daddy-food every night.” A plan was forming. “We’ll find us a nice place to settle down, and I’ll make it work.”


Dean took a deep breath, feeling something like peace inside him for the first time in a long, long time. “I’m going to draw a line in the sand, Sammy. Stake out a spot and claim it and if they agree to leave me alone, I’ll agree not to kill anymore of them.”

Sam shook his head and pushed his plate away. “It won’t work.” Both of them looked out the window. There were more of them now. They were gathering, hovering…the winds whispered as they murmured to one another.

Dean could sense them, could taste their words. It would work. He could make it work, for him, for his son. They could have something normal. He was stuck in the middle. He was the balance between them. He wouldn’t call them good and evil anymore, not when the side that purported itself to be good had turned it’s back on them when they needed them most. But he could stand between them, create a space. Protect his family.


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